Politicians, by their very nature, are celebrities
It comes with the territory
Politicians, by their very nature, are celebrities
It comes with the territory
Right, did you miss the next sentence?
Which basically explains that.
You seem to be making an argument that he is in some way unique and that his status as celebrity is detrimental to his ability to govern
Neither supposition is true
No silly.
I was pointing out, that he has and had no other outside foundation of competence, outside of politics, and being a politician, and as a politician, he has a goofy track record.
Also, why you are you even opining about this.
You live an ocean away, in another country.
I grew up in the same area as Biden.
And in fact, I am very good friends,
with the banker that used to have to handle his frequent financial delinquency issues.
Biden has been a lifelong goofball.
And now, his brain seems to be melting from a neuro degeneration.
Which makes him go from goofball in his prime,
to someone in danger of getting lost, and confused in the near term.
Then why harp on about how he is merely a celebrity, when your actual point is he has limited life experience outside politics?
The two things are entirely different
I am surprised that you are not getting this.
First, he was a goofy B team player professional politician in his prime, without much other rigor to him.
He is now far from his prime.
And, he now seems to be suffering a neurodegenerative cognitive situation.
And yet he has attained the acme of world politics
I think your analysis is lacking credulity
An eminently controllable and easily confused person, was nominated, and elected to the Office of the President of the United States.
Who was prior a B team player.
President Obama did not endorse him, until every other candidate was off the table, that was not an accident.
Hence the analogy that Biden is bascially a Manchurian Candidate for and to the Democratic Party Leadership that put him in there.
All in all things kinda worked out for the best
Don’t you think?
Why would you assume that?
I would have preferred many other Democratic nominees to Biden.
I would have preferred many other Republican nominees to Biden.
I would have preferred Trump to Biden, although I would have preferred many other people, over Trump.
His sole ambition in life apparently was to be a politician…
Biden is losing his mind, and was never a high level thinker or doer anyway. Way worse than being a “Communist”.
When America shakes, the world shakes with us. You know this. Every other nation on Earth has a vested interest in our politics. Given that he is British and living in Ireland I would argue that his interest in our country is almost as material as that of a native son.
Britain is our sister nation. We are not one people but we are brothers under the same hegemony, at least until some treasonous piece of shit ruins that alliance.
If one of our nations should fall, I expect the other will fall immediately after. After the actions of the last degenerate treasonous piece of shit to hold the high office disgraceevand dishonored that alliance at every turn in what appears to have been an objectively observed attempt to weaken and ultimately destroy our alliance, I can understand why allied citizens might have a renewed and vested interest in the preservation of power in the only political party left that appears to hold faith to our alliance.
Doof may not see it that way, but I certainly do. It was clear to me then and I wouldn’t be surprised if that suspicion colors the commentary in the media that he is exposed to.
Russia and China recently encircled Japan in what appears to me to be a clear attempt to demonstrate what a regional military alliance with the United States may cost them in the future. Our alliances are more important than it has been since the Cold War, so to my reckoning foreign interest in our affairs is equally as important.
That is not what I am referring to.
I am referring to him giving any opinion about Biden’s character, past, nature, etc.
For which, he would have no personal frame of reference, and would have to be Google-Fu’ing it.
And you are smoking the crack rock.
Britain is Britain, the U.S. is the U.S.
The U.S. and Britain are allies.
But don’t get all romantic or culty about it.
Do you prefer his capitulation to Putin or his high regard for Tiki Nazis the best?
That is such a negative attitude
I would characterise it as “no preconceived bias”
On any metric you choose Biden is the better person and the better President compared to Trump
But that is a terribly low bar
You may put words into your mouth, but not in mine, nor anyone else’s.
When you attempt to violate that, you make yourself ridiculous.
In a flawed two Party system, one frequently has to pick the candidate, and the aggregate of their basket of proposed policies, one perceives as the lesser Evil.
Regarding your comments about who is the better person, you are again speaking from a distant position without direct and personal exposure to their respective histories.
For the bulk of Biden’s career, he was a racist, a segregationist, he is a primary reason why so many marijuana offenders were put in jail, and were given ridiculously long sentences.
I hate his stance on firearms.
And, I think his economic policies may both break the American economy, and send several other world economies in a tailspin.
Also, Biden seems to touch children, and also women, very inappropriately.
I do not think that he is a good person.
For equal press, I can’t stand Trump’s mouth, I disagreed with Trump’s stance on the Mexico wall completely, and Trump is a vulgarian without peer, whose only rivals as President that I can remember for saying stupid shit have been Biden, and Bush Jr.