Why the Martial Arts are a Haven For Sexual Predators

The little red book is all she has in reality.

The kid with the sword is Kevin “Chrono” Mills. Can I get a sticker?

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It’s the way she campaigns. She’s the DNC’s Marjorie T Greene.

I’m thoroughly disgusted by both of their shitty tactics.

One would hope, but ox and gored and all that.

I have my doubts as to if they actually put any stock into either of their espoused ideology or if policy matters one whit except what builds their brand.

I’m all for hearing any mean joke about AOC. They probably write themselves.

Well, yeah, but it was low hanging fruit.

What are her ideologies?

She is an extreme left idealist/progressive idealist. By extreme, I mean divorced from reality. Much like some of the stranger bits of Avante Guard fashion. It’s why she took such a beating from CNN on her “Green New Deal”. Looked great on paper, but was financially completely impractical.

Also totally cribbed from Canada. Not even one whit original.

Yet she got elected

IMO sheet reflects the views of the people of her generation

“Extreme Leftist” ideas are becoming center left and then mainstream as time goes by

Remember, ending segregation was considered loony left one apon a time

Compared across the world, US left isn’t that far left IMO.

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We’re doing our best to catch up.

The US left almost destroyed the country.

They are still working on it.

You might want to look into that. Any constituency that elects a person as massively unqualified as her deserves what it gets, regardless of which side of the political spectrum they fit.

They chilled a bit. Took out their own general because he was no good. So the war is winding down.

It’s getting heated on the right, man. The Confrontational Politics crowd is growing and flexing in red states. It’s a model anybody can follow.

Mainline conservatives are pushing back. It’s going to be interesting.

Like Trump?

What qualifications does one need to be a politician?

A degree in bullshit?

Like damned near every other politician ever elected?

My whataboutism beats your whataboutism.

Wait, this is a thread about sexual predators and martial arts.

Exaggeration for effect is a thing, too.