Why the Martial Arts are a Haven For Sexual Predators

No, no, no

Get it right

Like every politician on the other side that ever got elected

I stand corrected!

Nah. You misunderstand what happened. It was basically Antifa.

No, you don’t understand what’s going on. It’s WAY beyond January 6th and running out of battery power.

Populists love that shit. The further removed from reality a thing is, the easier it can be used for propaganda.

If there are numbers and facts attached to something, proponents get forced to support that thing through an increasingly narrow interpretation. But if it’s all smoke and mirrors they never get nailed down into one postion. It only becomes relevant when someone tries to implement it and it disastrously fails. Even then, that failure can be spun by more disinformation. Chairman Mao famously blamed finches, IIRC for famines, which of course caused a big famine because the finches don’t eat grain they eat pests. This was intentional. He wanted to starve the interior as insurance against an insurgency against his incompetent government. Stalin did similar things to the Ukrainians and Kazahks after WWII, not with birds but by strategically paralyzing logistics. Ukraine has some of the most fertile grain land in the world yet somehow they were one of the hardest communities hit by famine. Many returning soldiers were sent off to Siberia to serve as guards who only starved alongside the prisoners. Attempts to leave meant being shot, staying meant being starved.

If it’s vague enough they can make it sound as sinister or sacred as they want. Perfect propaganda and misinformation.

This is probably true. It’s mostly porn.


No, seriously. Your choice of a Throwdown fist sticker or a “No BS MMA” window cling. PM me your address and I’ll get one out sometime this week.

Anyone remember that time Irvin hired an internet detective to hunt down the witnesses? Peppridge Farms remembers.

Yeah, but it also has a dark side.