What Happened to Yeezy?

Stay tuned folks, there may be MAJOR Kanye West news coming out soon.

Tulsa, OK (ok?) ?

Bruh, it’s happened a fuck ton of times. There’s a reason why I didn’t bother to list them.

I was just supporting you, bruh…

Not arguing. Just saying that the instance of white ethnic mobbing are off the charts.

For sure, agreed.

We don’t have enough jews here for it really to be a thing. So i am more suprised than I should be.

We are more likely to hate on the french.

But they are french. So fuckem.

The thing is we know white people racist. That is our stereotype. But it will be an interesting dynamic to see how minorities handle racism from other minorities.

Because they can both claim the high ground due to oppression.

Statistically not as much as others tbqh. It is normal to have an in group preference, literally everyone but white liberals do.

Not more, not less, not in the larger bell curve sense.

White libs have a pronounced out group presence. The only demo that does.


Many demographics have self hating parts, and also abuse inviting parts, and also cult-y parts.

Not just “white libs”.

You gotta get with the messaging, man, come one, that’s the deal.

Not enough??

How much then?

Fuck you, and your whole Tuesday.

He can’t handle it.

Wash outs are all the same.

Takes one to know one.

Wow people just pick up like one section of what I say and fixate on that ignoring the main point of my post.

And jujitsu sucks.

You don’t have to take my word for it:

About two years ago, Engelhardt said he also noticed another major shift.
“Starting about 2016 … white liberals actually rate non-white groups more positively than they do whites,” explained Engelhardt. “Usually, it’s the opposite.”
Most racial groups feel more warmly about their own race than they do about other races. That’s true for every group, except white liberals, according to the American National Election Studies.

This is based off of data from their 2018 pilot study.

A study that took place in the UK.

Our research was the first to demonstrate that liberals endorsed harm and fairness significantly more than conservatives when they were framed about abstract-outgroups (Study 1) or specific-outgroups (a general British ingroup and Pakistani-immigrant outgroup within the United Kingdom; Studies 2 and 3). It also demonstrates that this effect is not dependent upon only groups important to each ideology or to only high status groups.

Now if you want to talk about why this might be happening I think that’s an interesting conversation. My take on it is more class based i.e. white self identified liberals tend to be more affluent and look down on lower class “white trash” and you can see the effects of this in our politics even now.

You need to calm down too

Garbage “research” for the most part.