Trump Shit Post Thread 2024

Diagnosed dementia perhaps a stretch cognitive decline due to old age obvious .

That is different to Trumps verbal diarrhoea which too is obvious .

You can debate which is worse for your country till you are blue in the face but it’s like arguing which std is better crabs or herpes when in reality you’ve both got AIDs.

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What a lay up…2 points.

You’re like Magic Johnson without the virus.

Round 1, part deux. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Donald Trump is 77 and says things like Nikki Haley was in charge of capitol security on January 6th. Just because he talks fast doesn’t mean the same doesn’t apply.

You can argue until you are blue in the face which is dogshit and which it cat shit or if they are both either or but you still have a pile of shit which is what you should all be focussing on or you will just keep getting served up shit.

“Creation of a Unified Reich”, in an official Trump campaign post on Truth Social.

These aren’t even dog whistles anymore they are full blown didgeridoos.


I’d take trump over biden any day, i don’t think biden knows he’s president. haha.

… and there are so many better options than just those two, but gun to the head, gotta choose trump. I can’t believe people are even considering biden as an option, i don’t think you guys will survive another term under him.

I would normally just blow this off as a glitch or shitty editing, even with my complete contempt for Trump, but he’s going around now making statements about “being a dictator” and wanting to get revenge on people from day one, which is outright fascist.

So the chance it’s a deliberate, somewhat-deniable dogwhistle/wink-nod is much higher.

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They blamed “a staffer”.

Nice to know the quality control is still there.

Remember Covfefe? When Trump tweets were a daily thing? At least now we only hear about Truth Social shit second hand.

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Incompetence is always a possibility though.

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That is my response to 95% of conspiracy theories involving politicians.

FTFY, in twelve-ish. In b4 Tolkein dad jokes.

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Ho, ho, ho.

It’s Friday somewhere .

And Donald Trump is now a felon.

Who else finds it ironic Congress got deadlocked on two impeachments, but a little New York jury finally got Don.

Wouldn’t be the first time.

Scorsese needs to make this movie now

He won’t shut up. Not even now.

This guy is supposed to a President but doesn’t get the space between conviction and sentencing?

What kind of mega idiot is this maroon?? Who the fuck in their right mind goes after the judge, after a jury decision…

This is America! Burn the witches with fire. He’s lucky we are a civilized nation. He belongs in a cell at least.

Stolen from the Bullshido FB group…

Oh well looks like your next president is going to be a felon :rofl:

Way to show those damn Ruskies and commies Merica!

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A lot of people seem confused that he can still run for federal office. The Founders didn’t think this would be an issue, they probably just assumed a guilty convict would not be walking free.

Now that he’s a felon there are actually a lot of things he can’t do. I know he has a CC permit, that’s gone. Can’t take out many types of bank loan. No longer qualified for many government services.

And there’s a decent chance he will be put on probation or home arrest, which will probably tank his campaign. Can’t run for President over Zoom.

And of course, he can still be found in contempt for anything he says between now and sentencing. Judge can raise or revoke bail at any time.

He’ll have to sell a lot of USA Bibles to make up for all that lost rally time.

What’s really nutty are the number of crazy right wing media talking heads who you can almost tell don’t really care about Trump, but know they can milk this for outrage ratings from reactionaries

My MAGA mother in law was literally getting drunk and screaming at the TV last night.

It’s such culty behavior.

“Soviet style justice”? Unreal. Putin is definitely laughing though, at Fox News.

From one of my former bosses. Marines always have a great perspective

AS if Trump couldn’t possibly jump another shark.

The level of cult signalling in this blipvert is off the scale.

This is the same guy who made fun of Captain John McCain being tortured by North Vietnamese communists. Now he’s selling mugshot merch, while dishonoring the veteran dead.
