Trump Shit Post Thread 2024

Supreme Court said States must include Trump on the ballots?

Does TDS burn or is it more of an itching situation?

TDS is not real.

How’s your liver doing?

So it looks like its Biden Trump again.

Well done USA you sure are showing the world how to do democracy.

Just so we are clear, regardless who wins whatever shit goes on in the world be it WW3 or AI taking over and killing us all its your fault like totally, not china not Russia its yours you are the ones at the top of the tree and you all have dropped the ball.

The more you point fingers and argue the toss with each other the more your enemies grow stronger and guys I wouldnt employ to run a bath let alone a country will lead the free world down the path of doo doo.


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It says a lot about the USA that at least half of registered voters not only love a bully, but would die for him. War Boy mentality.

Remember when we only elected cults of personality? Now we have a bona fide God Emperor 2.0 cult polling well, one that actually attacked Washington DC just a few years ago, trying to regain power.

Then again, Hillary was beating Trump in 2016, poll wise.

I have some faith left that not enough people will be willing to vote for Trump in 2024, statewide, especially since the USSC just shat on state’s rights. It really doesn’t matter which state does what, without people stamping their name next to his he won’t win, and millions will still vote for Biden just to stop him. I know I will.

Vermont went for Haley. I blame Phrost.

Key takeaway: thousands of Republicans are still voting for people who are no longer running.

Well there are half as many people in this entire state as there are in Austin alone, and you can vote in any primary you want here, but I can’t take credit for that.

She immediately dropped out afterward.

Also, Vermont has a Republican Governor, but he’s an open Never-Trumper and is generally loved. I saw him in person a couple months ago here in town. Vermont is weird.

The Berkshire/Green/White Mountains Vortex is a portal to the Warp. You have the ultra liberal Pioneer Valley to the south, east to New Hampshire is a pretty heavy conservative area, and Vermont is sort of a mix. Everything from ski hippies to pro-Trump militia.

One of my alma mater is Norwich, in Northfield, a cozy little burb which might as well be another Amherst.

Electorally though, none of the region went for Trump in either election.

You are living proof TDS is real.

Liver is fine, thanks for asking.

No, I’m in national security and Trump is a threat to my normally Republican but currently Democratic mindset.

Did you even watch the SOU tonight? Biden nailed it. Marjorie tried to pull a “Real Housewives” moment and he shut her down with a pin.

A fucking pin.

Ever been to Clark’s Summit, PA? The home of Michael Skarn? There’s an expressway there that was renamed in his honor (Biden’s). A few people complained. But they all got the Cov-Sars2 vaccine regime, so it was worth it.

That’s two nose. No need to respond. I am so deep up Trump’s ass, he sweats orange. That’s red and yellow.


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Dude can’t even speak properly and you’re saying he nailed it. Jesus.

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Biden has had a speech disorder since he was a child.

You know who has the same disorder? James Earl Jones. Get off their lawns.

Joe Biden is a Soul Assassin.

He’s got dementia on top of his speech impediment.

America is doomed, you have to choose whether to go out with a whimper or a bang.

He’s got none of the signs of dementia.

As an expert on dementia and dementia care, I have to ask you, did you even listen to his Howard Stern interview? What about the SOTU?

He nailed both. Joe Biden is sharper than a Steamtown iron rail, bub. You should hope to be that badass at his age. I can help you, I know all of Joes dark Gates-Infused Satanic magic.

America is doom.

lol anything is possible when you’re hopped up on meth.

I should know.

Also, Howard Stern’s softball interviewing lol @ you.

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Don’t forget, the POTUS’ health records and status are public record for a good reason. Dead Zone futuristic reasons.

Remember Reagan? He started to check out mentally while in office. So now, one of the nuclear safeguards is a regular health checkup of the guy with the codes.

Regurgitating the “Biden has dementia” conspiracy isn’t a good look dude; especially when the other guy thought George Washington attacked British airports in the 1780s.


I don’t usual wade into the political threads, but I’m always amused at the people that say every slip of the tongue means Biden has dementia that ignore Trump’s numerous outlandishly factually inaccurate statements.


Person man camera TV?

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Wabbit is an expert on everything. Evar. Period. Do not cross him. End of quote. Repeat the line.


Let’s talk about frontal lobe atrophy. You start. I have a CD-ROM on hand.

But before you begin, I feel the need to remind you of three things.

  • The Red Zone is for loading and unloading passengers only. There is no stopping in the White Zone.

  • The White Zone is for loading and unloading passengers only. There is no stopping in the Red Zone.

  • I gave at the office.

Or you know, this shit.

“OH DOM!”. It’s a Jersey thing.