Thoughts on the Boston Children's Hospital Incident


He literally is a hate, fear monger

He hates millions of people he has never met for crimes that only exist in empty head he never uses.

He just posted a bunch of links without context and critical thinking to try and persuade others to hate people they have never met as much he does.

What is the point of being nice to a bigot. They are failures as human beings.

People so miserable in their own lives they have lash out at the world around them rather than put in the work to make their own lives better.

It’s insufferable and Idgf anymore if they all crawl into a whole and never come out.

Go fuck yourself dumass.

@BrevardFighter , do you?

Or are you simply apathetic?

Or none of the above?

In any case, we could all use more Dolly Parton.

And @Lant3rn , I only lasted working two weeks in a burn unit.

Bath day did me in.

I guess I hit a nerve with the soyjak lmao.

You could say I hate them I guess, I would prefer if they no longer had access to the levers of power or were no longer the janissaries of those at the levers of power, class dependent. They definitely hate me, or more accurately my people. Very few of them know me personally and the ones who do don’t know what my politics are but we went to school together or worked together. It’s weird to me tbqh how angry he is that I don’t really like people who openly call for the literal death of my people and act to make it happen e.g. opiod/fentanyl crisis, military deployment to combat zones, “green” policies targeting AN fertilizer use etc.

They are not your people.

As much as you would like to identify with them. You have never met the vast majority. And they probably wouldn’t like you.

He said he wanted burn down schools.

He didn’t specify that they would be empty either.

They are my people. You may not like it, but they are. You would be very surprised what a blue collar working class tradesman will say about politics. If you blush at what I’ve written here you would be absolutely terrified to hear what some of them have to say about what direction we should go.


No, they are not your people. You don’t know them. You might have met other idiots you think are like you but the blue collar thing was just a coincidence. They don’t really like you either

You are a sad lonely person qualified only to mop a bathroom. And you probably couldn’t do that properly.

Internet points can’t be exchanged for currency and won’t find you meaningful people to share your life with. The other pathetic trolls you trade jokes with don’t actually care about you. They use you. Like most people you meet. If you wonder why your peers get ahead while you stay behind, the cause can be found by looking in a mirror.

You have led a sad meaningless life and lack the grit to make one worth living.

You have no authority, power or influence with anyone that actually matters. You are peon being led by the nose. No one has your back when the chips fall.

Go crawl back into your whole. No one will probably notice or care. Because you are not worth the effort.

But where do they say the procedures are carried out without the informed consent of patients or parents/guardians?

And still no clarification on your “teachers are turn kids trans” accusations

90% of child abuse is perpetrated by immediate family members

Kids are, statistically speaking, safer at school than home

Institutions often actively gather information about the vulnerable populations they are designed to police, but often actively cover up their own abuses.

This is true, whether we are talking about police, teachers, nursing home staff, priests, etc.

And the same patterns often occur.

Which means we expect to see asymmetrical data collection by institutions of their vulnerable population than data collection of potential abuse by the institutions.

Case in point, the U.S. Department of Justice was discovered to have failed to document the death of over a thousand inmates recently.

Those are the kinds of data collection gaps that are improbable to occur unless they were deliberate, and the inmate deaths were deliberately covered up, by the institutions.

And teachers, school employees, sports coaches, and priests / religious leaders, that are institutionally protected sex abusers, or other abusers, are often “open secrets” within those institutions.

all this projection

Charlie Day Reaction GIF

I didn’t write this either.

You’re also putting a quote here like you’re quoting something I wrote but you’re not. I provided a link. I’m sorry you haven’t figured out what incognito mode or similar on your browser does to get around paywalls.

So far you’ve failed to address what I’ve actually written and I can only assume it’s on purpose.

There are a number of Bullshido posters, and posters on the broader Internet, that have adopted the “put words in other people’s mouth” misinformation spreading technique.

Is it just the language they are using then that offends you?

Because that’s just the sausage making of the health care system you have

If patients are consenting what is it to you what procedures get done if you have the cash?

Would you object to a consenting patient having a horn grafted to their head?

It’s paraphrasing

Have i misunderstood your point, you aren’t saying teachers are turning children trans?

If the only evidence you care to post is inaccessible to the person you wish to convince failure is assured

Would you reiterate it because I thought I had

I absolutely agree with you. Why should anyone care about irreversible gender affirming surgeries, like double mastectomies, being performed on minors? That’s perfectly normal and heckin valid and in line with mainstream liberal ideals. Same with teachers socially transitioning children without the knowledge of parents or legal guardians. Surely there will be no fallout from this. There will never come a day when, for no reason at all, a former Army spy who joined a Nationalist movement gets elected chancellor… :wink:

So you’ve got nothing or you wouldn’t provaricate and deflect

Noted :unamused:

I absolutely agree that there’s nothing wrong with what’s happening and there will be zero backlash in the future.

It is basically illegal over here.

Not the trans stuff. But the drug company sponsorships. Which are a lot worse.

In the case of that video it wasn’t a pharma rep, that was an employee of the Vanderbilt hospital talking about how she convinced the hospital to start doing these “gender affirming” surgeries and drugs i.e. it requires long term follow up care that brings in a lot of money over time. In another video later in the thread and an archive of the hospital website they show that they are performing these surgeries on minors and that they have what amount to political commissars who accompany the patients to make sure none of the MDs reverse course or don’t recommend this “gender affirming care”. There’s another video where an administrator giving another presentation says that it will be “problematic” if they have any MDs recommending against these treatments.

It’s all there in their own words. And the reason they get up in arms about shining the spotlight on it isn’t because they think it’s shameful but because they know that regular people being shown photos and videos of “successful” top and bottom surgeries would be immediately stopping by the surplus store to pick up an SS uniform.