The Ukraine Thread - War Edition

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Props to Boris for visiting Kiev

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He had to do something he is in deep shit

ISTAR elements (various types of intelligence). No one can give an accurate head count to casualties but it can give a very good idea about materiel lost.

You keep alluding to a super-secret master plan, go on, what is it? Spill the beans. You must know something that military analysts don’t.

I’ve stated (not alluded to) my theory twice now, and will pass on the opportunity to post it for a third time

However, my predictions have been quite accurate thus far so perhaps I’m a latter day Sun Tzu or something


It all makes sense in the light of Party Gate

Not to mention Bilionaire chancellor found to have a US Green card and a wife who pays all her taxes in countries other than the UK .

Fortunately for Boris though the English public are idiots and the visit to Ukraine probably worked on enough of them that he won’t have to resign.

so the analysts see smoking vehicles on satellite imagery and deduce so many casualties from a destroyed tank, so many from a BRDM etc

One thing we know from reports on the ground is many of the vehicles being destroyed are obsolete models, in very poor repair.

We also had the stalled convoy of vehicles in the north

This is how it went down

The old vehicles are towed to a location a klik or two behind the RF front line

The troops engage Ukrainian forces and then withdraw beyond the decoy vehicles

Ukrainian troops destroy the decoy vehicles

Great celebrations are had

That was after that he helped separate Britain from the EU and supported Trump, who wanted to leave the NATO alliance after declaring Russia a friend, comrade, football and all.

Reminds me of a great Heinlein quote,

“Every time we killed a thousand Bugs at a cost of one M.I. it was a net victory for the Bugs”.


Sorry Joe, but I can’t be Rabbit. I live in a South American paradise, speak fluent papiamento, and I can see Venezuela from my house.

You know, not everyone who posts is Rabbit, but a lot of people try to copy his act.

Another personality, in the Rabbit brain.
Le sigh.

I would love to play poker with you.

Having read the site again the last few weeks, I’ve picked up on some of the latest trends.

98% of the members are gone (to where, MAP?? Facebook??).

Osiris is very angry.

Joe has developed aphasia, just like Bruce Willis, and can only communicate with crayon pictures.

Throwdowns no longer exist (Le sigh indeed).

You are the last of the BJJihadists. And you’ve nailed that down well

Everyone is now Rabbit.

Unfortunately, and I hate to disappoint good people, his last post was apparently the summer of 2021.

So for all we know, he could have died of COVID by now. Or even finally become a real boy.

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Seriously dude, ask the mods. I was born in DomRep, and work as a waiter in Aruba.

I don’t like communists, hence the Heinlein quote (which was about communists).

Do you read books?

Rabbit likes to pretend they do.

This place has gotten really…strange.

It’s weird to see people so obsessed with an ex poster.

Nobody did this for Gravediggers, The Question, or Sirc.

I’m starting to think half of you are actually Sirc alts. It would make so much sense to the greater BS community out there.

The mods can easily see I live in AW, SA, and am not masking my IP or anything.

But danki, pas, and ayo, guys. It’s been real but I only re-applied to help my old buddy The Villain out, and he’s just…lost.

Clearly some of you guys have serious paranoia issues, and Phrost never got that old community spirit back. Time to go make double florin for waxing American tourists all day. It’s putting me through college.

No, that’s not even remotely how ISTAR works. Your knowledge of current warfare and relevant strategy and is hardly YouTube worthy.

Your land-bridge theory; whilst is reasonable is old hat. You keep treating failed attempts at strategic goals like ruses even though they clearly aren’t. You then make some vague statements about what Putin might do next but never commit. It’s not that you’re massively wrong but you’re no lore correct that the next punter in the pub or comments section.