The Ukraine Thread - War Edition

So, enlighten me

Not to mention all the Russian money donated to him and his party

Did i not say the northern offensive would withdraw to the east once the south was secure?

Typical pattern for you too.

This truly made me smile:,go_fuck_yourself(stamp)


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Typical vague, meaningless statement from you also

We are in a rut it seems

I’m not in a rut at all. Not about Ukraine, anyway, LOL.

You only feel like that because you’ve been in the rut so long it’s normal

You have Helsinki syndrome

You are hilarious, man.

I know!

Or he’s just another mostly incompetent tinpot dictator taking what he can get because the West played softball with him for too long.

From Stalin to Khrushev none of those guys competent at any of the actual business of making war. The only thing they get a passable grade on is propaganda and undermining the truth, despite being really bad at lying. They are fully aware they dont have to be good at it because people lie to themselves all the time. All they needed to do was lie often enough, however poorly, and dumbshit cuckoos will believe them. Putin was out in the open from the beginning but plenty of “smart guys” in the West lied to themselves that he was content with gnawing the bones of the USSR.

They’re great at murder and having no conscience but giving them credit for anything other than that is just delusion. These are the same stupid fucking gangsters America faced in the Cold War and the only advantage they have is the number of credulous self deluding rubes that peaceful free nations allow to exist within their borders.

Aren’t all pathogens deadly? I mean, mf’er that’s literally in the name.

Pathos means that which causes suffering, or pity.

On the one hand, I used literally wrong, so on that hill I should be flogged to death. On the other hand, deadly is generally implied owing to the nature of the word. I can’t think of a single pathogen off hand that I want in my body or that cannot kill under the wrong circumstance.

Pathogens are viruses, bacterium and organisms that cause disease and I dare say I expect anyone that studies or deals with pathogens to study the ones that kill people directly and indirectly.

To hell with that OP article; agitprop anti-Western ream of backdoor Putin fellating garbage.

To hell with that bullshit and to hell with Vance. I doubt he believes a word of it but that far right apologiat claptrap is exactly the kind of shit that almost lost us WWII and almost guarantees WWIII if we sit on our hands while Putin reconstitutes the f’ing Eastern Bloc.

Where in history has it ever been a great idea to just let Russia or any runaway dictatorship just annex its neighbors whenever it wants to?

There is no staying out of it. There’s only waiting until its too late to protect yourself.

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If back when Putin began gathering troops near the border for “maneuvers” Nato had begun to mobilize sizeable forces for its own “maneuvers” in response, I think the whole invasion could have had a chance to be averted. Because once you start the offensive it is pretty difficult to get the cat back into the bag.


This is exactly what I thought too.

Problem at the moment is that would have taken the US and UK to do it and we both have cartoon characters leading our country at present .

This man’s a smoker and my age. Will to survive is a strong motivator.

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