The Quiverfull: The Christian Patriarchy Movement and Related Cults

I’m too jaded to believe that. I think Pompeo is planning to ride this ship straight into elected office. That or he’s bucking for a power broker position. He better be careful though. That old boy is playing with fire.

No, he’s very clearly planning to ride the Rapture into Heaven, while our sinning asses are devoured by the Demonic Horde.

I know you’re not the religious type, but he definitely is.


It’s not my ego I’m stroking Beaker. It’s our collective ego. As in Ego, the Living Planet.

How familiar are you with Emily Dickinson and her “poetic tradition of Christian devotion” and “kind of a Christian muse”? She had a lot to say about your subject.

This is my hero, not just because I read her poetry. We shared common homesteads in Amherst, MA. But much that once was, is almost lost, for few now live who remember it. Or give a shit.

Tell all the truth but tell it slant —
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth’s superb surprise
As Lightning to the Children eased
With explanation kind
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind —

If he does believe and he still chooses to empower an awful morally and spiritually fetid creature like Trump, being so close he can practically smell the brimstone so to speak, he’s got to be half mad with delusions of grandeur.

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Hey, smart guys: if we can settle down with the innuendo and apocryphal, and have a real conversation, that would be cool for the rest of the internet, um-kay?

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No, he’s willing to use anybody to get to his ultimate goal.

That’s how these things work. I think the GOP thought they could control Trump. NOPE


We are of one mind here.

This is my belief as well.

This from AP.

I’m not sure these commentators realize how deeply ingrained the Christian Nationalism “movement” into the fabric of Christianity.

When the head of the Southern Baptists is commenting like he does, you have to wonder how far up their asses their heads are. Or if it’s a cover operation.
"Christian author Jemar Tisby said via email that the elements of Christianity present at the riot signal that “violent nationalists have developed ways to deploy such religious symbols in service of their malevolent ends.”

This person is not in tune with what’s going on. Le sigh…


Just like every dictatorship from the past, corrupt powers don’t share power.

The whole reason they seized authority was to force all power into a channel controlled by them. People that think they can exploit the Mussolini’s and Stalin’s of the world by giving them power over the machine deserve their place in Idi Amin’s soup bowl.

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This is…disturbing. Especially the part about their finances. Miraculously, through not being in debt, he doesn’t have to work.

13 kids. I’ve got 2… the food bills alone…


It’s seeing stuff like that drove the faith right out of me. When someone lies and schemes so obviously and other church leaders get on board with it while saying things like ‘everyone else is going to hell’, it made me doubt the entire enterprise of faith early. That’s not entirely true though. I think what made me doubt it is how unlikely it all is but seeing faith healers up close really did it for me. All I could see after that was the graft.

You can wring a whole lot of labor out of teenage boys if you have a farm from which to do it.

You can sure grow a lot of peanuts and watermelon while raising a lot of hogs or cattle without a lot of cash that’s for sure.

Just feed the hogs the inventory that doesn’t sell and slop from what you don’t eat and get yourself a machine to shell and dry the nuts and then barter with nearby farmsteads with giant bags of peanuts (or hell any old thing with a long shelf life like potatoes or even cheese making through buying milk from the nearby dairy farms). You can make an awful lot of cheese without an awful lot of money. All you need is space and a prefab.

I can’t imagine feeding growing teenagers without hunting, fishing and farming to supplement. That must get spendy.

In the case of the article, it didn’t go into exactly he is affording that big family and has enough money to invest in real estate, including commercial.

I suspect he’s getting support because of his political views. Single issue guy, outlaw abortion.

That’s just great…


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This is what the Fundamentalist LDS does up in Canada, just across the border from me. Teenage boys (and younger) get worked like dogs, then turned out. The old men don’t like competition from them for the young women.

The boy children of the favored men do get to stick around, though.

That’s a whole 'nother kettle of fish, though. The leader and his head henchmen went to prison in Canada for shit they were doing involving underage women.

Oh, OK. I didn’t read the whole thing.

Real estate is what he does for money. Politics is his side grift. It’s funny how many evangelicals and SB pastors running for office out there who used to sell used cars and invest heavily in real estate. And who have a tendency to lean heavily on the prosperity doctrine.

Church attendance is a mine field of the worst kind of grifters. They hide in plain site and in my personal experience you can tell them by their jewelry, the parsonage and their car.

I remember meeting Jessie DuPlantis in the 80s (a loathesome grifter in the evangelical set). He was driving a European import if I recall correctly and was sure interested in talking to my pretty teenaged cousin about Jesus.

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I don’t want to out the girl I know that works for one of the big TBN grifters, but if she’s similar to the girl I remember from college, then I know exactly what she’s personally assisting him with.

He never did move into your outhouse (no euphemism) after all ?

So here we go, CNN is now onto this Xtian thing.

And again.

Poetry not prose. Or prose not Poetry?

I did some long night shifts with only ABC sunday theological show to keep me company.

Their quiz was almost impossible.

But i think their presenter was a theologian and he broke down the concepts of religion really well.