TaeKwonDo side kick made great again (MTKDGA)

Another thing on Keith Vitali…He struggled with the MA kicking early on, technically. Same for me…I had never moved my hips the way they want you to, and it took longer for me to reprogram myself to do it.

But the benefit we have who come from different, but dynamic, background is that this forces us to learn about weight shift and explosiveness… since our hips don’t roll over naturally.

I always had to move quickly and explosively as a white belt . My dynamic flexibility was good but not the static one. Now I have enough of the static one also, so it’s a win win.

Ok. So what are you doing with these natural gifts?

Wolves can indeed form bonds with humans, nice factoid.

And domesticated dogs do indeed pack up like wolves.

Malamutes are not the only dogs that pack up. AFAIK, they all do.

That doesn’t makes them wolves.

Anyway, why anybody would be worried about taking a rabbit away from a dog like that, no idea. If the rabbit wasn’t dead, it’s because the dog didn’t want to kill it.

It seems like @User89 may have a lot of regrets about not using his genetic gifts to anywhere near their potential.

Or at all, really.

That’s understandable. I’ve wasted a lot of my own talent in life, for sure, and gone in directions that were not most profitable in many senses.

But I also had some rather delusional thought and behaviors regarding my own athletic potential.

In Judo or otherwise.

I did not know that I had them. When you’re a kid growing up in the late 90s, early 2000s, and don’t have Youtube, social media, you’re clueless. I didn’t think I was good at anything. There was no book on averages; what they are supposed to do, what constitutes talent. It was a very strange existence.

When I kickboxed in the TKD club in my late 20s and turned the screws against a GOOD kickboxer, who backed down, I had a revelation. He claimed to be KB champion in Serbia.

Funnily enough, I always got the better of him when he was new in the club and I assumed he was an average joe.

I eventually got fed up with respecting him and went to knock him out, since he was being a douche every session. So I swung my legs. He had a tight guard, but I kicked it anyway and instead of moving away, he appeared to freeze out of chock how hard I could hit him. He took the kick on the glove and gave me a psycho stare. Didn’t even say anything. Kicked again and he again did not move or change his deer in the headlights expression.

At that my moment I realised that all this technique stuff is BUllshit. Fighting is mental. Now he was scared of me… And I was no longer scared of him…

Sometimes, with certain force multipliers, sheer aggression, some earths, and other advantages.
In other games, not at all.
But you never can tell.

It’s bullshit in full contact striking.

I can give a perfect example. Dennis Alexio. Ugly and bad technique. his record: 68 wins 1 loss.

Club guys have better form and technique than him.

Would you know?

Some club fighters who can’t get cards are unholy terrors.

I think trying to knock each other out constitutes full contact.

Yeah, but there are levels to everything.
And putting dummies to knock each other out,
does not meet the take stakes ante,
on many levels, and in many ways.

he was an experienced champion competitor who was acting like a dick in the club. Head hunting with kicks that can comatose you. His medal was juniors, but still Serbia…WAKO. No joke.

He didn’t land the head hunting but I felt the breeze. Mofo spun even.

I wanted to get home safely so I didn’t engage him, until that time I went to to kick his guard HARD and he shat in his pants.

Go to Confession, it’s free.
Or paint a picture.
Or go check in to a mental hospital.
But, do not waste my time.
As I have seen real people hurt,
earning money,
as athletes, and in circus.
You do not need to respond.
I understand puppet shows,
and guess your weight,
but you are not circus,
and if you are,
If you feed on your own,
you are fair game.

Didn’t last 20 seconds against stan the man.

Interesting angle you came up with there about “technique”.

Attitude is important, but it’s not all.

Technique is not bullshit, LOL.

Keep on trying, though.

What an unorganized mess school sports in Sweden must be.

Or wherever you really grew up.

There you go, LOL.

Can’t make this stuff up.

You only took what I wrote as if that accounts for all of fighting. Whether you win a fight or not is determined by many variables, but technique is rarely one of them. The more realistic the fighting is, the more evident it is.

I can help someone to improve the quality of his shots, but I can’t make him land them. That’s up to his genes including reflexes.

Improving technique can indirectly lead to success, but it rarely decides a fight. Moving more efficiently improves your chances of success. But the shot itself can be ugly as hell. Doesn’t matter. And yes even form (balance, flexibility) can be dog crap.

So in case anyone think I argue anything based on my clips…nope… Has nothing to do with it.

But fast twitch genes…yes this can cheat me lots of wins in striking. There is no way to get comfortable with someone who moves faster than you can react.

How far… That’s the interesting question

And you write that as a highly experienced fighter, right?

And you write that as a highly experienced coach, right?

And you write that due to the many, many, fights you have been in and won or lost, right?

No that’s where sparring comes in, you learn how to land shots (distancing, angles, timing) from sparring.

Technique is a huge factor in fighting. Not sure I understand how it could ever not play a part. It’s literally your toolset.

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