Surfing the Discourse Cesspool — The Worst Fringe Takes on Social Media

Islamophobic, are we?

Mostly, it’s the sanitation issues.

That and wanting to kill us all.

Seriously, Wake up.

Idaho is a fascist state in rhe making. In the minds of their lawmakers the most important agenda item is banning books and making it a crime to get kids medical help.

They can’t even grow decent potatoes anymore.

You’d be the first to go. You’re weak in the head.

Yeah, OK. The only people that argue that are martial arts guys and thats about money and finding a way to excuse their not being good at MA. My actual enemies are just like “Um. Shit, we’re getting smashsd.”

Unfortunately, these things are going to have to work through the system. We managed to defeat one crazy in our area, but the real super crazy one got in…

And you are not even commenting on the REAL crazy yet.

The other thing is, what you posted isn’t internet fringe, it’s reality, on the ground.

See my threads over in the BS section…

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Oh I am far beyond well aware of the significance of Kootenai County, the birthplace and ground zero of American Neo Nazi terrorism networks attempting to turn lovely Idaho into a fascist paradise. And how places like West Virginia, Tennessee, are right behind.

The truly sad thing is these people never went away, and they are actively steering the entire country to a future where no one is safe unless they are goose stepping morons who want to erase the nation’s true history of stepping on the necks of the oppressed, for a dollar.

I for one adore your potatoes. Didn’t mean to hate on your spuds, doe.

Meanwhile, clueless scientist types are, as usual, a decade behind the curve on what’s truly chewing this country’s culture up like ground turkey.

Social Fucking Media and its Robot Overlords.

If anyone didn’t see Elon Musk’s hostile takeover of Twitter as a sign of the Apocalypse, they probably also missed all the other wrath of god stuff like nationwide tornado swarms, viral pestilence, Texas freezing the fuck over, civil servants bring labeled enemies, and Trump running again even after two impeachments and 34 criminal charges.

What a world.

At least we agree on something.

I can’t imagine how such a force could be wielded to corrupt the most free and fair election of all time, or start and support war in Asia.

Yes, Kootenai County is crazy epicenter, not helped by the crazy fuckers who moved there from all over the country.

Kootenai county did, in fact, get rid of the NAZI compound, but via civil lawsuit means. Supposedly, the same or related group was looking to buy some property in the same area around Hayden.

The groups that opposed them the first time around have gotten a lot more active.

At the non-NAZI level, but, not really any less concerning, the Christian Reconstructionists have infilitrated a lot of the Republican Party in Kootenai County, with a good admixture of old-fashioned corruption for financial gain, as well.

Pushback is happening, though…

It’s gonna be a long-ish process. The forces of relative good are getting their shit together.

Here’s the thing. We should unironically go to war YESTERDAY. You should stop what you’re doing now, hop on chatgpt, and uses a retarded powerful AI to reshape shit.


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I lost IQ points reading that.

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I masturbated as a form of open rebellion.

Everyone should, at least 3 times a day, or you’ll lose your sanity like you witnessed the Dunwich Horror.

I recognize how difficult it must be to be a full time troll, and not contribute anything of value. Hopefully it takes a bit out of your soul, and that you will regret it, down the road.

If I’m a so called “full time troll” why did it take me 3 days to respond?

RUD motehfucker.

Maybe you’re full-time somewhere else but just PRN here.

How much fake science do you even do?