Surfing the Discourse Cesspool — The Worst Fringe Takes on Social Media

Is this what bullshido does now? Just picks the answer that sounds correct based on no research or sources?

My criticism.

Mouse models don’t always translate over to people.
They do not state in the study where they got the human urine from that I can find. They also state that it was mixed with saline to varying degrees.

Urine expressed from your body naturally is not sterile. But I’m guessing what they used was sterilized.

But the compared treatment their is iodine. Which you should not be using on anything more than superficial cuts and scrapes.

Not recommended for “burns of any kind”

Also there is probably some bias in their since the authors explain that is a traditional topical treatment from India. Authors are working at Indian universities and they also don’t disclose who paid for this research. Nor it’s limitations.

But it is something being seriously considered. So was dudes idea really so bad? No. Phrost just hasn’t heard of this and thinks being ignorant makes the other guy stupid.

If he wants to go around on the beach smelling like urine that’s his business. But I wouldn’t take his advice.

I’m not saying its socially acceptable advice in America, but it may be sound science.

If you are going by his description. It is not sound advice or science.

But not nearly as bad as one might imagine. Its like the trump and bleach thing. Now, does bleach cure coronavirus? No. IS IT STANDARD TREATMENT FOR INFECTIONS IN THE BLOODSTREAM? Yes, yes it is. And the people laughing at Trump don’t know that. They’re thinking “Who would put bleach into the blood? Thats gonna kill you.”, not thinking about the finer details that cause that not to work.

Also similar to the whole zpac issue. It was actually the first recommended treatment, not some ludicrous thing trump made up.

You mean not everyone already does it ?

Do you not care for the proper specifics and instructions?

That isn’t what people are referring to though. They’re also taking a generalized view and would be surprised to learn that bleach is used for infections. Think about it, unless you train BJJ or something, its uncommon. Those people were correct, but not because of any specialized knowledge.

Osiris, bleach is not used to treat infections.

Bleach is a very non specific term. And generally refers to chemicals that clean clothing. There are three different chemicals I can think of that someone might be referring to when I hear the word bleach.

Yes, bleach is injected into the blood stream to treat infections.

All collar chokes are loop chokes I guess.

Nope. Thats not correct. I’m not saying that it kills corona. It kills staph thats gotten out of control. This situation is like if someone did a collar choke that wasnt a loop choke, but called it a loop choke. “FUCKING LOL, WTF IS A LOOP CHOKE?” is a telling response.

Osiris, please don’t ever inject or consume bleach.

Its not a home treatment genius. When MRSA gets out of control and enters the blood stream, the hospitals set up an IV bag with a low concentration of bleach in it to kill the antibiotic resistant bacteria. I grappled for decades. Its a thing.

Well you can put a drop or two per gallon of water to try and make it potable…

That’s not bleach. Medical treatments require specificity.

When communicating with patients, I’m pretty sure they just call it bleach.