Surfing the Discourse Cesspool — The Worst Fringe Takes on Social Media

I hope they’re not that smart. That would be all bad for the rest of us.

It will take China a while to build up their invasion fleet and transfer manpower.

It won’t be a surprise.

Pictograms would be more accurate, but you’re fixating on a tree while I’m talking about a forest.

Here, as an exercise, think about everything one needs to understand this meme, contrasted by how succinctly it expresses the subject matter to someone who has all that cultural fluency:

To be clear, memes aren’t the central method of attack for what Bullshido is doing, but they get more eyeballs than in-depth articles or long-form content.

That I can believe.

Not really…

That makes no sense to me at all, but, then, I’m not your target audience.

Frankly, @Phrost , I see most of the memes you put out as some sort of intellectual flex on your part, obscure, and based on opinion rather than fact.

Not really any critical thinking being stimulated.

And I don’t know the answer, either.

The educational system is the key, and that is why it’s such a big part of the cultural conflict going on now in the USA.

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The educational system is, and will always be a battleground, and as a black guy playing Thomas Jefferson in a musical written by a Puerto Rican once said, “if there’s a fire, you can’t put it out from inside of the house.”.

The best forms of education these days are outside the system, but so is most of the noise and misinformation. The best approach, in my experience and estimation, is to increase the number of people resistant to that. There are no perfect solutions here, but there are ways to improve things.

What do you believe to be the best forms of education, then?

Teaching young people how to think, and think critically. This has always run afoul of religion, which requires a population of people who do not. Hence why we still to this day have to battle against things like Creationism in biology classes, and pseudobiblical bullshit which erases any complexity in human sexual variation at the level of chromosomes.

Modern public schools DO teach (or attempt to teach) kids how to think. How do I know ? I watched my kids go through 12 years of public schooling.

Not saying there is not room for improvement, though.

And some of the greatest thinkers ever were “religious”, including scientists.

Political factions that are not religious in the “believe in sky god” category, use the methods of religion to indoctrinate as well, and discourage critical thinking.

They were religious because it was either that or live in the forest on squirrels and leeks.

Yeah, that makes total sense.

They burned Bruno alive for just contradicting church doctrine man, even though he was right. Galileo spent time in a dungeon.

People were religious because there were consequences otherwise. The Enlightenment changed that, but there’s pushback even now. Can you be President as an atheist?

You really mix up a lot of historical stuff, and seem to be assuming scientists/natuarl philosophers, et al, were not truly religious, in the sky god sense, during the enlightenment.

I mean, maybe you’ve “done your research”.

And yeah, I know about Galileo, etc.

To be clear, I’m not defending the modern Christian Reconstructionis/Quiverfull/Theonomy/Theocratic movements. That should be clear from what I’ve posted over in the ‘serious’ part of the Forums.

Painting all religion with a broad brush as anti-intellectual is a mistake, though, if that is what you are doing.

internet atheist cringe checklist filling up


Many scientists and mathematicians, past and present, including some of the most impactful ones, were devoutly religious.


An Atheist

If you could somehow plot that on a graph, it’d be wild how well the decline of religion’s power to punish for apostasy or heresy tracked the increase in out-of-the-closet atheists. Funny.

I avoid going to at least 13 mainstream Muslim countries for a reason.

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