Surfing the Discourse Cesspool — The Worst Fringe Takes on Social Media

Also, Gonzo is privy to facts that yall dont know about. Hes not really muddying the waters. He has some clarity to offer. Like he knows whether my post pandemic arch is real or not. Which seems to be a good bit of the confusion.

I know Osiris fed the homeless.
I know he got caught outside in the Boston winter.
I also know he was a fighter,
and wrote some serious exposes, in a certain style.
The kid who died from exposure in Alaska got a movie.
The characters in La Boheme got an Opera.
Hunter S. Thompson got at least three movies, and got his ashes shot up in space.
I don’t think Osiris needs a blood letting barber, aka a mental wellness checkapist, to tie him to a bed, so other people feel better, that he is not their problem.
I think he probably needs an editor, and an agent.
And a better distribution platform, with all apologies.
That is well monetized.

But, for Giggles, let’s talk about Phrost, and his methods, and results a little bit.

Because I care.

Phrost’s methods mirror the Russian Internet Research Agency’s method’s exactly, with one exception, which I will explain down the post.

But the style of Phrost’s posts mirror the Russian Internet Research Agency to a tee.

The Russian’s use stupid memes, to polarize, divide, and make the U.S. citizenry stupider, and of course Phrost uses stupid memes, and makes polarizing, and divisive posts in a similar style.

The Russian agency uses outraged statements about the “other side”, and that is Phrost’s daily method of operation.

The Russian’s agency’s goal is the polarization of the United States of American, and the reduction of critical thinking, of U.S. citizens, and Phrost seems to be achieving that very well, by imitating the Russian’s group’s methods (or they, imitating his methods, just not for one side).

Phrost has achieved that very well, as is well demonstrated by the Facebook Bullshido Group Page, by the numerous dummies that imitate Phrost not poorly, but too well.

They don’t own Bullshido, so they seem pale, but the same stupid fallacies, brain wash bullshit, and punch a nazi is there, without any semblance of critical thinking.

Then there is Phrost’s other mini me, when somebody threw water on Phrost, and this gremlin came into being, Ink, on the Discord channel, with seeming full Bullshido trademark approval.

All of these half brain dead imitators, of Phrost, that he has “honey potted in”, to the various feeder channels for the dead forums.

The “honey pot” argument is an attempt to take all accountability away from Phrost, and Bullshido, for any consequences of these communications.

But also makes his sycophants, and apologists, sound like idiots.

Phrost is of course, only coincidentally a White Supremacist, because he is white, and that gives him his own masturbatory self, the only self that matters, or could ever matter to him, to rail against, which is him.

Meaning, he is only a white narcissist, and therefore a white supremacist, by accident, because he is a narcissist, who happens to be white, and therefore, what other choice could there be, but to be a white narcissist, and therefore a white supremacist.

Hence all the “fragile masculinity” post attempts by Phrost, because and don’t forget, he is the guy who shaves his face with an axe, during his own podcasts, and feels compelled to make fun of himself, and those who look like his own mirror, that he sees, but does not like.

Now, Phrost and Bullshido being and considering yourself and itself Internet Fringe, I don’t imagine, this is off topic, to this thread, is it?

Well, that was fun.

Let’s see, what happens, on this “free speech” platform, about a post about someone who considers themself, an Internet zeitgeist artifact.

And see how they handle their business, if they have clear conflicts of interests, or not.

I don’t expect much maturity.

That way I cannot be disappointed.

On the other hand, I am compelled to disclose, that Phrost did donate stem cells for the benefit of leukemia patients who die a very painful, and often slow, painful death without them with a 1 in 20,000 chance of a match, without which, they die.

And that procedure that Phrost underwent, was not only uncomfortable, but also painful.

So I am grateful for that, regarding Phrost.

And that means, that there is a reasonable chance, that Phrost is not a total cunt, but merely a complicated one.

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Also, @Osiris for Gigs, the chances of a black leukemia patient not having a match, is much higher than 1 in 20,000, without which they usually die.

If you would like to under go a painful procedure, in your spare time, that may save some one’s life,

in some cases a child, in some cases an adult,

I can promise you that their death will be slow, painful, and beyond words,

If they have no stem cell match.

Black is beautiful, after all.

And we hate to throw away the life of a perfectly good black child or adult (insert your favorite racist jokes here), if we can save it.

Neither I, nor Phrost, can save those black children (of any age), but you have a chance to.

And it won’t cause you any permanent injury, it just hurts for a short while.

Fuck reading all that. Who needs help again and how?

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Gonzo has repeatedly supported you in private messaging. I am sure he hasn’t revealed anything you didn’t want him to because he respects people’s privacy.

I have told him things in confidence that never got out.


Aside from snortchuckling at all that, you’ve got the cart so far in front of the horse that you’re not even able to see what’s inside it.

The IRA uses those tactics because they work.

Let me point you to my current profile banner across several social media sites if you’re confused (you are):

I understand that.

But, the tools of your enemy are designed to make the U.S. (or other targeted populations) misled, and at each other’s throats.

Here the U.S. sits, with an already very divided population, the closest it has been to Civil War in my lifetime.

This is exactly what China wants.

And our supply chain is fucked up, and getting more fucked up with each passing day.

China is having a field day with both Russia and the U.S. being in weakened states, both with fucked up supply chains, and heavily divided populaces.

I will be shocked if China is not planning to start annexing areas of interest to them, or making power plays, taking advantage of those vulnerabilities in what were the other military super powers.

I don’t think you understand what I mean by tools if that’s what you are coming up with. A hammer is a hammer, it works because of physics. A meme is a meme, it works because of language and shared cultural concepts.

Fair enough.

A lot of my new university students initially claim they get their “news” from Facebook.

You can imagine what my reaction is to that.

Lots of different kinds of hammers.

And there are lots of different ways to exploit people’s innate and hardwired evolutionary baggage to manipulate them into acting against their own best interests, in the best interests of their society.

The only vaccine for that sort of thing, is education. And here we are.

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I agree with the first paragraph, and in fact, was discussing that, sort of, in another group.

Education. Well, yes.

Where in your opinion, do memes fit into better educating people.

The same place they fit into any other form of communication.

Memes use shared cultural understandings to impart sometimes complex information in a simple format that even dumbest person can get. They are modern hieroglyphics on steroids.

Like a hammer, they are used because they work.

If you guys want to get into the nitty-gritty of how all this works, we should take this into the contributors form.

I don’t think that memes impart anything complex at all, really. Especially if they are one of those devices to trigger built in evolutionary responses to danger or a threat, non-existent or otherwise.

Your hieroglyphics analogy is a bad one, seriously. Not even close, as far as I understand hieroglyphics.

If theyre smart theyll invade taiwan while russia is still busy in ukraine.