Surfing the Discourse Cesspool — The Worst Fringe Takes on Social Media

I would reply to this, but I can’t say the N word.

Sure you can, its easy.

But seriously, this sort of racism would actually get you banned in the majority of white supremacist circles. To quote the local nazis, “How bad do you have to be that the blacks are over here?” Y’all are currently more racist than NSC-131, our regions most notorious and violent nazi club. And they left another hate group for not being racist enough.

Alright y’all. I’m gonna call it a day and unironically go do some white supremacy. :ok_hand: They treat their black members fairly. Y’all let todays message marinate a bit. Really think on that. Aqaumei y’all. Uhuru. Stay woke.

Must have been really bad!

What in the fuck are you talking about? You often make little sense, but this is whole cloth fantasy nonsense. Phrost is many things, but a white supremacist is not one of them.

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I know you’ve been through serious trauma. I know you have been seriously wronged by more than one community, but I’m worried about you.

I don’t think being here is good for your mental health.

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What did I say that wasnt true there?

I get that his intent and self image may differ, but look at how he’s handled the matter. He failed to stop martial arts fraud which he insists on claiming he did. This also carries over into actual expectations for business practices. JP Sears > Carlos, but we have to stop Spears? Huh?

He is definitely not awake and responsive to the concerns of black people. Not woke. So yeah, when he makes these claims he gets called out.

Um, thats EXACTLY what happened my guy. How would you describe what was done?

I just agreed with you about your trauma, so why do I need to characterize your experiences? I am in no position to classify anything about you. I don’t walk in your shoes.

That said, you reference a network or organization that numbers over a thousand people. That is a very large claim. One that no one, as far as I can read, has called you on.

I can’t tell if you’re trolling, delusionally serious or how much reality your posts actually contain. You do post some pretty absurd stuff.

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I made allusions to a number of organizations. Which one specifically do you mean and which claim are you referring to?

Now, as for how real my posts are, they’re very real and not delusionally so. What you are seeing thats throwing you off is a complete disregard for narrative which is rare. I just stick to the facts.

And I dont make up interesting shit to talk about. I go and do interesting shit and then talk about it. Like kung fu fights at the masonic temple.

A gaslight?


As if being here would be any kind of threat to his mental health.

Let’s be honest: Osiris being here is often an annoyance for the mods and the staff.

He says shit that people often say you shouldn’t say.

Which is it’s own way of pointing out social narrative bullshit.

Osiris says it in a way that probably makes the white supremacists liberals, progressives, and conservatives all grate their teeth.

And to be blunt, Osiris and I speak differently, and listen to different music.

But, I am not going to say, in my best white guy or Carlton accent:

“You know Osiris, you really shouldn’t talk like that,
because society, meaning this society,
with a lot of white guy rules, and traditions about speech,
about how one should or can speak,
well your style of prose just makes that society nervous,
and it would make them meaning us all feel a lot better,
if we could just say, that it is your best interest for your mental health, that’s the problem,
if you say things differently than we do, or in ways that make us nervous.”

(Quick everyone, hide the white women!
There’s a black guy on the forums being edgy, like a black Hunter S. Thompson.
But, it was OK when Hunter did it, because…)

Two things. When I spoke normally, people said I was crazy for saying that Carlos stole. So i got the same reactions.

Second, in this case its more than fair to call phrost out for his false claims. Now, to be fair, he probably doesnt know his claims are false. THAT DOESNT CHANGE THE TRUTH THOUGH. So even when the truth doesn’t match the narrative, Ill speak it. He also SHOULD know that his claim is untrue as the screen shots of vinny talking reckless were the first thing released. Letting the community gaslight their way out was, well, BULLSHIT.

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Kindly shut the fuck up.

I specifically mentioned that I did not doubt @Osiris’ experiences in an effort to avoid being dismissive. That’s fine if you cant see that, but I don’t need you muddying the waters.

I never doubted you in that regard.

It is one thing to call someone out for their false claims. It is another to repeatedly accuse them of being a white supremacist. You said silence is consent oh his part, but when has Phrost ever been silent about anything? He’s also decidedly progressive.

Is he misguided a bit at times? Sure, but that doesn’t mean he’s a racist asshole.

You might have noticed that the entire staff tries to stay out of your way. Even if we don’t always agree, no one here wants to deplatform you.

In my opinion, we did let you down. I am sorry we did that.

I realize that doesn’t help you.


This is not completely true. I did doubt you initially come to think of it. You changed my mind with the details you subsequently provided.

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You did say kindly, and I so want to honor that courtesy.

Being Progressive has nothing to do with not being a white supremacist.

I will make a doubly decided effort to shut up now.

And had resolved to, and would have, except for the progressive comment.

With personal apologies, and personal sympathies, for good intentions, and your person.

As aside from the Progressive comment, I would have, and wanted to hit like to that post, for its content, for the most part.

Not as an affirmation of Phrost, or otherwise, as I don’t know him well enough to say either way, but what you were otherwise trying to say, in general.

I said “silence is violence”. I dont want the staff to stay out of my way. I want the staff to officially platform me, just once, LIKE WE AGREED ON. You may not have been party to this, but 2013 we were supposed to go get all the frauds. So when faced with Carlos, I turned to Phrost AS WE AGREED ON. And yet, here we are.

As for the white supremacy issue, I understand that a lot of people don’t realize when they’re being racists. I get that Phrost has a combination of ignorance and righteous indignation going on. However, I feel that he sees me as and would tell others that I am a variety of nigger stereotypes that I am not. And its offensive. And directly harmful.

I argue with white supremacists all the time. Like, card carrying, certified white supremacists. I actually get better treatment there. They take me at face value and even learn from me when I have something to teach. On the other hand here are some quotes from the martial arts community:

"Your life doesn’t matter.

If I see you I will attack you.

I love that he will remember this forever and it will eat away at his brain like a cancer.

All we have is social pressure and we have come to sever the ties that bond.

I dont care if they chopped your grandmother up.

Your girlfriend is a pug faced bitch."

So, yeah… this bullshit is MUCH more disruptive and harmful to me than to anyone. Your thread got derailed? My LIFE got derailed.

And it IS white supremacy. As white men, you may not understand that, but we do. Woke means “Aware and responsive to issues that impact black people.” Phrost describes himself as such, but as a black man, this shit is actually our worst nightmare in a work environment.

To be fair though, white supremacists really do treat me fucking great. Love em. Even when we argue, they’d never let words like the ones I quoted leave their lips.

The claim of stopping martial arts fraud is also ridiculous. Stopped caring is not the same as stopped it. As a fraud victim I should be able to point that out. That can, at least his part, be rectified and should be rectified before that claim goes unchallenged, simply because its not currently true. Bullshido ethic.

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Well said.

That being said, I am not going to apologize for my racism or sexism.

Neither will I deny it.

Some times it is useful.


But, I will feed and love my fellow humans, when they let me, regardless of race or sex, if I have extra, and if they are hungry, and don’t try to make me prey.

And I am certainly going to hire the best person, regardless of their race or sex, when I am spending money.

Otherwise, what I cannot avoid, I confront.

Just like everybody else, with half a brain, who has no desire to be eaten, and delays getting eaten, until it is our / my / ze’s turn to die.

Cue your favorite Lion King song, here.

And then I will just make sure that it is a very good day to die.