Surfing the Discourse Cesspool — The Worst Fringe Takes on Social Media

  1. Psychiatry is fascism. Purest form I’ve ever seen and I’m in multiple hate groups.

  2. Recklessly shuttering businesses, dehoming people, breaking up families etc. based on your opinion is pretty damn fashy. Granted, he uses a computer to do it, but yah.

Are you glossing over the fact that it’s not real?

I think it’s horns came from Amazon.

Oof. There are two different types of psychology degrees, a BS that requires some more advanced math courses and a BA. Which does he have? If you know.

They’re both BS. Have you read what these people believe? Half of its been debunked and the rest gave birth to psych, which has also been debunked, yet remains one of the last bastions of true fascism.

Imagine the coronavirus lockdowns, except theres no actual test for the coronavirus and you have psychiatry in a nutshell.

Looked photoshopped to me.

I didn’t comment on it being real or not.

I believe his is a BS.


Totally appropriate, right?

Yeah, the degree I have in psych is a BSc in Social Psychology with emphasis on statistics and research methods, along with an additional certificate in I/O psych from the same university.

Anyway, “fascist”, lol.

Dude, half the stuff you support theres literally an antifa work group to stop it.

Oh do provide some examples, I’m curious.

Food and housing I’d say are the two main ones.

Is he one of those Gen-X libs that doesn’t understand this isn’t the 90’s anymore?

No, he just flat out doesn’t recognize white supremacist behavior when he’s the one doing it. He knows he should SAY he’s woke. However, there’s nothing woke about degrading, humiliating, defaming, breaking up black families, dehoming black homes, black families,and black businesses, directly or passive aggressively. There’s nothing woke about about helping millionaires rob the poor based on their genetics. It’s DISGUSTING behavior and not funny at all. And it sure as hell isn’t WOKE.

As the woke would say, in this case, silence IS violence and he knows that.

Oh well. Imagine inviting a bunch of immigrants to come in and rob the natives, refusing to make it right after helping EXTERMINATE A FAMILY, in their homeland and thinking you’re the good guy. Oh well. Weimar conditions, Weimar solutions.

Now, I think if someone were actually woke and just happened to run a platform that was partially responsible for what was in all reality an epic hate crime, that that person could do their part in rectifying SOME (cause this shit can never be made right) of the harm, using the platform to tell the truth, thereby avoiding the need for me to engage in race war, which hurts the entire country. Alternatively, well, we’re beating OHIO, second to only Texas. We can drive the parasites out by force. I started with 500 men, which were deployed to J6, now I have THOUSANDS, including dozens of trained manhunters. I think there may be some confusion about how serious exterminating a family is. It is deadly serious, fascist as fuck and not woke at all.

Imagine, you help exterminate one family, to help feed the rich, CRACKING JOKES WHILE YOU’RE AT IT, and the survivors call you a fascist. Imagine that. Ya fucking think?

I know, you are a lot of things, but fascist isn’t one of them.

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I dunno, I banned someone from our subreddit this week.

This is why I just hang with openly racist people. They say racist shit all the time, but their behavior is essentially anti racist. If theres an issue, screen shots and a witness for context will do, then the matter is taken seriously. I dont have hundreds of people trying to portray me like an ignorant baboon, while dismissing my concerns. My behavior defines my identity. So I can be credited with computer skills based on computer skills. When they don’t know what I’m talking about, they respect that they have something to learn.

For example the other day I did some computer geekery and we raided a building. Was anyone there? No. Conclusion? They’d been scared off by previous violence or the impending snow storm. They weren’t like, “Oh shit, he’s gone crazy and faked the data.” Basically, and maybe y’all don’t realize this, but you’re treating one of your most capable members, physically and intellectualy, like a bundle of black stereotypes instead of the person I am, while deferring to less experienced and knowledgeable people of a different race and class for the “real” scoop, and encouraging others to do so as well, tacitly and explicitly. Its pretty standard issue white supremacist mentality. But toss around a few liberal talking points, and its cool? Then get other white people to tell you how woke you are?

My guys… some self awareness please. I’d rather you just SAY nigger than treat me like one. Thats where I’m calling BS on the good guy, captain hero super woke routine. Because a bunch of white people dismissing your concerns based on their inherent intellectual superiority and the apparent triviality of matters of concern is not woke, but actually a common black work/social experience that we abhor. Throw in a structure of systematic abuse and we have ourselves a fash problem. And I use that term in its modern connotation, not literally Italian authoritarianism, though corporate rule is incidentally a factor here.


For example, we had a situation with the Klan. So I called a dude that believed that “niggers are the lowest form of human life” to handle it. A couple screen shots and one witness was all it took. No conspiracy theories about forged documents, no excuses, no abuse, no arbys jokes, nothing. They just took a look and got rid of the klansmen. In other words, the white supremacist behavior displayed here just blows away the behavior of the most reviled white supremacist networks in the country.