Surfing the Discourse Cesspool — The Worst Fringe Takes on Social Media


Even the alligators catch crabs.


Please refrain from sounding this unhinged. It makes me think you could use a break.

This nigga has zero self awareness.

Wait, dont YOU advocate for unethical business practices? Perhaps the most unethical person to ever teach ANYTHING, let alone martial arts?

Or are you using the guise of attacking unethical businessmen to attack the right wing, which you claim to abhor, despite your fascist tendencies?

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Loki fan?


No, those are Whitetail Deer antlers. Jackalope is Jackrabbit x American Pronghorn, which is incorrectly called an antelope.

Canadians on vacation won’t leave them alone.

Why not both?

Also not a real animal. So how do you know where the horns come from?

Lol. For a would be thought leader, Phrost lacks objectivity and subsequently ethical and philsophical consistency.

Many such cases.

Because I know what Whitetail Deer antlers look like due to long experience hunting and killing them.

I also know the difference between antlers and horns.

Whatever gets more eyeballs.

It actuallu would get more eyeballs if he didnt waver when it came time to tell some hard truths. For example, chiropractory has issues. But its a tame subject and not controversial as no one cares THAT much. Now, if he pointed out that psychiatry is basically fake neurology, then thats a discussion. But it doesn’t fit his worldview so he has this sacred cow.

Bias due to psychology degree?

He has a psych degree?

Yes he does.

It’s one of the easiest degrees to get. Kind of like sociology degree.

This explains everything. I completely understand his bizarre behavior and its fascist undertones now.

LOL, how is he fascist?