I agree (edit: mostly. He was not a bad guy even if he made a terrible mistake. I think it might have been preventable if he had waited long enough to verify that he was under attack. )
I take that you aren’t American though?
Cops (often) face no procedural consequences for lethal mistakes. One example that sticks with me is the case of a flash bang thrown though a window and landing in an occupied crib.
The court case ruled that not only were the police not responsible for the loss of life but they had no civil responsibility (edit; to preserve life) either.
I don’t know how law enforcement works where you live but I found this illuminating as well:
Come all you bold young thoughtless men, a warning take by me; And think of my unhappy fate, to be hanged upon the tree. My name is William Corder, to you I do declare I courted Maria Marten, most beautiful and fair.
I promised I would marry her upon a certain day, Instead of that, I was resolved to take her life away. I went into her father’s house the 18th of May, Saying, my dear Maria, we will fix the wedding day.
If you will meet me at the Red Barn, as sure as I have life, I will take you to Ipswich town, and there make you my wife; I then went home and fetched my gun, my pickaxe and my spade, I went into the Red Barn, and there I dug her grave.
It was 3am and the officers were responding to a shots fired call. Chased two people, one of whom was 21 or 22 years old. The other was 13. There are numerous body cams and CCTV shots of the altercation. The young man was spotted by LEO with a firearm in his hand. Repeatedly ordered to stop and drop the weapon. He dropped it behind a fence as he turned while raising his arms.
0.8 seconds. Who here thinks they can process that and make a reasoned decision in that amount of time? It was instinct.
Why the hell was a thirteen year old out and about at that time of night? With gunshot residue on his hands? Maybe he was the one they were responding to. Makes more sense than the cop just murdered a kid.
This will be played out by the media and hyped by the race baiters for all it’s worth.
It’s sad.
It’s bullshit.
It’s indicative of the way things are being played today. Sad also that so many already have preconceived ideas of where we are today in race relations, cop mentality and who’s pushing the overall narrative.
I think your whole method of policing needs to be looked at because race aside far too many people are getting death sentences without judge or jury for crimes they may not even get much prison time for.
I’m not saying that he was a bad guy or ever intended to hurt a child that day. I’m not even saying what he did was something that displayed poor judgement or disregard for anyone’s life. I don’t know enough about being a cop to suggest there was a procedural mistake. I don’t study shoot/don’t shoot scenarios. I don’t know enough of the statistics to suggest made a mistaken call but I hope that someone looks close enough at these kinds of things so that less of them happen in the future. I’m against the gun grabber mentality but I think there must be a better way forward in terms of doctrine, legislation and/or training.
Well, the new cause celebre’ is a girl that got shot while stabbing another person.
I mean, shit, where the fuck are the cops supposed to draw the line?
If that’s not justifiable use of force then what the fuck is it?
Just another reminder that mankind’s worst problem is feeling so fucking self important that doing things to change the world around us feels better than using our brain to understand the world around us. Dostoyevsky rides again. Provided with a perfect world man will destroy it just to get the satisfaction of breaking something.
This one is easy. If the cops are ever going to shoot someone in my presence, please start at or before they are trying to kill me with a knife.
Prosperity does not prevent revolution its perceived fairness/unfairness.
We have a pretty good social safety net in the UK but crime is and has been rising for sometime because the gap between rich and poor is getting bigger despite the standard of living for poor people rising significantly over the past 50yrs.
I agree that some people commit crimes worthy of death but I completely disagree with the death penalty as it requires humans to decide who gets it and humans are idiots and screw up.
Death penalty sucks, everytime yes… but anywhere?.
I believe that such things as Government, State, Law… are enforced first, then accepted and mostly never utterly understood.
You can’t copy laws from the Scandinavians of the 70’s and apply them in, excuse the euphemism, less developed places. IMHO.
I mean, I believe that for any given individual, if not a motivated willingful person, without a true cultural immersion, people just don’t get the “civil” part of civilization.
That’s the point when the monster peace at the point of a gun comes to my mind. And yet again even a Robin Hood State.