On Death Penalty and the Monopoly of Violence

Or to the richest nation in the world, either…

Yeah. That wouldn’t work in Qatar at all.

Oh wait. You mean the United States. Look around man. Do you feel like a citizen of the wealthiest nation in the world? My opinion, that’s not Americans. The empire is wealthy but us regular folk are just sort of middling for developed nations and falling.

Americans aren’t even in the top 10 for per capita income.

I’ve been following this one and had hoped for a reprieve.

I mean that almost nobody pays voluntary taxes, nor donations to State-like structures are anything but a way to pay less taxes.

So, honestly, I feel like in the bottom of this subject we have forgotten that there is violence.
It’s violent to imprison someone for not paying taxes.
And they go to prison under threat of more violence if they shall not cooperate.

From that point, there are way many degrees of grey until is supposedly justifiable to kill someone already defeated and imprisioned, in a falsely proclaimed humane way.

But the ultimate threat by the State is death, I dare to say.

So even if we shall advocate for a Robin Hood State, that collects tax from the rich (those only exist due to market economy, imho) to empower and develop those in real difficulty, we are going to have violent death at the bottom of the system.

I know “violent death” means not “death penalty”, of course, but, as I, seriously, follow you bullies mostly for enlightenment, (and, yes, being schooled out scares me a lot but doesn’t stop me to keep learning).

…why does one “standard progressive western society” keep incurable murderers, alive?

I mean, who said that?

I don’t get it.

Who is killing all those people in Chicago?

The Illinois Natzi Party?

Is that the British spelling of NAZI?

Breivik killed almost 80 kids in Utoya. He keeps defending the horrible way of thought that led him to do that.

Why is he better fed than most, in an imprisonment that is meant for repented people to get ready for going back to society?

Because Norway and the other Scandinavian countries are models of civility ?

Don’t judge me

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You are svelte?

Based on FBI stats, it’s gangs with illegal firearms from outside of Illinois.

Chicago is in Ohio now ?

OH, Is see, you looked at a map and fixed it.

I had Ohio in my head because I am actively dealing with this nonsense.

People are trying to sabotage and blow up 5G towers because of this GOP-led horseshit. That’s not a joke.

Not on THIS forum though…no crazy radical GOPers in this crowd for sure…I think we routed them.

Who said it was a joke?

Oh, yeah, keep us safe, please, o great and wondrous Rabbit, save us all !

You never have to beg, I am morally inclined to fight for truth, justice, and Freedom Fries.

On topic, are you for or against the death penalty? I’m against the death penalty, per se, because of my religious beliefs.

But I’m all for killing violent aggressors with electrical fences, sniper posts, and drones. In fact, I really hope the next wave of Capitol insurrectionists meet land mines on the lawn before they reach the steps.

I am “for” the death penalty in limited circumstances.


I am against death penalty, but I have to ask myself Why am I against it?.

Sometimes I think that given the enormous expense that for keeping me alive has my country done, that this should give the system the “right” to put me down if I would ever become “evil”.

Other times, in the Utoya Massacre case particularly, I am against executing Breivik because that would be his ultimate goal, to be a martyr on his quest to prove wrong the ideal of a reformative penal system.

In general, though, I understand there are circumstances from which some States cannot escape, as for example, it is impossible to compare an Afghanistan Government dealing with Taliban, with that case of my own Spanish Government dealing with secessionism.

One I think needs Death Penalty even for mere propaganda issues, the other would lose all credibility by using it.

Edit: “with that case”

I have a problem with the death penalty because we know we’ve put innocent people to death occasionally, and we know quite a few people incarcerated, especially for violent crimes, are later found to be not guilty.

So yeah maybe in cases like that Neo-nazi bastard, who admits his crime happily…I’d make an exception, or other cases where there is 0% chance they are innocent (school massacre gunmen, etc). Once you’ve killed a whole bunch of students for whatever the reason (or none), there is no point keeping you around. But again, this is a tiny fraction of the majority of death penalty cases.

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I got the opinion that his goal was the same goals as the rest of the neo nazi morons: start a race and class war that they all think they will win for some reason despite being universally loathed and only ever supported by people who intend to exploit them all the way to death for personal gain. That’s been the rulesince the National Socialist Party first decided on the name. It’s the whole reason NAZIs exist: to pay the ultimate price so some other piece of shit can get rich and powerful from their deaths and the deaths of their victims.

Nazis, fascists, communists… all dupes of the highest order with only slight differences in reading material among them.