My spinning side kick has a higher force than Rogans

@KoreaNStylist24, you would be easily defeated by anyone with actual alive training. I’ve asked you before and I will ask you again. Where approximately do you reside?

Let’s arrange an opportunity for you to actually spar with someone. I think you would find it illuminating.

This again. Is there a reason no one has brought up the fact that Joe Rogan isn’t a good striker. So who gives a shit if he can kick harder than Joe Rogan. Here’s a video of him sparring.

They are playing around and he’s 50

I’ve seen Connor Mcgregor spar lightly but he still demonstrated he has skill.

No. I lost interest in sparring toward the end. I don’t care. Ego is gone. I did enough in my early 20s. It taught me and then I moved on.

Conor isn’t 50+

If it had taught you anything, you’d know how ridiculous the videos you post are.

Also, your ego isn’t gone based on your laughably high opinion of your abilities.

Why are they ridiculous? I am demonstrating. I’m not shadow fighting. I’m not fighting,. You cant’t tell anything about fighting off them. But I obviously have some idea based on my sparring experience.

People are criticizing you because you’re talking about how deadly your kicks are but you’re not going against a live human being.

First of all, the only good red belt is a white one covered in blood. Even better when it’s your blood.

Second, I’d love to know more about your competiton history.

I personally love to spar and compete since I first began training when I was 10, and I have a hard time understanding people who don’t.

I didn’t have a good repour with the guy who was good in there. stand offish type of relationship.

When I sparred someone else he was openly rooting for the other guy. There wasn’t a team feeling, it just rubbed me the wrong way.

I didn’t feel part of the group.

Especially when they try to talk physics. Then they go into the George Dillman Zone of quackery, in my head, unless they are also Dr.Thalken (former Bullshido martial arts physicist).

You should pick up this book.

@W.Rabbit What happened to dillman?

Someone claimed he was legit at one point in time,

Money. Once his school network got big enough, he had a cult and started claiming he could do no touch dim mak, which is the pinnacle of MA BS.

Every MA is guilty of this, even BJJ, but especially TKD.

Honestly, I still think Wing Chun is still the worst, because of the rulesets I have fought under.

That’s one place Bruce Lee and I agree. His cult following is pretty annoying, but he did cross train. But like you, he was great at kicking air and people still drool over that for some reason.

Has anyone else noticed that questionable martial arts have a problem with sparring? When they spar they act extremely immature. I’ve never noticed this problem with martial arts where sparring is a deep part of their culture.

I am torn about Bruce these days.

I feel he would be labelled a bullshidoka guy these days.

I post stuff in bullshido. He entered actual tournaments and did Seagal-level cooperation from Dan inosanti and Taky Kimura.

He also did dojo storms to karate places and just won by his freakish athleticism. Sparring guys who probably never had a fight in their life

He never did that in a boxing gym or else we would know about it.

I’m always amazed when Aikido guys fight and use zero of what they were taught.

I expect aikidio techniques to at least fail, but they just never show up

Joe Lewis, to his credit, did visit a boxing place.

And he was shamed. Despite being an outstanding karatekas…and a former powerlifter

That’s not what I was talking about. I was talking about how people in schools like the one you went to have animosity towards each other when sparring.

You fight how you train. I expect Aikido to pop up in a self defense situation no problem. You do realize what the tomiki style is right?