My spinning side kick has a higher force than Rogans

@W.Rabbit I was joking. I’m sure you heard the phrase before

A karatekas told me that they had a science study on him in the 80s and he punched harder with a bent arm compared to straightened out.

Could it be because the bicep is “tensed”?

Martial arts are no joke.

I am here to eliminate all martial joking.

Yes, password hygiene is very important, we shouldn’t even joke.

Lmfao, it’s this kinda thing that makes me thing this is a troll account, i feel like i’ve been transported back in time reading that response, kinda nostalgic

Especially if your voice is your password, and you throw it away in nicely folded toothpaste tubes, in the company of a pretty thing.

There is absolutely nothing trollish about what I wrote.

Sorry I have to ask, what system is this meant to be?

Well then you don’t know what you are talking about or you are still trolling. I mean people already know you don’t based on your other posts, but that one really shows a lack of fundamental understanding.

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He’s the Swede, or at least exhibits all the bloviating in the same linguistic style as to be easily confused. Rabbit is just looking for any excuse to be offended at any utterance, or to claim expertise in any subject. Peas in a pod.

Once upon a time, my son had this little stuffed animal chipmunk thingy. Click it’s belly and it it would record like 3 seconds of your audio, and then play it back at a higher frequency, and then record another 3 seconds of audio, and then play it back… Well, the dog ate it, and we got son a new chipmunk thingy. But, I also managed to repair the old chipmunk thingy. So, naturally, I let the two chipmunks fight it out. Howls of derisive laughter would ensue.

Neither of them really know what they are talking about. Once you digest that, you can just sit back and enjoy the show.

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As Bullshido’s resident expert on stylometric analysis, thank you.

I don’t recommend blocking this one

Now you try it

I don’t recommend posting videos like this to the Internet anymore. If you want to impress people here, go join an open competition or something. Kick some ass, or at least have your ass kicked.

Because right now you’re in the same category as this dork. Even with those rad pants. As of right now your kicks are fantasy.

All that muscle mass wasted with bad training.

Good training leads to:

Did you know. …

Bruce Lee was so impressed by TaeKwondo that he sponsored a movie for his buddy/idol Jhoon Rhee…

When Jhoon Rhee died, Linda Lee revealed that Bruce had polaroids of Jhoons kicking demos.

Imagine being worshipped by Bruce Lee…

That kick I posted would snap a neck. Not interested in doing that to a fellow human being.

Bruce Lee was not that impressive himself. Another coked up Hollywood fathead, who died young and created a cult of personality.

You want to impress me with TKD? Go fight in a tournament.

How noble of you, to study martial arts and never, ever, ever need to use them. Thank you, Mr. Miyagi.

But seriously, no it wouldn’t because you don’t train against other human beings. You do what we call “dead training”, and no the loud snapping sound does not make it alive.

If you want to get all “wouldy”, a modestly trained high school wrestler would probably make you shit those pants.

So to paraphrase Deadpool, you picked a good color.

I have. Red belt here!

Incredibly charismatic, impressive kicking dexterity.

The Grace Kelly of martial arts. The screen lights up.