My post may be useless, but there is no useless martial art

Achtung Beatches! Less bickering, more German pimp talk!

You are een zee pimp haus & you vill enchoy it!!!

Javol! Ich bein Uber Pimp.

ach du…efferyone knowsch dass ich zhe uberpimp am.

Keep up that talk, and you’ll find yourself in a cattle car to a nice Polish campground…

slaps Colby

hey man…thats not cool, my grandfather died in a concentrationcamp…

Sorry man…I was just going with the theme we had going…

Didn’t know.

How about, as a threat, you get sent to a German S&M camp instead…

Yes plz.

Hey Lebell,

If it is any consolation, the Germans killed my great Grandfather. He got gassed in WW1 and died because of it about 25-years later. When my great grandma washed his clothes, she could smell the chlorine that was still seeping out of his body all those years later. Sorry if I offended you dude.

If it is any consolation, I’m probably one of a few folks here that know how well the Dutch Marines fought in WW2. My Dad trained with some in the early 60’s.

He fel of the watchtower.

Hahahaha. I resemble that remark


hehe…there’s this not very well known story but during the battle of the moerdijk bridge clse to Rotterdam the marines popped many German attackers through the head:the sniper school was located in that area.

didnt help em much though it was like 10 germans for every dutch soldier plus the dutch army didnt have any equipment thanks to those freaking peaceloving hippies.

What is suprising is that when the Dutch Marines finally ran out of ammo and had nothing left to fight with, the Germans saluted the remaining ones for fighting so hard. What did they call them Lebell…something like “The black devils” or something?

it was like 10 germans for every dutch soldier


nah, that didn’t work.

I have no idea.
You see our society isnt a very patriotic or militaristic one we dont get that stuff in school.
I know this story that when the dutch army surrendered because the germans were busy exterminating its mayor cities including the civilians, you had the Grebbe line, its in the east.

So the german commander accepts the surrender and asks the dutch commander why they cleared their defenses.
The Dutch guy says: these ARE our defenses.

Those poor bastards didnt have a thing to work with, practically no artillery or even heavy machineguns, around 10 airplanes as an airforce who took out several luftwaffe planes.
The army wanted to fight to the last man but when the germans terrorbombed rotterdam and threathened to do the same to amsterdam the hague and so on they had no choice.
the wehrmacht turned to this tactic because they needed to capture holland quick so they could surprise attack in the french theater.
The original directive for the battleplan of holland said the german armies probably needed 5 hours to a day to secure Holland, it took them 5 days instead.