My post may be useless, but there is no useless martial art

well don’t worry mein freund, when Obama’s elected president, there won’t be any more war.

We are going to become the French?

YouTube - Video about the invasion of Holland

i was wrong about the airforce, appearantly they did some major pawning:
YouTube - Nederland Zal Herryschen (The Netherlands Will Rise Again)

Nah, we don’t play Call to Prayer in our capital yet.

I bet Sarah Palin would have a better chance in a death match against Putin than Obama would…

Hopefully mud or jello would be involved…I don’t want to see Putin in a bikini though

Hocky mom <3 Harvard Lawyer!

Hawt, ass-kicking Hocky mom <3 Harvard Lawyer!

I love a girl who hunts.

I love a hawt girl who guts n’cleans the moose to pack it for the winter, then goes and kicks some Oil bigwigs in the sack!

I’ll take that bet. If you spent some time under the boards in a pickup game, you might feel differently.

YouTube - Classic Obama: His highschool basketball days

hockey mom vs pick-up B-ball would be pretty badass!

Pick up bball cannot field dress a moose.


It is clear to me now that you are right. Thank you for the humiliating me it is exactly what I needed.

You haven’t spent enough time under the boards in a pickup game.

It is only humiliation if you attribute egotistical involvement to your claims.

If you actually comprehended the Zen aphorisms Bruce cribbed in the Tao of Jeet Kune Do, you would know this.

Keep training.

I don’t spend time under boards. It’s dumb.

i like beyonce.

Surely it can’t be dumber than having no offense against a press and not being able to get inside the key.