I was just wondering why this came up on the forum search when I typed in Montana?
Also there is no useless martial art.
I was just wondering why this came up on the forum search when I typed in Montana?
Also there is no useless martial art.
have some neg rep.
Culled from:
Here’s what’s wrong with Kung Fu today - No BS Martial Arts
Yellow Bamboo.
When I saw this thread title, I figured Tom Kagan had something to do with it.
only useless posters.
I read the op…and i realised…he’s totally right!!!
I’ve been wasting my time laughing at aikido and wing chun!!!
im off to enlist at the nearest school i can find!!!
speak of the devil and the devil appears…
I agree with the OP.
All arts have uses. Some can be used for fighting, others for laughing at them.
Okay… I was pretty sure I posted this on some one else is thread… “Whats wrong with kung fu.” What this newbie do wrong?
For that matter where is the rest of my post?
I’ll go out on a limb here and say:
exited the birth canal.
When I was in middle school, my friends and I had a thought experiment:
Think of any household object (stapler! empty can of beans! PAPER TOWEL ROLL!). Now invent a way to use that household object for murder (beat them on the head! grind it into their food! insert it in their ear!).
This, I feel, is similar to the “no martial art is useless” wtfargument.
Um sorry? I think?
That sums up my feelings quit well thank you.
Are you the guy who took Jujutsu & Taekwondo & decided to call it Jeet Kune Do.
Why did you rez this?
yes i expect such a remark from a peasant like yourself.
I’m an aikidoka now, i stand now in a line that goes back for centuries, the way of the samurai.
Unlike you i have honour and respect like the true warrior i am.
You see it is your own insecurity that makes you react to my art like this.
Thats why you feel the need to train ‘alive’ and watch the UFC, so you can play makebelief that what you do means something.
Well i got news for you my friend, it doesnt, it’s derived from…SPORTS.
Boys fight, aikidokas kill.
do not disrespect my honour again or you’ll have a vendetta on your hands.
respectfully yours,
Discipel of Aikido.
Your post just gave RockApe a half-stock.
I was thinking more along the lines of Lenny and Squiggy…
There is some other stuff in their… but yeah.
The last time I felt this embarrassed is when I got knocked out with a pillow.
(Can some one re-title this ass kicking waiting to happen)