September 4, 2008, 6:01pm
I’m saving up money so i can go visit Rock ape and see if he wants to become my grandmaster after the traditional tea ceremony.
Then i andsochin101 fight to the death to see who is worthy to be his no1 pupil and discipel.
After ive won and raped his dead body i will return to my country, taking some of his female family members with me as my prizes.
I’ll start a branch of rock ape aikido and cash in big time.
If Rock Ape isnt going to be a total fagg0t about this and agrees to have me for his new apprentice.
So Lebell’s last name, translated from Polish means “Help, there’s a hog stuck on my crotch”?
September 4, 2008, 6:03pm
There is some other stuff in their… but yeah.
The last time I felt this embarrassed is when I got knocked out with a pillow.
(Can some one re-title this ass kicking waiting to happen)
oh Hai your thread has been taken over by the Lebell ltd group.
we at Lebell ltd appreciate your input and would like to redirect you for any further remakrs or questions to: www.gofuckyourself.org
have a fabulous day!
September 4, 2008, 6:05pm
I’m sure I read a thread recently where Phrosty was going to permaban twats who start useless fucking threads.
… So I best STFU.
Just saying.
I’m saving up money so i can go visit Rock ape and see if he wants to become my grandmaster after the traditional tea ceremony.
Then i andsochin101 fight to the death to see who is worthy to be his no1 pupil and discipel.
Do you realise how long a fight to the death between Aikidoka is going to take?
September 4, 2008, 6:15pm
just because your hands are in fists doesn’t mean you are boxing.
September 4, 2008, 6:15pm
Master knows best.
STFU it is.
September 4, 2008, 6:16pm
LOL Like it… Here’s another.
just because you wear hakama doesn’t mean you do aikido.
September 4, 2008, 6:16pm
Don’t forget the video camera.
More like Pigfucker, Inc.
we at Lebell ltd
appreciate your input and would like to redirect you for any further remakrs or questions to: www.gofuckyourself.org
I think that was www.lebelllikestofuckfarmanimals.org
.org, cause Lebell doesn’t do it for the profit.
have a fabulous day!
every day Lebell has his cock in a pig is a fabulous day.
according to his myspace, of course.
September 4, 2008, 6:21pm
…waits so sochin to shamelessly plug www.goats4u.com
That’s a real site BTW
September 4, 2008, 6:23pm
Of course! I was trying to figure out why we kept trolls running around here: we’re domesticating the breed!
Lebell is our little pet troll that comes in to derail and eat other troll threads before those wild germinations dishearten us. Carry on then.
September 4, 2008, 6:23pm
Just because you call him sifu doesn’t make him right?
We all learn to live with our mistakes.
It’s a growth process,
it entertains the rest of us at work.
I dub thee ‘Cannonfodder’.
So…fucknut here can’t even come up with his own name for his brandnew martial art? He has to call it Jeet Kune Do? Because it’s “his” way of the intercepting fist?
September 4, 2008, 7:08pm
Why name some thing that is done by all sorts of people. Its in no way knew lots of people do it. You study various MA’s take what you works for you until you have your own way. I’m Only 24 and I have much to learn and far to go.
My question is why do you Care about something as trivial as my Jeet Kune Do? If you have some thing to teach me then do so.
You know what is funny?
Summer wasn’t that bad this year. It is actually going back to school that has made the idiot situation worse.
Why name some thing that is done by all sorts of people. Its in no way knew lots of people do it. You study various MA’s take what you works for you until you have your own way. I’m Only 24 and I have much to learn and far to go.
My question is why do you Care about something as trivial as my Jeet Kune Do? If you have some thing to teach me then do so.
That’s just Auslander’s way of talking. Don’t let him rattle you.
I blame school computer labs.
and you, It is Fake…and you.