I’ve been gone too long.
I posted video of Hyori & none of you bitches showed a single fucking parsec of respect.
For shame…
I’ve been gone too long.
I posted video of Hyori & none of you bitches showed a single fucking parsec of respect.
For shame…
I did, she is hot and I am they n00b everyone is attacking.
Some folks like drinking Old Crow, some like smoking old Crow…
Enough with the racism, asswipes.
i have no problem with being racist towards indians as im european and from the people who sorta kicked their ass.
post pics of squaws plz.
Do you want to find your way on to my shitlist Lebell?
wut??? im not there yet???
im insulted!
If it any consolation, that was the best looking Korean woman I have ever seen. My Korean girlfriend in high school barely had eye-slits. Really, I don’t know how she saw stuff sometimes. The one you posted looked like Eva Longoria. You are a scholar and a gentleman for posting that.
no he’s not, he just has this obsession with korean chicks…
Not exactly the worst obsession to have.
thats true.
i used to have an obsession for ugly fat german chicks called Greta.
much worse.
If you are into kimchi, it’d be a plus…
fo’ shiza mein heiza
^funiest post evar todai.
arent you partially german?
Maybe…but you’re fully idiot.
DerAuslander, master of stating the obvious…
Idiots have more fun, try it sometimes!
being serious is funny bussines!!!
ur dutch
He’s Hole-ish
ur GERMAN…i mean…Jesus!
here, have a tasteless video you can enjoy:
YouTube - Hitler Sing-BORN TO BE ALIVE-farouk version of SODERBERG.TV