January 6th: One Year Later

@doofaloofa I find it amusing that the number one critic of our country and all things conservative is an Englishman living in Ireland with no skin in the game.

Troll on.


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I think it’s super nice of Ireland to have a little community where the out-of-towners can live, full-time.

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Don’t forget their low corporate tax rate and mediocre whiskey.

My wifi strength must be low. I think you said mediocre whiskey.

Nothing beats Black Bush, except perhaps Midleton. Sort of a price/performance trade-off, there. Made in the same still, as I recall.

No, it’s Tully that is made in the same still. And that rat-vomit Jameson.

Allow me to tease the troll asshole.

Tell me not about whiskey / whisky you heathen. Black Bush? Really? I shall endeavor to improve your experience the next time we’re together.

Redbreast is a good start.

There are three wonderful drinks. Uisce beatha of most, poitin of some, and Guinness Stout. I’ll not criticize your spelling, if you’ll not criticize my flavor profile.

“Whisky,” is the spelling for people that couldn’t afford to buy a vowel.

You heretic you.

I shall never again share with you a decent bottle of Scotch. Stick to your T8R water you ignorant cunt.

No…the “left” did huge amounts of property damage…

They had plans in place in case Trump won…

But anyway, you aren’t here to have a civil discussion, or consider anything but your own POV, so carry on.

Scotch is the primary way to fuck up good whiskey by fusing it with swamp water.

Same at the rightist terrorists.

You can’t debate your way out of a wet paper bag with a pair of scissors.

We aren’t debating, either.

I do not identify as a terrorist, but if I did, could I get a little help on the back-end? You know, because I’m a marginalized class? Like those pretty boys girls zes?

Away with you peasant and your Irish tricks!

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For your edification you heathen piss water drinking heretic. Your taste in Scotch is akin to the smell of your farts. Overpowering yet consistent with a hint of shit.

A Highlands guy myself. Speyside as a preference.

My wife, a Moran by clan, drinks Bud Lite.

She’s an embarrassment on trash day. Won’t recycle her aluminum cans as she hides her shameful choice from the neighbors and trash man.

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Hey, if you like drinking shitwater that tastes like rotten wood, that’s your choice. There are better options. Bud lite might be among them.

That’s just mean. I shall have to reconsider ever breaking bread or sharing a drink with you ever again.


Scientific theory time: there is a correlation between the number of G’s and H’s in the name of a drink, and how close to the bottom of the river it was sourced from.

I like The Macallan.