Investigations 2: Literally the Boogaloo

You aren’t giving feedback. You’re blaming me for your ignorance.

You have a chip on your shoulder

I don’t like when ignorant people act like experts, or when non contributers wanna tell me how its done. Want a better investigation? Do a better one.

I’ve never claimed any expertise

As a self proclaimed expert you should be able to explain to me how these videos you posted are demonstrative of the narrative you have presented

You seem unable or unwilling to do so, resulting in us civilians having to draw our own conclusions from the 45 seconds of meaningless video

Either commit to the process or quit crying that nobody believes you

I didn’t draw my conclusions based on the video. Thats stupid. I was there and subsequently have more complete knowledge than whats captured on tape. It seems to me that the counterpoint would be that the police provided prompt and adequate care and didn’t respond with incompetent violence and confusion. The mainstream media believes my story about incompetent police. The police believe me story about incompetent police. Everyone on the ground believes that. Lol. So what are you talking about? Show me the evidence they did provide care cause the tapes show the militia on it. Wheres the militia running too if there’s no ambulance around the corner? How does everyone in the video see it and point to it and run to it?

Show me the adequate medical care. And you can see they have people for a riot and not for medical. So prove YOUR allegations. Go. I’m waiting.

I know, I never said you did

Did you take contemporaneous notes or is this all based on recollection

Its based of memory and texts of what happened when and where as well as discussions and interviews with participants.

Note that in real time people felt the same about the medical care. It was so bad the militia was using barricades as a stretcher. I mean… come on. What are you even arguing?

More of this and I’ll move this to ShitPosting

Jesus titty fucking christ


How am I shit posting? There was an impending incident, I tracked it, attempted to intervene in an appropriate manner and brought back firsthand footage of one of the deaths in a major international incident. You should deal with the trolling if anything. All I did was attempt to use a reputable cyber investigations group (Bullshido) to help with a massive cybersecurity threat.

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Stop you’re going to give me a heart attack laughing.

The irony is that you thought RA was talking to you, but I immediately assumed it was Doofus. It was Doofus.

Back on topic, I know exactly what this is.

Eager beaver, Doofus? I guess we should start at level zero. Do you know what a “crime scene” is?


I think we were onto something back in the day. Our OSINT was super solid til we turned to narrative based investigations. We should get back to it.

Me and R-Ape are solid

Wabbit is just jealous


I don’t pain, fear, regret, or remorse. OK, maybe sometimes regret and remorse.

I am prepared to teach you the art of link analysis though.

It’s how they killed Bin Laden.

This thread has potential

Alright folks. We may as well get right to it. Starting with the USBC sound cool? Can anyone tell me how they were involved in the Rittenhouse shooting? The info is out there, but lets see how Bullshido investigations fares.

Could you post an intro with a little background?

I thought they shot BL in the head? Damn. All this time he was analized to death.

Well, “let the punishment fit the crime” and all that.

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Why did this happen and how was the boogaloo involved? I already know. Lets see if you guys can ACTUALly solve anything. Then maybe next attack y’all won’t be sitting around watching on the news.

By “boogaloo” do you mean the Q-anon morons?

I mean, one group of stupid people with guns ran into another group of stupid people with guns and natural selection happened?

Their group identification doesn’t appear to matter.

Oof. Try again and come back with accurate information. This part is easy. A Google search will tell you who they are. Try to focus. United States Boogalier Corp. Rittenhouse shooting. What happened?