Investigations 2: Literally the Boogaloo

I didn’t doubt your story, just was checking to see if you were really Osiris, dude.

It’s really him. I personally invited him back to play.

Ah. Indeed. It is I. Long story short, I started a security company after BJJ cause thats what you do with martial arts when teaching isn’t working, so I run a few cities now, low key. This leaves me with some interesting investigations to run. I’m experienced like we all are, so it works. And so I have a whole desk full of fun for interested parties.

I just wanted him to understand where I was coming from. Thanks for inviting him back.

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Yeah, the whole martial arts teaching thing is a tough one to make money at.

I’m in a line of work where I can’t really get involved in anything heavy, though, at this point in time.

LOL, you were a good troll, man. Entertainment is a good thing !

*But it wasn’t all trolling, as well know.
Welcome back!

I can give perspective on Judo stuff and my usual smartassery.

I like to troll a bit, but not maliciously. Not saying you do anything differently.

Just can’t get involved in serious stuff that might get legal.

You wrote “investigations”.


You’re no fun. And lol. I didn’t just “write investigations”. I did and do a lot. Hence this offer.


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As the world changes and as we face new and virtually unprecedented challenges, what it means to be an investigator has changed. Just as Bullshido changed to counter modern day bullshit, so must investigations change to counter modern threats.

During the course of this investigation into the civil war, I have found martial artists have played a critical role, using their abilities for everything from intel to security to acts of domestic terrorism.

As the worlds foremost experts at the fusion of the internet and hand to hand combat, we should, I dunno… help.

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So we’re clear, anyone complaining about a lack of information related to the boogaloo needs to sign up here to get your data packs. Once you’ve been properly vetted, you can recieve your data pack and get into the investigation.

It’s not a public event for reasons that will become apparent quickly should you join up. Mainly because if you fail this round of investigations, people die. If you sign on, you can help save lives. If you think you’re more accurate and reliable than myself than take a look at the threat after vetting and help. Hell, take over. When Bullshido does honest investigations instead narrative control, they’re some of the best in the world in cybersecurity and we need that right now.

Man, this is great !

“Data packs”.

How about extra batteries?

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Oh yeah. For next time, definitely. Live and learn. But the data packs document whats happened thus far. You can get fired and even killed for having it though which is why its not a public document.

Oh, right. You got all the secret data.

Yeah, that’s the ticket…

Did you by chance happen to be around when Joseph Smith was writing the Mormon bible?

Did these “data packs” come on golden tablets?


Whatever that unreadable thing is. OH, I’ve seen these before.

In 2D.

In movies.

It wasn’t Rainman.

Damn, can’t remember. It had Robin Williams in it.

Its a deliberately illegible interactive multimedia map of a recent terrorist attack and the group responsible.

What is “Boogaloo” in this context?

So you’re all over my info, but don’t even know the basic terminology surrounding what happened?

Civil war. It means civil war.


If you only want positive feedback take it to your grandma