It has come to our attention that a fellow BSer is suffering from a rare and uncomfortable medical condition and needs our help
@BrevardFighter , representative of the White Trash Nation is battling the unpleasant form of Trans Orifice Syndrome commonly known as having an “Ass cunt”
This is no laughing matter as I’m sure you will agree, so along with “Thoughts and Prayers” I have decided to start a go fund me page to raise money to allow @BrevardFighter to actualize his true potential and be the best he can be, regardless of how many vaginas he may have and where on his anatomy they are located
@BrevardFighter , since you insist on appropriating Red Neck culture perhaps you would tell us what attributes you have that qualify you as a Red Neck?
You objectively are not. You are a libtard Emu cuck who sells shit out of his garden and lives on welfare. Those might be two things a red neck, cracker, or hill billy do but that’s not sufficient for you to be one.
So when the accusation of being a snobby rich person trying to larp as a not rich southerner didn’t work, now I’m addicted to opiates? You keep swinging and missing.
These cope threads you make are sad and pathetic. Whenever I login and see a reply from you in a thread, I know it’s going to be pic related:
First, you are not a redneck. You’re a Britbong who went to Australia to garden. Second, yes you are a midwit if you don’t understand the point I’m making.
LGBT is the state religion. Requiring someone to address you by your fake pronouns is the equivalent of requiring a non believer to say Christ is Lord. If you’re not an LGBTian it’s simply forced adherence to their religion. Simple as.