Fang Shen Do II: The Fangshizzle

Well, since you cant even get the date right, we are supposed to accept the other dates you supplied?

Hey Enhanced - I lost something, has anyone seen my:



Nice that you acknowledge someone’s help. So, if lineage isn’t important,(as you owe Demille nothing), why do you claim a link back to Bruce Lee? Should all your students leave you and not acknowledge your total awesomeness? How does it feel to be a demi-god, and if you are one, why Casselman?

Shadow Beast: While your stated intention of informing people so they make make decisions based on facts is laudable, there may be legal issues you wish to address first. IANAL, so consulting someone knowledgeable about Canadian law might be a good idea.

I second this, Shadow Beast, it may be a better idea to write a letter to the editor that contains your personal knowledge and opinions - stay away from stories that you have heard in a letter like that - only post what is your knowledge lone.

Posting URL’s near a business is probably not a great idea.

k, thats why i said i wasnt sure about it, thanks for the info.

Translation available on request.

Please. My french is teh lame.

I’ve always loved the phrase “to lose the pedals” tho

BHB: Straight to Babelfish eh? Moi aussi.

Great turn of phrase. Lot of ‘emotional content’ there.


how many more pages till Fang-Shen-Do 3?

I couldnt wait for the 3rd installment of this TOTALLY AWESOME martial art!!! :smiley:

Get a second dog

[SIZE=5]With all the childish , negative and unfounded talk going around ; the FSD leaders are now motivated even more than ever and have decided to go full blast ahead and will grow in leaps and bounds. Watch out for the BOOM![/SIZE]


Well, looks like you’re going to need a second dog for additional shit production. I doubt one dog will suffice for your shit sniffing exercise.


Watch out for the BOOM???:deadhorse

Thou great martial god hath spoken…

Thou great and almighty sijo hath spoken beware the BOOM…
This guy really is right out of a comic book…I think they believe their in a movie???
Get a grip on reality…
Leaders?? this cult is too much…

Oh I’m sure the other Seafoods would be willing to help Seajuice the produce the required volume of excrement.


They used to have more than one dog at the Casselman place. The kids had dogs too. I am sure there is plenty of poop to go around.

Hey Jacko, apparently you are really good at shovelling the shit and feeding the shit to others, but your game is up.

Be a man and admit all the crap you been shovelling and feeding everyone for years. Your success has been built on bullshit and screwing over anyone and everyone you can.

Doesn’t it suck when you have to smell your own shit!!!

Common… Jackie does not smell his own shit… He’s above that… He sniffs Dog shit… His dog’s shit… The founder of the system!

I gather this “Boom” means his laxative has succeeded in its intended purpose.



Well… thats what I was expecting…the big bad master to come in here and give us a great big lecture …that was the “popcorn” comment guys…although, if it was a feature film I`d be disapointed…I want my money back…and keep the popcorn…
BOOM??? what the???

  1. Watch out for the boom which means…
    a) Gonna blow you up…a threat
    b) Dog shit sniffing seminars and classes coming soon…
    c) Idle threats of dog shit sniffing??
    d) Ok Ok…I got it…its the same old dog shit sniffing…
    e) Oh crap…there running with TKD`s idea…man you started a monster…their going to take over the YMCA on Argyle and start an Academy and dorm for fsd…replete with dog shit sniffing in the foyeur as a test to get “in” then its off to the showers with patrick…please note …leave hard hat at home…