Fang Shen Do II: The Fangshizzle

Don’t forget the advanced urban combat section of the program. Here’s a picture of the team in Urban Camouflage!



Hey JP an individual is a system.
prognosis doc: narcissistic, megalomaniac and egocentric.

I was at the 2004 Christmas Party. JP told us that when you are looking at the moon it could exist. However, without you looking at it the moon could not materialize itself…WEIRD WEIRD WEIRD. Inspired probably by medieval phylosophy.

Maybe I should send a second batch of emails since I’ve always the student’s emails list.

TKD said this in reply to sigo’s comment “My success is my success.” I think this is the most truthful of all statements and sigo should re-read it at least 499 times for every dollar he charges a student to do the summer camp.

Sigo, your success is entirely based upon the devotion of your students, and for you not acknowledeing this shows how selfish and ungrateful you are. When I really sat and thought about what TKD said I reflected back to all the seminars I took with you and thought good and hard about what was said and learnt. Not once can I remember you thanking your students for devoting their time and effort to attend any of your seminars. I can recall you thanking Martin for running a tip top camp etc… and thanking Linda and the girls for making good food etc… but never, I mean never a thank you to the students for their efforts. I do remember you yelling at us for being whimps or not sucking enough of the pain up, however.

Thinking about this makes me really sad, and angry that I didn’t see this earlier. Your schools are nothing without the students that are enrolled. I can’t give respect to you because you have never given the respect to your students.

This post is doing an amazing job of warning people surfing the net on the pitfalls of FSD and the character of the people who run it.

I saw it place number two right after the on google yesterday.

I can envision the FSD clan having fits about this and it is obviously eating away at them since the FSD Management chimed in with a feeble attempt at reverse pyschology.

excellent work


PS I wonder if their special mentors are Anthony Robbins and other that have nothing to do with MA arts but are all financial mentors? because whatever contact they had with the MA community looks reall really old from those pics of Dan Inosanto and James deMile…perhaps the special mentors are actualy videos and books they purchase to home study then pass themselves off as experts and hold seminars that they charge for?


They went to one Inosanto seminar years ago…spoke to no one…took pics and left…that was it…one seminar…Ive been told they put Inosanto down all the time…say hes old …no good…that martin is better than him…that he sucks etc etc …same drivel as always…they are the best…everyone else sucks…:deadhorse

Well Macte you heard wrong again !!! We never put Dan Inosanto down , he his a gentleman of the martial arts. Sifu Martin is as good as him but much younger. Mr. Inosanto himself told Mr. Patenaude that Martin is a phenominal kid with great potential , he was 9 years olds at the time.
About your last comment " everyone sucks " You guys here are inventing and saying this.


Your qualifications and who you got them from please.

Straightening some facts:

[SIZE=2]Well Macte , [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2] You are wrong again !!! We have never put down Mr. Inosanto. He is a gentleman of the martial arts. Mr Inosanto at the seminar told Mr. Patenaude that this kid is phenominal and Sifu Martin was only 9 yrs old at the time. As for your last comment " everyone else sucks" you guys here on bullshido have been saying this, not us.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Get a life people.[/SIZE]

Just for clarification, can we assume going forward that the poorly typed and grammatically flawed statements in bold will be from Siju himself? Normally I’d use grammar as a maker of different writers but the entire FSD crew seems to have such a lose grip on the language as a whole that this is not possible.

Also, can you tell me why on the videos you did not just re-shoot the scenes where the technique was off target? Additionally I’m wondering about the release of Pain Killer and Kung Fu Love.

Thanks a bunch.


“A little hurt I’m no longer in BHB’s quote section. I guess I’ll have to come up with something else equally witty!”

Not important at this time , just a provable fact.


How many people are posting under FSD Manager?

FSD Manager-being as you are still here. you might as well tell us what Sijo’s qualifications are and where he got them. Shouldn’t be too much to ask, and would clear up any misconceptions. So…go on.

I’m trying to inspire you to new heights of piss-taking. I know you can achieve your goal. Soon you’ll be able to firewalk.

That’ll be $99

What do you mean you don’t want to pay? Look if you just had applied yourself more you would 8th black sash by now…

Anecdotes aren’t facts.

I can not believe what I just read… too much

Its not the fact someone could not be better, but how do you base this claim?

Your talking about a man that has been learning and growing with some real great instructors, he threw on a gi and started from white belt to earn his way to a Black Belt in Brazilian Jui Jitsu with the Machados rather then rest on a reputation.

You have no right to compare anyone in your clan to Dan until they did half of the training he did.



your son is as good as Inosanto…only younger…please…please…anyone else see that…??? Comparing a person who`s never trained out of whatever it he trains in to Inosanto who has “real” certification in over 12 known systems from the heads of those systems??? Your dreaming…

I had to go vomit…that was just too much…

It is not Sijo,
As for the Pain Killers movie out very soon, As for Kung-Fu Love it is scraped.


But you know what his qualifications are and where he got them, right? So what are they?

Frick I saw a great movie the other night, the whole town was poisoned and they needed to find the ‘anecdote’ to save the people. It was great lots of kicks and sexy women. Anywho…

That’s super FSD Manager, now (and I can go back and hot link all the questions and criticism that has been leveled at you guys to date) will you address the issues raised by this thread. I’m going to be honest with you, I am not buying Siju’s book (unless he can get me a date with the cute blond in the family photo) so would you please endeavor to share so that we can open more of a dialogue?


Well I didnt want to get ‘personal’ until they dragged Guros name into this but I saw Guro Dan recently and funny thing is Guro Inosanto didn’t really even remember these people…

So sorry you (FSD) didn’t leave that much of an impression as you would lke to imagine.

If your stuff IS that great maybe Dan will invite you into the ‘Train with the Ledgends’ upcoming workshop with Fong, Machado and Chai here at the academy? or its too deadly for us here in LA? I mean Cassleman is worse the Compton right?
