Fang Shen Do II: The Fangshizzle

Take2, I owe you an apology. My suspicious mind got the better of me. Please forgive my paranoia.

Off to take more meds…

I agree

You are right…dont mean to be so abrupt take2... I agree with both of you, I am going to try and contact them again...I tried once today and the cell # I had was out of service...they are being very protective of themselves. One was quite concerned about his family. Ill see what I can do.
Hopefully some good can come from all of this.

An Interesting Date

Master Patenaude’s Kung-Fu Schools Inc," located at 110 Isabella St Ottawa ON, K1S1V5. Further the criss cross noted that this number existed from 1996 04 to 1996 09. So the phone number was only hooked up for 5 months.

Well the Quebec Corporate Databases are free and available online. I posted the information over in the History thread as it is documented history.
Link to full post
Here’s the thing, the Sons do take over the Quebec side at the end of 1996 08. So something happened that summer.

The Ontario Databases cost money. But if someone has some spare cash they are searchable too. There are a number of places you can do this either in person or online. No records are kept if you do so in person and pay cash.

Here is one example (Link)

Personaly I do not have any interest in taking the Patenaude’s to court.

Linda has always been awesome towards me, I like her.

Sifu Stephane was always friendly and Sifu Sylvian was just great as well.
As some of you may have noticed his name never comes up. I don’t think he’s ever done anything rotten to anybody.

Sifu Scott Hill I really respect him what can I say? You just never hear anything bad about that man. I loved his class.

Sifu Pat, I really looked up to him while I was there. A great teacher really.

There is really only 1 person I have a problem with and it’s not Sijo.
Sijo is the man making all these decisions but I chose whether or not I buy into it.

Some of you have some real issues that need to be resolved I agree, but as far as I’m concerned why in the hell would I sue them? It just does not make any sense.

I paid for martial arts classes and I got them. Whether you like what I learned or not I got martial arts training. What else would you call it?
I personally don’t give TKD (the art, not the man) any respect from what I’ve been told about it by TKDers I’ve spoken to, but it’s still a martial art.

I think eveybody who has something to get off their chest should, and they should do it here so others can read it.
People do need to know what others before them have had to deal with.
But if you decide you don’t like FSD just walk away man.

If people are stupid enough to join secret midnight inner circles, masters clubs AND bbc and buy those over priced DVD’s, well it’s a free country.
(Personaly I wish I had the money back I spent on the DVD’s)

I think FSD makes people feel good about themselves. Not every body is gonna be a real deal, get in the ring, fight in the streets martial artist. But it’s fun to go to class and hit some pads and exercise.

I do agree that people should be able to speak freely about being treated badly so others know what they are getting themselves into but it’s our own decisions we must take responsibility for.

I know money is a huge issue in all of this but I think the Patenaude’s really beleive in their martial art. They sure have put in a lot of effert over the years.

I’ll probably take a beating over this post but hey I’m used to it by now!

Oh yeah I do not think anybody should be going around Ottawa looking to assault these guys because that makes you thugs too!

If they beat somebody because they posted here then they should get a pounding.

To beat or attack somebody for expressing their opinion in ANY way is an attack on free speech and they should be crated up and sent straight to China.

Just think a few steps down the road before you get all riled up and start talking about lawsuits. You might be biting off more than you can chew.
Just a word of caution is all.

Anyone anyone…

No comment…on this… hmmmmm…any takers??? thread killing??

Don`t believe…

Sorry, I just do not…and many others feel as well…that any of the fsd people believe in “free speech” at all, intimidation tactics stand as their “way” or “art”…
Better bow lower…and scrape…you are just not worthy enough to be in their martial presence… remember shizophrenics “really” believe in what they think too…they need help… it is all too unfortunate…

Never fear Macte, my research-fu is nowhere near complete.

Enhanced. I think they are planning to sue based on the fact that they had a contract with someone who did not fullfill their side of the contract. That is sJP’s credentials do not appear to be real. Or perhaps based on the mental torture aspects of being pressured to smell dog-poo. Pain and Suffering etc.

  • I like my pillow, its nice to sleep on and never tells the other pillows I spend time with it. Is she like that for you?
  • Hmm, rotten is such a broad word. Would you care to clarify a little please?
  • Well he’s an accomplished MMA’er and a half decent press writer, what’s not to like?
  • And a heck of a guy if you ever have a flat tire, seriously the guy is like a brother to me, well a brother who wears silk that we don’t talk about at the family reunion but a brother nonetheless.
  • You’re right of course, but they never return my invites for Fondue so I’m a little peeved.
  • Hey! I take that personally! I used TKD tonight to pick up a waitress.
  • Spell check, your friend. Also me speak good, you try speak good. We all speak good. Wait a minute I can edit this, hey so can you.
  • Hmmm, so the secret inner midnight circles are bad eh? Thankfully stupidity isn’t taxable.
  • Its also fun to stay at the Y M C A!
  • And other people’s stupidity is not my concern.
  • Oh shit, where have you been for the last few pages? Cost is not the issue.
  • Um, yah. Hi my name is TKD Black Belt and I have a very sensitive BS meeter!
  • Never! I’d never say hang out in a men’s bathroom and beat up some construction worker who did follow through on his promise of a ‘happy ending’! Mind you I might drop into a Fang Shen Do class and ask who posts under Enhanced and show him what a real martial art looks like.

Was that too aggressive for you? Here’s a bunny to make it all better…:bunny:

Pass the popcorn…

I mean it…hey TKD pass the popcorn man…and watch… Askari …Popcorn??

What are we watching for? Can’t…take…suspense!

Fill us in!

Yeah! I’m with PP, what are we watching for???

Is the dog about to crap in the bucket? :new_popco

Makes me think of a K-OS song…

“Sijo’s got the crap in the bucket…!”

FSD Christmas album anyone??

No popcorn, sorry. But I did just pop into a friend’s place and am enjoying the most amazing cocnut rice and beef dish.


LOL - Seafood sings songs of Christmas. If he doesn’t edit the videos why in gawd’s name would he edit the songs.

“Deck, to the um the um the um halls with double chungchois and um and um and um holly!”


oops, double post.


:toothy10: rofl

Heh…I’m going to start calling myself a capitalist as I don’t want to be associated with the word entrepreneur if the FSD guys use it to discuss their supposed practices.

Just a personal opinion of course.


The thieving wanker finally showed up.

So why didn’t you complete the instructor course that you enrolled in with Demile?

You say you had contact with Demile from '75 to '91- but owe him nothing whatsoever? Seems both arrogant and ungrateful.

What unfounded talk? You mean the mostly verifed info from your students past and present?

Why did you have to buy a sokeship from a corrupt organisation if you are such a great and respected martial artist?

Your success is a fraud, and you know it. You are going down, little midget bitch. More and more people are discovering that you are full of shit and an extremely poor excuse for a teacher and a man.

You have contributed nothing to martial arts. You never will.

What qualifications do you have and from whom?

guys, i was talking with a friend of mine, and i may get him and a few other guys to post big posters all over certain areas (where ever theres a fsd school) with the bullshido url, and a bunch of info about fsd, prices, all sorts of crap.

not sure its worth the effort though, and how many people will listen, lol.


Well if you like negative testomonials placed in the top of the most popular search engine in the world then I am sure many of these fine posters would say ‘Your Welcome’ and we will be sure to help contribute with your ‘Success’.

You forgot, “Half Pregnant”.

While you are here, why not answer the questions Stringfellow posted in the first thread?

Look out for the SPLAT.

Czar P. Pantsless