Fang Shen Do II: The Fangshizzle


Thinking about the characters for Fang Shen Do - Now it is purely speculation on my part, but perhaps in the 80’s one of them had a really cool shirt with the “Shen Feng” logo on it. I seem to remember these as being really popular especially because it translated as Kamikaze (Divine Wind or Storm Rider - depending on who is translating it).

Now back to my visit to the Library. The club at 335 Catherine St has had a few names:

Modern Wing Chun = 1997 to 1998
Patenaude’s FanShen (sic) Do Kung Fu Schools = 2000
Focus On Results Seminar = 2000
And today has a bunch of names:
Patenaude’s Fang Shen Do Kung-Fu-See Fang Shen Do Kung-Fu
Patenaude’s Fang Shen Do Kung-Fu-Voir Fang Shen Do Kung-Fu
Fang Shen Do Kung-Fu martial Arts Self Defense & Fitness Schools
Fang Shen Do Kung-fu

But there was one strange part, when I reversed there phone number 569-0545 in criss-cross I found a bunch of listings for something simply called “NAM” followed by a number - which makes no sense to me at all.

Also, I thought Martin P ran the Montreal school, so why does he live out on the farm in Casselman? That’s just outside of Ottawa and at least an hours plus drive to Montreal - makes for a long commute. I’m just trying to think of a reason he would need to have an Ontario address. Can’t be healthcare - that’s paid in both provinces.

And I think its good marketing that the Hawksbury club has almost the same phone number as the club in Ottawa. According to the listings, the Hawkesbury school is another one that has moved around a lot in the last couple of years as well.

hey hey did i hear some of you guys are coming to montreal!?

party time! we will all go to club supersexe, get hammered, ill buy the lap dances, then we will go visit some fsd schools, LOL

edit: askari:

martin pateenoude runs the school on st denis street in montreal, and bwian packette runs the school in downtown montreal.

Yes we’re planning a summer educational road trip. As someone once so eloquently discribed my type, I’ll be the tattooed guy with a bald head and a WAND hoodie on.


“Hmmm, maybe TKD Black Belt is a bit misleading?”

cool, i got tattoo’s also, 14 to be exact :smiley:


So this is what happens…sjp beats up TKD kid …years ago on Isabella…for no reason…lawsuit ensues…as well as police involved…the school gets put into sons name…
to save lawsuit etc…school gets moved to Vanier and temp to a community centre in the Glebe…until they re-open on Catherine…FIRST HAND… enough of this…
:pain10: The truth hurts… but it is the truth…

I started to write a profanity-laced tirade aimed in your direction. I erased it and started again when I dialed it back enough to see that you were TRYING to be reasonable. At least I think you are trying to be reasonable. Unfortunately you lack insight and it is very obvious to anyone who has been following the entire thread (this plus the 157 pages and over 1500 posts on the first FSD thread) that you have not done your homework based on the suggestions you have made. Go back. Read the first 1500+ posts. Read the Fang Shen Don’t blog. Read the Sordid History thread. Get your information straight.

As has been mentioned already in response to your post, the ex-FSDers on this thread as well as the ones posting this do not need to be lectured by you. The only “fronting” that has gone on has been by CURRENT FSD students and sifus who have posted threats and testosterone or vengence-driven challenges. All offers of competition and even the most recent prize fight challenge have been made by non-FSD people who are simply offering the opportunity for someone from FSD to step up and prove their claims.

The intent of the two FSD threads which started with stringfellow’s perspective article was to inform people about the potential risks and pitfalls of FSD. The multitude of posts, while occassionally drifting, have provided a bounty of information. The intent was never to bring down FSD, only to inform people.

What you also fail to realize, or at least have failed to pick up, is that there is serious risk in having identities exposed or publically criticizing the Patenaude family. Anyone who has been in FSD understands this. It doesn’t take long once you start asking around to get FIRSTHAND knowledge of tire slashings, assaults, legal action, and the multitude of other things that have been talked about in these threads. Are you going to stand up and make sure that everyone’s family is protected? How about their cars? Their houses? Their businesses? These bullies push back. If there were not real concern then people would not be going out of their way to conceal their identities.

I realize this has come out as more of a flame at you than I wanted it to and I do honestly apologize for that. The fact here is that you seem to have misunderstood the actual danger faced by some people here. You also seem to be somewhat misinformed or at the very least not fully informed. So go get a coffee, sit down, and start educating yourself before you presume to chastize the posters in this thread.

“I found a listing for “Master Patenaude’s Kung-Fu Schools Inc,” located at 110 Isabella St Ottawa ON, K1S1V5. Further the criss cross noted that this number existed from 1996 04 to 1996 09. So the phone number was only hooked up for 5 months.”

There’s an Aikido school on Isabella. It’s right near the on-ramp to the Queensway. This is perhaps where the old location was.

The image of the tattoo is not really any help. The angle the picture was taken at is not great, the image is kind of small and the characters look like they’re written in some form of stylized calligraphy which makes it more difficult to read.

The characters I have above that translate as “defend oneself against violence” in pinyin would read as “Fang Shen” So I think they would be the characters you are looking for.

Macte alluded to it, and all this is second hand, but the gist of the story is Patenaude assaulted someone in his school. It closed down shortly after this.

And yes the Isabella school where the Aikido dojo is now was a FSD school before.

Is that an improvement?

Right . . . sorry. . . .


Must focus, stay on track… being weakened by deadly Aikido… focus…

Wow! That’s all I can say is wow! Assault now, on top of all the other garbage stories that have been floating around is this verifiable on any level other than 2nd hand stories?


Someone who is a lawyer in Canada . . . or savy with searching . . . should be able to find the civil case if the description is correct.


P.S. At least Aikido has the fabulous Magic Pants. . . .


There is a group of ex fsd`rs looking at all of this stuff…they will not talk about any of it at all anymore nor will they post, but they are looking in at this…
Some of the current people are watching this to from what the word is in Ottawa…
Stringfellow struck a chord here with them thats for sure…both sides looks like…creating quite the controversy about town…

I understand there is some curiosity about a class action suit. I would be interested in helping organize this if there is a lawyer out there willing to take on the cause. I believe most people would end up coming forward…let me know if there is interest.

…watch them transfer ownership of the corporation to the dog to avoid a lawsiut :slight_smile:

Maybe I’m slow, but someone with two posts, who list his style as FANG SHEN DO, is willing to help out in a class action suit against Fang Shen Do?

Methinks something don’t quite add up right.


Yes, they want names is what they want…Quote…“most people will come forward”…
It`s the names they want…


Whats sad is that he may want to help… but the trust factor is just not there…the group thats meeting re: fsd will not even talk to anyone at this point…they must have their reasons…

I think I know who take2 is, its ok, they are legit. I can be a go between if the two groups of ex-FSDers want to meet.

Macte, I agree. If this is an honest offer to assist, and it is being looked at with suspicion, it is unfortunate. But based on the history we are discussing here, suspicion should come naturally to anyone. If I am wrong, I will gladly admit it, publicly apologise and send beer over as a token of my sympathies(well maybe).