Fang Shen Do II: The Fangshizzle

No, No, no

That means that you would go to Montreal… sJP and most of his cronies are in Ottawa… So instead of Super Sex, you would have to go to Bear Facts in Ottawa instead. And they do serve beer as well:-)

Press Release

To all bullshitdo member:

Due to popular demand and a curiosity by the public (through internet postings), Grandmaster (Sijo) J. Patenaude will be publishing his 5th book, detailing the origins of his martial art: FANG SHEN DO. The book is scheduled to appear under the title: Fang Shen Do; The True Story.

For more information, please check this link:

Thank you


What a buch of fuckatrd shit. The grandmaster is putting out a book. The grandmaster is wiping his but. The grandmaster is watching TV. The grandmaster is doing luandry. The grandmaster is spaming his book on bullshido.

Sorry I’m a guess I’m still a Montreal boy at heart. Alright, boys the after party will be at Bear Facts.


PS - Someone call Jacques and let him know.

Hey you retards ever going to prove your system works? or do books and movie clips cover that?

I know a good website proves a lot…i don’t know…I think we need to see some blows.

Though I cannot edit my previous post, I will retract what I said about JP.

It was rude and impolite of me considering I have never met the man, basing my opinion on things I have read (written by JP himself) and people I have talked to (both within and outside the scope of this forum). I can not comment on his character and that was wrong. I have broken my own credo on that post, and I apologize sincerely.

The FSD brute squad removes the gun from his head.

“Thats right. we knew you would do the right thing.”


I’ve been reading through this post with some interest, as I am a long time resident of Ottawa. I have never had any contact with FSD, although they do seem to get alot of negative press around here. While I certainly do not support FSD based on what I’ve heard of them (second hand), I think you all should reconsider how you’re going about trying to “expose” FSD.

  1. It seems that FSD is talented at separtating people from their cash. While this is unfortunate for some (and bad for the MA community in general), it is by no means an exclusive practice to FSD in this town. There are several Mcdojos in Ottawa handing out belts, and lowering the status and standards of martial arts. It is a sad reality, but there are plenty of krotty black belts with no knowledge of actually fighting skills running these clubs.

  2. It seems that FSD does not want to participate in challenge matches. The idea of a prize fight is good, although somewhat impractical. A solution might be to invite them to an FC tournament - this would at least provide a more neutral grounds for a match…rather than showing up at their club and picking a fight. A challenge or invitation can be issued in a mature, responsible way…rather than refering to the FSD group in rude ways like an obnoxious 13 year old. By acting in a rude way you lower the standards of your club and affiliate style.

FYI…No, I am not at gunpoint right now.

  1. I like the class action idea, although I imagine you’d have to chase FSD based on their business practice (rather than MA fraud). I would go with this.

  2. For all the “fronting” many of you have done on this board and on bullshido, I would imagine you all intend to follow through on this. If you’re going to challenge FSD, then get on with it…otherwise let people give you the neagtive rep points for talking shit with no intention of actually backing yourelves up, and let the mods end this thread.

We don’t mean no harm. Heck, Were just funnin. Thats all. Just Funnin.

I think the point of this thread was to get the information out there, so would-be students, would have a better idea of what they were getting into. And I suppose, to let other current students know that they are not the only ones questioning things.

That’s great. Please commence lecturing ex-members of Fang Shen Do how to deal with them.

No shit. That is not a reason to not attempt exposing their corrupt practices, or warning others about how they operate.

Sure. I think you should read the original article and its thread and the other FSD thread, then make a comparsion. And maybe start reporting on those krotty clubs, if its affected you so badly.

These offers have been made several times. If you had bothered to read the threads on the subject, you would know this.

No you don’t. Don’t be so stupid. The only time you represent them is when you are fighting.

That’s great. I’m sure your legal advice is appreicated.

Once again I’ll refer to the initial threads where this has been done thru invitations in which canadian fighters that post on these threads compete.

You’ve obviously missed the 15 times that I have posted invites to them to come out to tournaments. I have posted links to promoters and contact information for MMA tournaments.

Not a single current FSD person has been to a tournament that I have been to since the start of these threads or my posting the invitations.

Since there are still no FSD guys at these, hey there is another one coming up in June. Hey FSD Management, send these guys an email and get one of your guys in the tournament, they are always looking for last minute entries:
I will report back on the result.

Hi Dingo,
Well, I have read many critics write about the movies they have seen. I have read many people write critical descriptions of martial videos.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well how much is a video worth? (The thumbnail is clickable and the other is a video of Sijo’s opinions on grappling)

Link to his description of grappling:

Please free to let us know what you think of these videos. You can limit yourself to descriptions of only what you see on the video if you like.

If you take the time to read all of the threads you will find several videos of FSD people performing techniques. You can then base your opinion of FSD and its practicioners on those videos.

There was no gun to my head. I thought that I had made a bad judgement call there, and made a public reference to his character in a public forum without first hand knowledge. If I had concrete knowledge of truth then I would be more inclined to say something outright.

Actually, re-reading the post, I never did comment, I just posted that I could make a supposition about it. I can make suppositions about a lot of things, the sky, the ground, your mama. :icon_eek:

I always hope to behave better than I sometimes do. Overall we must watch what we say here and not cross certain lines.

Bingo. Insightful as always, PP.

Originally Posted by PeterPantsless
I think the point of this thread was to get the information out there, so would-be students, would have a better idea of what they were getting into. And I suppose, to let other current students know that they are not the only ones questioning things.

Bang on,

For those that have no direct experience with FSD, there are the videos - and the posts by the FSD-Sifus upon which to base an opinion of them. Furthermore, some of us have direct experience with people who trained FSD and can make evaluations of the styles effectiveness as compared to people with similar amounts of training in other arts.

Oh and Sled Dog says they suck at fighting.

For those that didnt read the first thread here’s a repost of something I put up over there.

[Engage soap-box]

This brings me to my biggest concern about Fang Shen Do - and one that a few posters have noted already. After reading the posts by their Sifus and sockpuppets, after viewing the videos, after sparring with some of their people - I believe that there is a concern for more then just those of us that read this thread. A Martial Art that is this deficient is dangerous for the people who take it - because they are going to get hurt.

Imagine, if you will, someone you care about needs to train in Martial Arts for self-protection. For whatever reason in their life they need this training. Imagine this same person for whatever reason stumbles upon FSD for training. After 6 months they think they can defend themselves and are promptly eaten like a cheeseburger by the very thing that required them to begin training in the first place.

It was pointed out to me recently in a PM that we write on this board for those that read it and do not post, as well as working with each other while dealing with the trolls and sock-puppets. This comment strikes me as very true - I am posting my developing criticism of Fang Shen Do for those people who are reading this and not posting - as well as for those actively engaged in the discussion. I believe that they all need to be fully informed.

I started this thread in order to answer some basic questions that had arisen from talking to some friends who had trained in FSD. I think my questions have been answered.

[Dis-engage Soap-Box]

Eye of the Tiger II

Wow, my compliments to you all on such an amusing and informative thread!

Too bad it died.
Good funeral, though.
What, 10k+ viewers, er mourners, so far?

Again, ran into some of those former fsd students
at a party here in MTL.

Aside from some running gags
(in Samuel Jackson voice:
Tainted (Patenaude kungFu) love o-o-o-o.
Some times I feel I’ve got to (WAHNWAHN) pay and pay
…and pay and pay
…and pay and pay.)

we yakked about this thread, which has now become
absolutely famous in the Francophone community.

Some conclusions & comments so far:
(Some of this y’all may have heard/said before,
I’m just passing it on from former students,
so plz bear with me)

  • Outside fsdworld, fsd is not a player anymore, hasn’t been for some time

  • People are better informed now, bonne chance avec ton fsd bullshit

  • Na-na-na-na, hey hey hey, good bye.

  • The only thing that the fsd mgt is doing here is trying to de-focus
    the thread (not happening) damage control (yeah? Where do you want to start!?)
    and provide amusement value (this, they ARE doing).

  • They’re not really swaying anyone over to their point of view.
    The opposite, in fact.

In the words of one former student,
It’s kind of sad hearing solicitations from the fsd see-poos
as to “what kind of improvements would you like to see” when
it’s apparent they’re just going through the motions.
Looking for new buzzwords to slap on the same old stuff,
or trying to identify former students by matching up the suggestions they’ve heard
in their schools with what they read here.

If they actually posses a genuine desire to evolve, then why haven’t they?
Changed the pricing structure, yes.
Changed the seminars and extra classes, yes.
Improved the actual basic curriculim, no.

If they genuinely cared about the concerns of their ex-students then
why haven’t they acted on them?
Did they have to wait until fsd was being slagged here
(and all over the net at this point)
before looking into it?
Kinda late. Now they have no cred whatsoever.

If they actually wanted to stake a (real and provable) claim and contribute to the MA world then why haven’t they?
(I’m suppossed to pass this on here:)
Martin, you read this?
25(?) years of MA and who knows you or about you?
In 25 years?!

No participation in tournaments, no interaction with other schools.
In fact the opposite.
I’ve seen other MA’s get raked over the coals here in Bullshido,
but they’ve received at least some support from other styles/institutions outside their immediate organizations.

Not the case with fsd…hmm, wonder why?

The answer seems to be:
fsd has fallen down & can’t get up.
fsd not only doesn’t want to change, it can’t change.

Change can be traumatic;
the first time I did an alive knife drill (just a training knife thank
god) with some one who knew the Folsom Prison routine all
my important parts got covered in red ink.

FTR I did manage to apply a wristlock at one point,
but got my femoral artery slashed in the process
following the old behind the back switcheroo.

After realizing that I probably would have received more
than just flesh wounds hehe, I changed my training approach
for this type of encounter, and eventually all SD related stuff.

It was difficult for me to do, I admit. My ego was the first casualty.
Learning can be hard, unlearning real hard.

Better now, thanks.

Point is: change was hard to accept at the time even when I was willing to learn.
Much harder when the need to change is applied from the outside.
And if you’ve had your fingers in your ears going
fangshendolalalalaIcan’thear you for too long,
you’re past the point of no return.

So post your comments, says I to the Xfsd-ers, even en francais.

What for? they say.
Seems people are doing a good job (great job actually) without them.
They’re glad see-goopoo is being outed,
but really don’t care to participate in the thread because
they just want to move on. Better things to do, ITO.
Incorporate the useful, discard (and forget) the useless.

But that doesn’t mean they won’t speak up or participate
in any class action/legal stuff, so if such starts up,
let everyone know about it here.
Lotsa people are watching, and there’s safety in numbers.

…and that doesn’t mean they won’t step up if fsd thuggery rears it’s ugly head.
They know all about jacque-o’s methods, and also know now about the best way to deal with a bully.

The ex-fsd-er-ses have allies in and around their new schools now,
who are not only willing and able to throw down but are actually
kinda looking forward to it.

For a good cause, of course.

Something about someone giving something a bad name…?

Got some other stuff re: Jacques rep in HumanResource
circles (motivational seminar thingee)
but I’ll save that for next time.

Hope everybody is well


Tell you what. Let me know when you get to Ottawa so I can drive out from Toronto. Then after all the fireworks, I’ll drive you to Montreal and even buy you the first six beer at Super Sexe!! (You’ll have to buy your own lap dances tho…)

Whos up for a road trip!?!?!?

And just to keep this on thread… Wonder if they would get upset if I printed StringFellows article and began hand it out in front of the Toronto dojo… Hmmm


Characters for Fang Shen Do

Here’s an image I found on the net:

While I am at it way back on the original thread, MarcDScott posted about one of the clubs closing down under odd circumstances.

Well, I have begun some research on that location. And poked through old phone books at the downtown library.

I found a listing for “Master Patenaude’s Kung-Fu Schools Inc,” located at 110 Isabella St Ottawa ON, K1S1V5. Further the criss cross noted that this number existed from 1996 04 to 1996 09. So the phone number was only hooked up for 5 months.

Doesnt really tell us why they were open for such a short period of time, but its a start for me, and gives me a period of time in which to search newspaper records about that location.

Research-fu is unbeatable.

In other news, a certain member of our community has gone all pink.

I guess they didn’t read the forum rules about posting spam adverts…