Fang Shen Do II: The Fangshizzle

My god… wait…wait…I can see it…wait…oh ya…I see it now…anyone else see it too???
I have to agree with Wagamichi… I have just been told that several years ago…this asian eagle claw guy was sick of hearing all the crap from them…that he walked into their schools, I guess this guy was the real deal …fought San Shou and Kyokoshinkai knockdown overseas…so he marches in…and says …thats it lets go…or shut up…apparantly they told him to leave…or they would call the police…so it looks like its been attempted…
My buddy was in the class at the time it happened…
Drama Drama fsd Drrrrrrrama…so…cmon guys…lets hear some more…thisw is way more than poor training and management…
FSD exs unite!!!! class action lawsuit....its in the air…

You know if even ten ex-FSD’ers got together to start something like that, you could probably get a lawyer to take it on spec.

Then after you publicized that it was started, you’d start to collect a list of ex-ers, when it started to hit the triple digits we’d be talking real money.

100 ex-students at 10 Grand each hits your first million. I wonder how many ex-students there are out there? the 10 Grand each is just their out of pocket expenses - you can sue for pain and misery too (that’s probably a big multiplier). Wow - some of these guys could probably retire off a suit like that.

Especially the ones who had to smell the dog shit.

WOW -Truthfully I’ve never even heard of Fang Shen Do before joining Bullshido, reading this thread I’m blown away by all these stories. From what I’ve read this style/organization seems like the Canadian Martial Arts version of the Jonestown cult. Creepy stuff IMO.


And it will get creepier…all the truth has not yet come out…

Oh man I can’t wait to here the full story…and not the one in Sijo’s new book.

Askan - do you train in BJJ in Ottawa?

Not sure if you have…

You may want to read the rest of the first threads…it will give you a good idea…
Its nigh time that this happened…its gonna get ugly…
I was told that the sifoods still bounce around Ottawa, hwo`s up for a night on the town??
I have also been told that there is a guy from another system in Casslemen teaching some of their cousins…that must really get to them…
That would be interesting?? :deadhorse

You think he’d pick a fight with me if I walked in in my Atama Gi with suitable patches and team affiliations out in the open? I’ll even wear the middle weight title belt just so they aren’t confused. You think since I’m a ‘sport fighter’ per say, they’d jump on it.

Also the story about the ‘punch in the throat’! WTF. I have a scar on my lower lip from getting hit in a sparring match with my instructor. The difference? We were training for Nationals. Not waiting around to sniff Seafood’s lunch.


Macte - Dude I am so in! I’ll be the one in a Wandy shirt :wink:

I`ll wear my Rickson shirt…

Whos in guys??? Oh I think theyd tell you to leave…unless you put some cash down…I`m sure their marketing would allow that…“just a spoonfull of koolaid helps the”…go down…" sing it…!!! fill in the blanks…
I know their are ex fsd people watching this…
as well, you notice the ad for the book…it says to all “bullShit do” people obvious that they are baiting to get names…watch out guys…men in black will start showing up at your door…no kidding they have done it before…and they know it…theres one ex brown sash raring to tell his stories…he was asked to do some crazy things for sijoo.

Rickson by Arm - Bar

Now if we could only convince them to put up a $5,000.00 challange. They could claim to be unbeatable and be so confident that they were willing to put their money where their mouth is. They could prove they have the money somehow and offer to pay if anyone could beat one of their Sifu’s in a ‘real’ ™ fight.

Or maybe I just want to make an easy $5,000.00 …

Never go for it…

Great idea…but they have too much to lose…i need to rephrase that…
I guess they were going around saying the UFC people (pre Dana) had said that their system was too deadly for UFC…yah…as usual its that kind of crap that really gets into their genre.. Lots of barking not much biting.. Although an fsd student whos current there… told me that Stephans been whoppin mad to kick some tail lately over the whole thing....hes trying to find a way out and trains downtown…hes pretty scared....hes been on here to look around a bit…
I have been trying to get him to post, he knows about the dog poop incident I guess…

Hmmmm, I’m in. I got a few bucks laying around. What do you say Seafood? I’m a lowly TKD BB with no Brazilian rank. I walk at 185ish and fight at Welterweight. No Muay Thai fights (although I’ve done a little full contact Karate). And I promise not to use all those silly UFC type rules.

Soccer kick anyone?


I hate to do this too you, BUt I’ll fight the mother fucker for $4,000.00.

Damnit Wagamichi, dont you make me bring my portable UFC cage out again.

For those thinking about a class action law suit based upon sJP not satisfying his side of the legal agreement. That is he promised to supply certified and real martial arts instruction - which turned out to be fake. Here is a site for you:
It mentions how they take cases on spec.

I even know a few people that qualify as expert witnesses on MA and SD that would be willing to testify for free.

Fuck, I’ll do it for beer and a trip to Super Sexe!


The hints and allegations of the past few pages on this thread do not provide a heck of a lot of credence, IMHO. First person references would carry more weight than “I heard a story once…”.

Though, that being said I have recently had email correspondence with the Sifu of the FSD school I attendended.

Now, because what I hold as a reasonable expectation of privacy I will only say a few things. There were NO threats or intimidation, strong opinions were voiced in personal ways but I do not begrudge him of that.

The second thing I will say, is that it seems that my not-so-veiled identity has been discovered (never really hid it), and my posts have been topics of conversation atleast among the BBC of that school, and to paraphrase the sentiments in the emails, I am not not well thought of by the current BBC members. I know some are following the thread – so please listen for a moment before slinging the mud in my direction. Then you can resume slinging mud if you still feel like it.

Now, I am not here to tell you are wrong. If you enjoy it, and see no issues with FSD, who am I to argue. I’m not going to tell you what to do with your money and your spare time.

If you have read my posts, I hope you see that I am not slagging FSD out of hand, and that I don’t have a personal vendetta (if you think so, please read my posts). I am not trying to destroy anyone personally, nor will I spread hearsay. There are people on this thread more critical than I am of FSD, and others more willing to make comments on the character of particular people involved.

Yes, I have had issues which is why I left. Yes, I think FSD has a “brand” problem. Yes, I think Sijo’s claims are questionable. My opinions. I will not argue those points.

If your thoughts differ, well that’s an opposing opinion and I don’t think less of you. Heck, I don’t even claim to be right.

I leave behind one last comment, exactly what I wrote back to the Sifu in response…

"Hopefully they read things with an open mind, discarded the obvious crap (the insults, outright bashing, etc) and formed their own opinions, for good or ill. "

If I am now a pariah in the school because of my posts, well so be it.

Remember, free opinions are often worth what they cost.

Look Dingo, maybe, I hear you, but…there are people in Ottawa and Montreal…who are for whatever reason…VERY scared or apprehensive of the entire family…why?? thats their problem…I guess, but these are not young people with grudges…many are established profesionals some of whom have truly been threatened, I also know that they have gotten together at times of late and have been talking lawsuit, that being said…I can see their point…and sorry man…glad you had an ammicable breakup…many did not…and some of them have evidence…REAL evidence to prove the threats and intimidation…they are serious and not just sniping for the sake of slagging others namely fsd…these people have a right to their feelings…and have been around the martial arts themselves for years, I know some of you guys may not see that they are scared or why they are…but it stands…and they feel that they have to ‘legally’ protect their rights…its not about second hand is apparant that this group has damaged the martial arts community here...they are alraedy starting to mee once a week to discuss this and it is because of this forum..the community, I mean the "entire" community is sick and tired of this crap here....good for you dingo....glad it was easy...but Id bet a bucket of dog crap that your being slammed to the mat in more ways than one behind your back…Gauranteed…

I would agree with the last few pages. Although the benfit to this is that a few more people have felt comfortably speaking of their experiences. Sometimes humour acts as a great liberator. I don’t remember who said it but the quote was to the effect of “Laughing at yourself ensures you don’t take yourself too seriously.” IMO and the sole reason I will go after any McDojo silliness is this ‘taking oneself too seriously’ problem that has permeated most if not all McDojos.

As stated numerous times (and the subject of a paper on my lap top right now) is that McDojo’s are dangerous. You’d never buy a car with a faulty seat belt because industry standards would keep it off the road. When a McDojo does this we tend to turn a blind eye and accept that some will do as they do and it isn’t our concern. I don’t take that opinion and have far to often been accused of “being my brother’s keeper” so be it.

When a school make a claim they should be able to back it up. Tai Chi is for relaxation and circulation. Well crap I can back that claim up fairly easily and I have never had anything to do with Tai Chi. A McDojo states that you will learn to defend yourself, they can not back that claim up. When someone with a few weeks of Jiu Jitsu can take down and beat a high ranking Sifu of FSD that claim is debunked.

If FSD is serious about their ability to teach people to defend themselves then they should have been here on day one defending this. Why weren’t they? Simple, the story is true and they know it.

This thread is not a malicious attack on FSD. It was a statement made regarding a bad situation in which the claimed superiority of a system was debunked. As has been suggested many times, FSD is welcome to contact a promoter and step in the ring. FSD is welcome at any grappling tournament or KB tournament. The thing is, you can only hide behind TOO DEADLY TO COMPETE for so long.


Can anyone confirm if these are the characters that represent FSD?


FSD = the Way of Survival

Survival in Characters

  1. 生存
  2. 幸存
  3. 残存

Of course it is possible that the characters they are using could mean survival.

Also they could be using the characters;

防身 = defend oneself against violence.