Detransitioning Trans - Tales of Buyers Regret, and Claims of Ruined Lives

That is probably true. (Project Veritas)

But not the sort of link I was suggesting.

I was going for more of a logical reason that the companies making the suicide drug are influencing doctors proscribing it. Or a link between anything and anything really.

Which i don’t think we have at the moment.

There are many Project Veritas links.
Just like there are many New York Times or New York Post links.
Links must be evaluated as true or false on their own merits, or flaws in their content.

If there is big money in something, there is almost always corruption, including bribes and graft.

I don’t mean to say that there is big money in a prescription suicide drug or not.

Opioids are deadly at high doses, are cheap, and a pleasant way to die, all things considered.

Canadian doctors who work for the national healthcare system including their version of Veteran’s Affairs have been offering it in lieu of expensive continuing care. Did you not think the state would seek to make state funded healthcare cheaper by nudging people who would have expensive care paid for by the state towards medically assisted suicide?

It’s the opposite incentive for the private medical industry here pushing “gender affirming care”.

Suicide should be legal and not stigmatized for informed adults, particularly if they do not leave behind dependent children.

Medically assisted suicide, as well.

I disagree. And in this case you can’t delineate coercion and desire. In Canada, handicapped activist groups are pushing back hard against medically assisted suicide because people are being nudged towards it due to cost of care and they see themselves as being in danger.

Gotcha. So this basically.

We are going to disagree.

In many cases you can.

However, medical murders do occur.

They already occur in domiciles where medically assisted suicide is not legal.

Medically assisted suicide does dramatically lower the cost of long term medical care.

Which is the financial incentive for state subsidized healthcare. Don’t be surprised when within the next few years Medicare/Medicaid starts to nudge big spenders towards medically assisted suicide.

But instead of just old people, it’s everyone with near-future expensive healthcare costs.

I am for it, obviously.

I will just put it like this: if I found out a medical professional was nudging one of my parents or grandparents towards medically assisted suicide because Medicare didn’t want to pay for care anymore, I would be showing up to their house to help them with some assisted suicide. I am not the only person who would have this response.

“Research by Medical Accident Group found that 65% of people they polled regretted their surgery, though 28% were very happy with its results.”

Let us gather up our pitchforks and fire brands and protest at the plastic surgery clinics!

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Take it easy, Francis.

This a great way to point out why we shouldn’t let kids do it.
(Although, for truth in advertising, polls are notoriously unreliable).

Anybody not “Scots-Irish” ?


Speaking of Xtian bullshit.

Shades of the death committees or whatever the “right” was predicting would happen with Hillary or Obamacare or whatever they named them.

Yeah, not sure why some sort of special “suicide drug” is needed for putting people down minus the splatter.

I don’t have a problem with the Cavaliers.