Data driven approach to COVID19 vaccination for kids, and adults

I’ll wait for your 100% safety report which doesn’t exist.

Yeah, because those guys are ruining America.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

You’re not a Sith…right? Because I work in AI Deception shit… Don’t fuck around.

Then don’t make it out like nobody was harmed, there ae adverse events documented in many of the links i posted above. Just read them, it’s where your eye moves across the page, you’ll probably have to start by sounding out the words, over time you’ll be able to stitch those words together into sentences, and if you keep at it, those sentences will start developing ideas, that may start expanding your understanding.

Until then, i’m not keen teaching special ed class today …

What’s 9/600000x100?

Listen, I’m an engineer at heart. The old rule is that scientists only care about theory, engineers deal with tolerances (which are kind of like p-levels).

The answer is practically nobody dies from any vaccine. SO why are you trumpeting this Telegraph shit?

Just so you know the BMJ study has spread far and wide over the last few days. There’s no secret about who is spreading lies and who is actually helping.

You are not helping.

That should be well documented then, link please?

The BMJ is one of the oldest respected medical journals out there …

Yeah, and I just showed you how the Telegraph fucked up their study’s findings.

And how the University of Minnesota didn’t.

Do you really want me to go into how Yahoo,, and the New York Post fucked up?

You’re still stuck at 10. Seriously, you can’t even find 10 case studies?

Vaccines don’t kill people, generally. They never have. That’s not how they work. That’s some crazy religious/conservative bullshit.

Food probably kills more people than vaccines.

No it’s a pain to have to go google 10 people, fact check them, then post them. I have nothing to gain, it’s a stupid argument, i’m not wasting time on stupid, i’ve already responded enough times to you. I’m going to keep posting interesting stuff as i find it.

That’s because if you google 10 people, you’ll get 10 bullshit stories.

Its the FOW. Do you even understand what I mean???

Listen I can bombard you with other studies. I’d rather talk about murderous AI, but…here you are.

I’m not sure i understand why the montreal gazette is a solid source and far better than the telegraph … but whatever

It’s important to understand how generally objective scientific information is seeded throughout the mediasphere. For the layman, this is the only was to divine what’s factual vs. reactionary fluff.

Now, I typically don’t need to check bias meters like this because I can usually figure it out intuitively by reading.

And quite frankly, there are SO many studies out there on COVID vaccine safety, and SO many safety protocols in place in SO many countries, and the BMJ study ultimately doesn’t contain anything remotely linking vaccine side effects with death.

As the CDC page I posted above clearly states, in case you rambled past it

The Russian disinformation directed graph network devoted to anti-vaxx denial is pretty gnarly, too.

Most people never even think about this stuff, but it keeps me up at night.

This is just the one surrounding the Russo-Ukrainian War. You’ll be like “hey Rabbit, wtf does this have to do with COVID?”. And then when I can find the COVID graph network that shows how Putin has been successfully dumbing down Westerners, particularly British and Americans, on science in general but medical science in particularly, you might start to understand.

Always blame the X-Chans. Vaccine denial, election denial, QAnon, the Manosphere…it all goes back to there.