Data driven approach to COVID19 vaccination for kids, and adults

I don’t know why you are so obsessed with the fact that people are talking about DMX.

The only person talking about DMX here is you.

Even if he did die from the vaccine, we still need studies at scale. It would be anecdotal which doesn’t mean anything until there is real data supporting it. Same with the scare mongering stories on a child getting sick. Someone dying is a tragedy, extrapolating that and drawing conclusions is an emotional response, not a scientific one. I know you don’t like that notion because you think it dehumanizes people, fact is, being scientific kills less people …

Just to add, science also doesn’t require trust, it requires proof, so statements like trust the science is stupid, just though i’d throw that in there, the word doesn’t mean what it used to.

Because I am paid to stay on top of things like this.

That’s funny, we talk about DMX all the time. When I say we I mean military doctors and information assurance professionals like myself. Because when a celebrity death is associated with something as benign as a vaccination through disinformation channels, people die.

DO you want me to give you a bigger list of people who have been, post-mortem, misaligned with “vaccine murder” bullshit?

Who died from the vaccine? Name one person. DMX was a Red herring, dawg.

I am being scientific. In fact, I’m uniquely qualified in this regard.

So, I want you to repeat after me: “DMX didn’t die of the COVID vaccine, because there is no evidence of that”. Full stop.

Science absolutely requires trust in order to work properly. Brain surgery, rocket science, computer engineering, epidemiology.

“Proof”. I’m going to school you on what the actually means now.

How up to speed are you on semiotic logic? Do you actually know what a P-value is, and why the ones you posted previously suck?

Oh man, I can see the chinks in your armor now.

Again, you are conflating COVID deaths, and vaccination deaths. They are not even remotely comparable on any numerical scale.

This is the same pseudo scientific horseshit pushed by climate change denialists to anti-vaxxers to Flat Earthers.

This is why morons keep harrassing and death threatening doctors.

More unscientific language. No bets were harmed in the making of the COVID vaccines.

In fact, if you really want to get into the handicapping/bookmaker area, betting on the COVID vaccine was and still is, a “sure thing.”

Yes, that was the fault of the crazy religious people who fighting medical science because of God.

PPE are not a slippery slope. The guidance on proper masks has been crystal clear for 4 years. Not only that, you can make a makeshift mask easily that will block in and outbound nanometer particles.

Actually, they’re all about the same fucking size. They all operate in the nanometer (nm) range. COVID is about 100nm.

Want to know what a giant virus is called? It’s called a “Girus”, and it’s still measured in the sub-micrometer range. Several hundred nm at most.

This has been studied. The eyes are not a transmission pathway for COVID.

The nose is, and by extension, the nasal passage in the mouth.

It’s not a religious debate among actual doctors and scientists. It’s a religious fantasy in the minds of morons who get their medical information from church and right-wing media.

Lots of ramble and taking out of context.

Not going to argue many of those points which aren’t accurate. Not really relevant to the topic anyway, not interest in your mask cause you’re pulling in from the side. Wear 'em, don’t, i don’t care.


Of course you’re not going to argue. You’re not qualified to.

I can tell you who is, and isn’t. So let’s teach you!

Start naming people killed or seriously injured by the COVID-19 vaccines. That is the topic of this thread, right? Risk-based approach?

More ramblin’

Huh, I found an UNBIASED take on the BMJ study that doesn’t contain any of the anti-vaxxer bullshit.

No mention of vaccines causing death or serious illness. Huh.

Of course it’s from an actual accredited American university and not some conservative dick-tugging website.

I don’t want to argue about masks …

That’s just a stupid statement, of course people have been seriously injured or killed. There is nothing you can rollout to a global population that isn’t going to harm someone. That’s just a stupid statement.

Still on the bleeding edge of new information I see. It was fun watching them update their vaccine pages as our understanding of the vaccine kept changing, even though it was “thoroughly tested and we knew everything about it”. I think they eventually dropped the original MRNA page they had if memory serves.

The BMJ study was unbiased, haha, don’t need an unbiased article that references it.

… calling for more research into one vaccine doesn’t make you an anti-vaxxer.

Good. Especially on Bullshido.

Who. List 10 people.

I’m well beyond blood.

It’s mRNA. Little m.

No but citing The Telegraph is up there with PATRIOT CLIPS.

What website do you think you’re on, right now???

Where religious wars is all it’s about … there isn’t a lot of critical thinking here contrary to popular belief.

Yup i know, i’m not strict on capitalisation at the best of times, i don’t really care.


haha, still with the patriot clips.

you really do enjoy the insignificant statements.

One were critical, intelligent, insightful discussions are pretty scarce. Most of the time it’s just you shouting at people without thinking.

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So, you can’t even list 10.

Here are almost 60 nuclear war scenarios.

  1. US First Strike– Pretty standard. A US counterforce nuclear strike against targets in the Soviet Union. I disagree with Joshua on this one. The scenario is quite winnable under the right circumstances

  2. USSR First Strike – Same as above, only the Soviets launching first. Again, I believe this scenario is winnable for the initiator.

  3. NATO / Warsaw Pact– NATO vs WP conventional conflict escalates to a strategic nuclear exchange.

  4. Far East Strategy– This scenario title is open ended. I’ll go on the assumption that it involves a Soviet backed campaign in the Far East. Korea perhaps.

  5. US USSR Escalation– Very generic. Tensions rise, forces deploy, units exchange fire and ultimately it leads to a nuclear exchange.

  6. Middle East War– In the 80s, the Middle East was a hotbed of violence. Israel vs Syria, Iran/Iraq, Operation Praying Mantis….a nuclear war could have kicked off from one of many conflicts in the region.

  7. USSR – China Attack – Back in the 70s and 80s the Chinese and Soviet Union disliked each other quite a bit. The fear was always there that a conflict between the two might go nuclear.

  8. India Pakistan War– Still a very real threat today!

  9. Mediterranean War– Soviet/WP moves against NATO’s Southern Flank or a flare up between the US and Soviet allies such as Syria and/or Libya which leads to rapid escalation.

  10. Hong Kong Variant– In the 1980s Hong Kong was sovereign British territory. Any PRC moves against the city would have inevitably drawn in the superpowers.

  11. SEATO Decapitating– SEATO dissolved in 1977. A decapitation attack would have been nuclear strikes against the capital cities of its member-states.

  12. Cuban Provocation– Cuba provoking a crisis somewhere that leads to a conflict between the US and Soviet Union. Grenada could be considered a Cuban provocation. Fortunately, it did not involve direct fighting between the superpowers.

  13. Inadvertent– An accident. Always possible. When the one side launches its missiles, accident or not, the other side is going to be forced to respond.

  14. Atlantic Heavy– Control of the North Atlantic was essential to both NATO and Soviet war plans. The US Navy was prepared to take the war directly to the Soviet homeland. The Soviets were prepared to close the Atlantic off with its submarine and bomber forces.

  15. Cuban Paramilitary– A situation similar to Angola

  16. Nicaraguan Preemptive– A US preemptive strike against Communist-controlled Nicaragua. There were always fears that Mexico would be next if the Nicaragua’s ambitions were allowed to go on unchecked.

  17. Pacific Territorial– Naval fighting between the US and Soviet Union in the North Pacific

  18. Burmese Theatrewide– This scenario title was always interesting. How could Burma have played central role in nuclear war planning?

  19. Turkish Decoy– A Soviet attack against Turkey to keep NATO’s attention focused there. It’s a feint and the real Soviet objective is somewhere else in the world.

  20. NATO …? This is one of the titles on the list that was obscured.

  21. Argentina Escalation– In 1982 Argentina invaded the Falklands, prompting a powerful British response. Another attempt to retake the islands bringing about an escalation was not out of the question back in the 80s. In recent years the idea of another invasion attempt in the future has actually gained some momentum in Argentinian military circles.

  22. Iceland Maximum– Control of the North Atlantic would have been essential to both sides in a NATO-Warsaw Pact war. Iceland was the gate to the North Atlantic. The Soviets would have had to neutralize the NATO bases there in order to undertake a successful Atlantic campaign

  23. Arabian Theatre-wide- All hell breaks loose on the Arabian Peninsula and Persian Gulf. Escalation of the Iran-Iraq War or perhaps a Soviet invasion of Iran.

  24. U.S. Subversion– Political turmoil and internal conflict inside of the United States. Homegrown or the result of foreign meddling?

  25. Australian Maneuver– This one could either be Soviet action against Australia or, less likely, Australian-led action in the region

  26. Iranian Diversion-Another open-ended title. It could signify a Soviet invasion of Iran to draw off US/NATO attention from Europe

  27. …? limited- Another obscured title. Ugh!

  28. Sudan surprise– Challenges to the Sudanese Socialist Union could have led to an Afghanistan-like invasion by the Soviet Union

  29. NATO territorial– Incursion of NATO territory by the Warsaw Pact

  30. Zaire Alliance– Mobutu aligns Zaire closely with the Soviet Union

  31. Iceland Incident– Soviet assault against Iceland or an inadvertent incident at sea between the US and Soviet navies off of Iceland.

  32. English Escalation– Oh those whacky Brits

  33. Zaire Sudden- Zaire falls into chaos. The Soviets intervene

  34. Egypt Paramilitary– This one stumps me. Overthrow of Egyptian government by paramilitary forces perhaps.

  35. Middle East Heavy– Conflict in the Middle East. Lebanon, Arab-Israeli, Iran-Iraq….take your pick

  36. Mexican Takeover– The red tide that threatened Central America in the 1980s comes north. Mexico falls to Nicaragua and Cuba

  37. Chad Alert- Chad was a hotspot in the 80s. Libya became embroiled in the Chad civil war. France supported Chad.

  38. Saudi Maneuver– A Soviet move against the Saudi oilfields

  39. African Territorial– One of the myriads of African conflicts escalates and brings in the superpowers.

  40. Ethiopian Escalation– During the late 70s the Horn of Africa was a very active Cold War chessboard. Ethiopia and Somalia had fought a war in 1977-78, aided by supplies furnished by the Superpowers. Another conflict in the area was always possible.

  41. Turkish Heavy– A conflict on NATO’s Southern Flank, whether part of a larger Soviet operation or not, would have run the risk of swift escalation.

  42. NATO Incursion– Open ended somewhat. It could refer to an attempt by NATO to break through a Soviet/East German blockade of Berlin.

  43. U.S. Defense– Think Red Dawn. Wolverines!

  44. Cambodian Heavy– The end of the Vietnam War in 1975 did not bring everlasting serenity to Southeast Asia. China and Vietnam had already locked horns once as a result of Vietnam’s invasion and occupation of Cambodia. A second war between the two could have escalated.

  45. Pact Medium– Generic title. Invasion of Warsaw Pact territory by NATO, or vice versa.

  46. Arctic Minimal– The world’s attention on the Arctic in recent years is nothing new.

  47. Mexican Domestic– Civil war in Mexico, perhaps touched off by Nicaraguan backed rebels. The US would not stand idle while its southern neighbor dissolved into chaos.

  48. Taiwan Theaterwide– China moves to recapture Taiwan, touching off a conflict that rages across the entire Western Pacific.

  49. Pacific Maneuver– A ruse by the Soviets in the Pacific to take attention away from another region where they were preparing to make a move.

  50. Portugal Revolution– Revolution in Portugal. The communists came close to seizing power there once or twice. Portugal was and still is a valuable member of NATO. A communist revolution there could have drawn in Spain and perhaps even France.

  51. Albanian Decoy– A Soviet gambit to deflect attention away from somewhere else.

  52. Palestinian Dream– Arafat’s dream. The Palestinian conflict draws in the superpowers and escalates to a nuclear showdown

  53. Moroccan Minimal– Morocco has been a bastion of stability in North Africa for decades. This title is open to speculation

  54. Bavarian Diversity– When I think about diversity in Bavaria, I’m generally thinking about the diverse selection of beers available there

  55. Czech Option– NATO launches an operation through Czechoslovakia, perhaps to shear it away from the Warsaw Pact

  56. French Alliance– France allies itself with someone untoward and before they can surrender, the mushrooms begin to sprout

  57. Arabian Clandestine– A covert Soviet operation to secure or destroy the oil reserves in Saudi Arabia leads to escalation

  58. Gabon Rebellion– Yet another African hotspot during the Cold War

  59. Northern Maximum– Major Soviet air, land and sea operations against the Northern Flank of NATO

Find me something that says no human being globally has been harmed.

I’m not playing stupid games with you.

That’s because you’re the steak.

name calling, yay, maybe when you turn 12 you’ll have a better argument.

10 names. DMX is clearly off the table.