Data driven approach to COVID19 vaccination for kids, and adults

You’re going to have to support that “congently” thing after taking a look at the anti-Fauci video at Patriot Clips, a place where they post videos attempting to connect every athletic death over the last fear years on vaccination.

I’m a doctor of science and bona fide information assurance expert. Part of that requires being able to see through bullshit on a level most can’t. It’s a matter of the deepest training.

This doesn’t have to be about who is smarter, or who has read more. It’s about picking apart lies told by the anti-vaccination crowd. Let’s not forget, this didn’t start with COVID, it started with Andrew Wakefield’s, bullshit.

No, I’m not going to have to support that.

Cogent doesn’t mean correct, just like logically correct does not mean factually correct.


I just assume everybody is responding to me with ChatGPT.

That Patriot Clips channel though…woof I’m through about 15 videos and we’ve moved on from Satanic vaccines to 2020 Was Stolen by Dominion. That one sure didn’t age well for FOX.

It would be really helpful if you would post data supporting the 100 million unvaccinated deaths showing that they occurred after the vaccines were rolled out globally and most had been vaccinated.

Or perhaps just another few paragraphs that dont help the conversation but just repeat your own bias’s and beliefs combined with the occasional insult .

It’s possible a hybrid approach may be more effective. It’s interesting that the effectiveness is linked to which areas are enhanced/targeted by the vaccine/virus.

I still think there is a risk reward debate there, but an interesting read.

I’m definitely no bully.
I know flu and covid are different viruses, and different viruses are different.
I posted a link to the study not just video.
Thought uncle was funny.
I didn’t say go get sick, i said once you’ve been sick, you don’t really need to go anymore. I mean immunity aside, the worry was nobody knew if they were the one to get really sick, once you’ve gotten it, if it was mild and you were fine, there is a good chance you’ll be good next time + you’ll have the natural immunity.

Lmfao, now i get the patriot clips reference. I was like what are you on about?

Went back to see what the story with the channel was, i was just looking for a clip. There is this crazy feature in youtube where you type in search words and look for stuff, i grabbed the first one i recognized, checked if it was the right content … aaaannnnndddd linked it. Next time i’ll check the channel, now i know the video changes based on where it’s posted. TIL

… and based on this amazing piece of detective work, everything i’ve said is discredited. This is the very definition of a straw man.

I’m going to ignore these types of responses moving forward. Just not interesting, and at the same time i can avoid coming across as a bully. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome. Blitzkatarrh.

Keep in mind I’m not limiting my numbers to Sars-Cov2 specifically. Now I’m thinking about influenzas and coronaviruses in general. SARS, MERS…blarrrgh. It’s happening more frequently. Vaccines are becoming less effective…but that’s due to people not getting them like they should. That’s why we still have measles.

My bad, I don’t think of people as numbers or having only systemic value. I am a humanist trying to save lives. Trying to remind people doctors wear masks to protect you, not them.

Guess how many doctors died from being exposed to COVID? It’s a lot.

“Recovered” is the key word here. A lot of people never fully recover from COVID19, and a lot of them will be dead soon, because of the cytokine storms that fucked up their lungs, just like in 1918.

1d10, roll to Save Death, those are shitty odds.

No, a straw man is when I claim you said X’ when you really said X. If you had said “vaccines cause autism” I’d have fucked you up.

You’re splitting hairs about vaccine efficacy, which is a dicey topic.

But notice I haven’t labeled you an anti-vaxxer once, I just pointed out you happened to pull the first Youtube AI hit that confirmed the bias you went hunting for. A goldmine of deadly disinformation that combines election denial, COVID denial, and vaccine denial. Thank you for your service.

Consider your sources. CDC, WHO are good sources. Patriot Clips can go shit in the ocean.

More data. Trying to make this as global and least US-centric as possible but, having gotten into stupid arguments with people over “new variants like Omicron not killing anybody woohoo!” just to watching hundreds of thousand die, and have to remind them how many people died in Africa and will never be counted because nobody there gives a fuck especially if you live in a nice cozy US suburb.

You can see here how the vaccine rollout directly correlated to less burden on health care systems in practically every country in the world, as well as DAILY DEATHS. Remember, we measure pandemics and plagues by the morning “Bring Out Your Dead” call.

100M dead, injured, and or dying, long term. It only took about 3 years to reach about 10M deceased globally WITH an emergency vaccine in hand.

For some people, these numbers don’t mean much because COVID didn’t affect them poorly. You guys are fucking lucky.

Numbers are tricky. It’s fairly well understood that the accuracy of Covid death data was inflated. You counted as a covid death if you died in the hospital with a positive Covid test. There have been a few studies that have attempted to normalize the data. I know at one point they were looking at cases specifically associated with the ICU and on respirators to get a more accurate number. This is still not accurate, but definitely better. You also have to look at it in the context of the strain. I play golf with a paramedic and during delta wave the hospitals where full (couldn’t find beds for patients), but for omicron there were no issues in the hospitals. If we look at deaths we should also look at age groups associated with the deaths.

Different viruses or conditions often target specific ages, chicken pox is more dangerous to adults than children, swine flu is more dangerous in 20 - 30 range, Covid was more dangerous to the 70+ group, or people with multiple comorbidities. So i personally think we should have targeted high risk groups, then evaluate the risk vs. reward for other age groups, especially once reinfection was confirmed in the vaccinated groups, which killed the herd immunity argument. Children were a no brainer.

I’ll dig around a bit later to see if i can find a few interesting articles on this.

One year in from the public health alert, the number of dead from COVID shot up 10,000% (170/1800000, that’s a real stat), Jan to December 2020.

The sad truth is all the numbers out there are just a sample, and probably a very unrepresentative one. Who knows how many families were wiped out where there no access to medicine, vaccines, toilet paper…

This is from May 2021

The numbers are staggering. COVID shaved entire years off the human life expectancy. This Lancet study says 1.6 years, I have seen others that say as high as 3+ years.

And for some reason, the US did the worst of all developed nations. Because we’re full of fat terminally online internet addicts who get their news from “Patriots”.

You are 100% backwards on this statistic, as I just pointed out.

Yeah, if you died in the hospital and had COVID at the time, there’s a great chance you were at the hospital because of COVID, and your death record should mention the pandemic plague.

According to every medical authority in the world, COVID deaths were undercounted, and still are, by a very large magnitude. Possibly entire orders of magnitude (those are exponents of base 10, you might know them as training zeros).

Whenever you say “fairly well understood”, you should post a source stating it, especially if it’s totally wrong (like every single Patriot Clips video), so we can have fun with it.

These articles don’t support your argument. This is excess death associated with the pandemic. The excess death count is still currently high which is being discussed globally even though covid deaths are low. There are multiple reasons excess death can increase. You can just read the first paragraph of the WHO article:

“Directly and indirectly attributed to COVID-19”

They go on to state:

Yes i agree the impact of the pandemic is greater than people realise, but that is broader than the virus itself.

The lancet article is the same, first line of the finding:


“all cause excess mortality” - first line of the finding section.

The title has “impact of the COVID-19 pandemic”.

The reason they are trying to use things like excess mortality is because of problems with the accuracy of covid reported deaths … We need more studies and analysis to understand the impact of the pandemic, and we need to start having objective open conversations.

Many people across the world are worried about excess mortality which doesn’t trend with COVID deaths, so we still need to do a lot of study to identify why people are dying in number far greater than anticipated.

Some people believe it’s in part related to the vaccine, as you can see in various debates. So maybe a bit more triggering, but this is an example of some of the parliamentary debates happening.

I haven’t watched this clip, but i know what this guy generally says in those speeches.



We still need to do a lot of research to understand the numbers.

Also to bring it down to age and use a source you quoted.

Interesting to look at the percentage of death by age group …

I feel like you critised me for making similar statements, yours reads like an assumption, or something you believe. So stats please? Looking for a report that says “Yeah, if you died in the hospital and had COVID at the time, there’s a great chance you were at the hospital because of COVID”, so people stopped having car accidents, heart attacks, etc. ? Looking forward to reading the study that shows people stopped dying from other causes.

I missed this

So i kinda regret responding to you, your first post had links and appeared to be a good faith argument. I kept it because i had already spent the time looking at the reports. This is childish.

Debate fail 101. Never start your argument that way.

And it’s not “some people”. It’s millions of people, most of them are uneducated yobs, or worse, educated yobs with access to Youtube like yourself. They are currently massing on TruthSocial like the zombie horde from World War Z.

“Debates”, heh. I work in the information warfare field, do you really think this is academic for me?

People are still dying.

“It’s fairly well understood that the accuracy of Covid death data was inflated.”

This is still wrong, but now you’re doubling down and weasel wording, and worst of all, crying about it.

Good, you’re peddling conspiracy theorist bullshit. The sooner you stop, the sooner I slow down.

Seriously, you’re a fountain of right wing, anti-vaxx talking points right now. Unfortunately for you, I’ve spent the last 4 years debunking similar bunk. So for you this is pro bono; I am well compensated.

The official global death toll (adjusted for time) is just shy of 8M, but experts say that number could be 2-3x higher.

But that’s dwarfed by this number, because you can add any percentage you want to it. Go ahead, 1%, 5%, 15%. Those are the people who will die this year, or next, etc, because they caught COVID once.

Every year from now, for at least a decade.


Did this man die of COVID? I can relate so much, you see the world differently with eyes like ours.

It’s all bravado and bullshit.

I’m not here to entertain whatever childhood trauma you’re working through online.

You’re not qualified to deal with trauma, period.

Definitely struggling to bullshit about COVID stats.

Tony Lister died of a long COVID-induced heart attack. He wasn’t positive at the time though. Or was he?

To summarize targeted approach due to risk profile.
To clarify on the excess numbers, the bulk of that would have been during the delta wave (hospitals in crisis, people panic, admin suffers)
I do believe anything rolled out for the first time at mass will have complications.
Excess deaths are a thing, to elaborate, could be related to late diagnosis during the pandemic, availability of medications, capacity in hospitals, vaccines, economic impact, etc.

Side note to add, i think social impact is also understated (kids education, social development, etc).

Happy to expand on any of those points if anyone wants to continue the discussion. Feels a bit of topic happy to start a new thread if we intend to link this one back to the original topic.

Edit: previously also mentioned issues with some of the trials and amount of data they had approving the vaccine (working mostly off the released pfiser papers). As well as the pollical, structural, etc.