Data driven approach to COVID19 vaccination for kids, and adults

“Millions “
The same “millions “ that think the world is flat and that 911 footage is a hologram .

Let’s not bring them into this as it just muddies the water .

This could continue to be a productive thread if we address each others points .

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Yeah man, safe and effective, move at the speed of science, vaccinated immunity is better than natural immunity, “trust” the science, smarter people than you have thought about this, etc.

Just keep repeating those mantras as you worship those you placed your faith in.

“The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life”.

I’m more of a no gods, no masters kinda guy. What can you prove and what facts can i verify.

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Those aren’t “mantras”.

Do you know a single actual mantra?

Is this a philosophical question?

No, i’m not big into mantra’s, i know of them, my wife has been doing yoga most of her life. I get the idea and i’ve read some of them, i don’t use them, unless i’m listening to prodigy, haha.

I’m not dumb enough to say something like “trust the science” though, nor trust the professionals, because i know how science and logical reasoning is meant to happen. I also understand what critical thinking is.

No it’s a stupid statement.

Just think how many people would be still alive if humans had some sort of “natural immunity” to novel corona viruses.


Maybe someday.

Natural immunity is when you have exposure to the virus, your body kills it, and you are able to identify and eliminate that virus from your system moving forward. Once you’ve done your research you’ll understand that the MRNA vaccine only synthesized a specific portion of the virus and that there are many, many more markers your immune system can use once exposed to the actual virus vs just the protein they synthesized. Then maybe you’ll go look at how the virus mutated and maybe even wonder how effective such a small component of the virus which was developed against the original strain might be by the time we get to something like omicron with multiple mutations.

People who recovered from infection had no benefit getting the shot, but they said things like “vaccinated immunity is better than natural immunity”. Someone still needs to explain that one to me.

That’s a bold statement. Source please.

You just used and 0 in a logical argument.

Seriously post an actual source or GtFo.

haha, Let’s ask pre-pandemic uncle Fauci.

He’s talking about the flu.

Did you mean to pull your right wing loony bullshit in here?

God I hope so. Blood for the Blood God.

Do you notice how quickly i can respond to your statements. I’ll see your cheesy article and raise you a study.


Naturally acquired immunity confers stronger protection against infection and symptomatic disease caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 2-dose vaccine-indued immunity.

I’m not going to spend the whole day digging stuff up for you. Your arguing up to this point has been lazy. You haven’t provided anything factual for any of your arguments.

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Right wing, haha.

It’s fascinating how simplistic a view of the world this is. As if the whole world looks at people through their political stance to sum what type of person they are and their level of intelligence. I’m not American, so you’ll have to reserve those types of insults in the absence of a well thought out argument for other people, i mean you can use them, but it seems rather silly.

Play the ball not the man.

A saying in soccer in regards to fair play.

You should deal with this well if you can.

Here ill help you


SARS-CoV-2 Hybrid Immunity: The Best of Both Worlds


Here is an exert from the conclusion that i hope you will read in full.


Federal health authorities recommend universal boosting on an annual basis, but some experts have argued that a more targeted approach of boosting the most vulnerable individuals would be more effective, as a result of the high level of population immunity and the relatively low risk of severe disease in otherwise healthy people


You’re actually kind of on the slow side compared to most Bullies.

You’re still missing the point: flu and COVID19 are not comparable in terms of deaths or long term illness. Even a mild infection can permanently injure your lungs and other organs.

Advising to pass on a yearly flu vaccine, when you’re already 14 days symptomatic, is not even in the same ballpark as not getting a COVID19 vaccine and getting a serious case. This killed millions before a vaccine was available.

You’re doing that apples to oranges circular logic thing that anti-vaxxers are famous for. Like claiming flu killed more people from 2020-2024.

You also called Dr. Fauci “uncle” which is kind of creepy, but demonization of our top COVID19 infectious disease expert during the pandemic? Really?

You don’t want to get natural immunity from COVID, because that requires getting one of the most dangerous diseases in human history. This was the logic behind the “immunity parties” which were so dumb, doctors had to call it dumb.

It’s not an insult, it’s a fact and it took me 10 seconds to confirm it last night.

That Youtube Channel is far right conspiracy nuttiness and right wing anti-vaxxer bullshit. It’s loaded with staged news reports like this one. Not sure if you’re aware, but SATAN is big with the anti-vaxxer crowd, because they believe vaccines are the Marks of Revelation.

You should be more careful about picking sources. Your entire argument unraveled the moment you got political about Dr. Fauci, scrambled too fast to find a video, and happened to grab one from the social media looney bin.

If so, Dr. Anthony Fauci is off the playing field.

So is every single fucking “Patriot” video on Youtube filled with vaccine misinformation that gets people sick and killed.

Quid pro quo.

Even your article pointed out the obvious, natural immunity is something people get when they are lucky and don’t die from one of the most viral organisms in living memory.

Of the 100M+ dead, most were unvaccinated. Unless you believe places like Patriot Clips, which claims the vaccine is what killed everyone, because of Satan.

Christ in a cracker. I’ll keep reiterating, you don’t want to get protection from COVID by getting COVID, even if it’s better. The vaccines may not be perfect but they are a hell of a lot safer than catching COVID, no matter what your overall health.

Lots of perfectly healthy people died horrible deaths from COVID, including Dr. Li Wenliang, the perfectly health doctor who first blew the whistle in Wuhan.

Stop stifling the conversation (well, attemtping to) like that. Nothing constructive comes from trying to run people off who are cogently talking about something.

Nobody here (that I know of that is posting) is an immunologist.

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