
…for the sake of the non-philosophy majors…don’t tell us that our trainers and teachers are simply pieces of information that everyone else knows in different patterns. I had a trainer who helped me back from a suicide attempt, and to the day he died that man never asked for anything back from me for all that he’d done.
Was he just an outlet of information? Just a gear in a lifeless machine?

+rep for the understatement of the year.

I can think of 2 right off the top of my head

Ugh, you missed the boat.

All is contained within poetry, all that you mentioned. But I WRITE it as well, which means I must read all you naively suggest to me, thinking I haven’t done my homework because I haven’t reached your conclusions, and much, much more.

I take every little thing seriously, and as to postmodernism, that is easily mistaken for what I’m really about which is Dennet style materialism.

This leads to a bunch of shamanic taoist bullshit I must accept but do not believe one bit.


Nobody cares.

Allmy intuitions come from science, I just refuse to act like a whitebread american or a yellow-bellied asian and deny the deeper truth contained in the facts and assertions of scientific method and practice.

I have tunnel vision, but that is because the universe appears to be one huge tunnel to me.

…this was the first time I tried giving advice on this site.
…this is one heck of a bad omen.
I’m hitting the sack, I’ll check back on this tomorrow.

The machine is filled with life but needs none of it. You do not either or you would not have thought of ending it. He pulled you back because he saw you could still help others if you wished to, because you were a tremendously powerful vehicle for information, but if you had gone on your merry way, others like him, like me, would have picked up your slack.

So, should you try again,do not hesitate to succeed, if the pain or boredom becomes to great for you.

Whatthat speakerdoesn’t understand is that logic is a bunch of symbols, preverbal. We always knoiw it, from the minute we are conceived. In words we go far beyond longic, but that doesn’t mean we, or more specifically I, do not know where it lies.

Oh, that’s obvious. He doesn’t care, and that’s why he bothered to engage in this discussion. You care so little, it was vital to you that I know, so you don’t even care that I KNOW you don’t care, or that I don’t think you OUGHT to care.

And yet, here you are. A bullshitter just like the rest of us.

And what has this to do with the art of war?

Fine. She wants us to describe our martial arts experiences…fine, I’ll bite. In High School, a kid dropped a notebook in the hallway, and because he stood in my way, I tripped accidently, appologized, and started on my way again to my locker. My foot then connected with the notebook and slid it two feet away. I was about to turn around to appologize again, but before I could do anything, he kicked me in the back, and started to throw punches. I hit him in the eye, and he went down. He had to go to the emergency room, and take a certain steriod for his eye. The school wanted to press charges, and I got off barely, because the kid realized it was a misunderstanding that went too far.

What is wrong with emotions. They are as scientific as any of your yawning videogames.

And by the way, I know its public information, but going to my profile with the intent of taking cheap shots like this, makes you a worthless fawning stalker to me.

Get serious now.

I think that’s what brought all of us to fighting of one sort or another. My husband was horribly abused as a kid and as a psychic with an idyllic childhood, I had all these horid nightmares about what he experienced.

He is the biggest man I know in mind and body,and it all speaks to how very fragile he is. Likewise I am 200lbs,I shoot, I fence and now I will formally practice marital arts.

But, still, ANYTHING can HURT me!


See what happens when you rock the boat.

The boatison the water and is always rocking,we just hardly ever rock with it.

Pfft…heh…Bhahahahha stop, it’s too much…hahhahhahah

I need you to tellmenothing but what you must tellme. I can’t decide that for you.

I am afraid of hand-to-hand because I hate touching people. So, I need a fairly far reaching community to walk with me on my journey or just watch, to make sure I only fuck up when it would teach me something.

I also don’tlike my aversion to asian forms and would like to see if I have missed anything in studying them and those who practice them.

If you are a skeptic as I am, and since this is not your experience, please either refrain from comments like this, or accept that though you may not like the words, the truth does not change and to call me psychotic rather than psychic, or deeply intuitive rather than a mind-reader and dreamweaver works just as well.


Actually, I know that you know that I don’t care that you know that I don’t care.

This goes beyond you now. My responses to you are actually somewhat of a parody. The sole intent is to create some relief for the poor souls who wander into this thread and get mired down in your psuedo-psychological nonsense.

If you don’t get over touching people, then you won’t be very good at fighting. However, Capeoria nowadays is good with not touching people, since it’s really just a game.