I start some quite reasonably priced sessions tomorrow in a class of all women, for the most part.
A form that is part dance,a dance of defense, and that doesn’t come from Asia sounds perfect.
I am opening tolearning what of value is contained in Asianforms,but I have not yet learned this. Asian culture, I have found, especially the women,to be oppressive and misogynist. I am half a greek goddess, half a viking, and suspiciously mestiza. I do not think Asian forms would survive long in my hands.
All is war to me,martial arts being an act of war, so disagreements are welcome, but you must tellme why you have them, and be yourself without the usual bullshit.
…not sure about the Anti-Asian MA bias, but I have several female friends with similar beliefs on Asian culture.
But, associating their flaws with their martial arts? By that logic, if you hate blue collar guys with Broncs accents, or Rocky in general, you will never throw a punch in the Western boxing style. If you have something against Africa, whether it be its people, goverment or racial involvement, then cappo may conflict with this. Then again, I think it’s from Thailand or around there. If your plastic flashlight with the 4-way LED craps out on you, then don’t go any of the two hundred something forms of karate. And buy a mag-lite. Did you hate the King of Siam in ‘The King and I’? Bye-bye Muay thai. If you dislike the current American goverment, don’t just buy a purse full of fire-arms and pepper spray. Dislike the concept of sports and contracts, or the jock stigma? MMA, if you don’t read into it. Don’t like Vietnam?
…okay, I gotta’ give it to another comedian. Vietnam is the only Asian country without its own martial art. Unless pedicures are a form of kung-fu, in which case they probably have a temple and animal styles.
By eliminating entire genres of martial arts and self defense based on personal views, you’re limiting your education before it even starts.
I’m not going to preach MMA, I’ll just state why I fell into it. For one, there is no philosophy or culture spreading from the many styles that helped form it. I have a background in boxing, and frankly, it was a bit late to go from constant full-contact training to punching air and changing my entire body mechanics. So, I can keep my lifestyle, I just had to change around my training schedule to fit in different arts and filing down the few extras holding boxing back in MMA.
For you, however, you’re a blank slate. There are ways to learn Asian fighting styles, without having to bind your feet and put up your daughter for adoption. Worst it can get is the occasional tea party and a few Japanese words. Odds are, your teacher will not be Asian.
I’m not completely open-minded. Years of seeing one style beat another, when it was very possible the circumstances were biased or the fighters mismatched, have left an imprint on me that lead me to avoid Chinese styles simply because of how often I’d seen them beaten by a MMA grappler or even a boxer in plain trunks. I’ve been trying to rehab myself from this, but this doesn’t mean it was ever okay.
Don’t rule out anything before you’ve seen it yourself. I once made a joke about how boxers are the lowest form of athlete you can find, and how pointless it all is.
Looking at the small-time, local title belt hanging over this desk, I wonder how I could have been so blind.
You said yourself you have an open mind, don’t just open it to the things you like.
I do not care if I have sex with men or women as I do not have sex but to please whomever may wish to be a kind and intuitive partner to me, even for a night.
But, if you cannot reply to the main of what I have said, please do not reply at all.
I’vegotten that before, but it couldn’t be more wrong.
The newbies and the ancients sound the same, for as it was in the beginning, so shall it ever be until the end.
I am an atheist first and last, but know without believing that those bastards, all of those so-called gods are there. And I am as bone-dust ancient as they come.
You are quite right about what I would have to shut out if I felt the same way about all culture as I do about asian culture. But first of all, I DO feel mostly the same about all cultures, and yet if I find they have something to offer me, I’ll take it and give back what I can.
I mean, I hate latino machismo culture, but the women in it are strong enough to temper it, and they really run everything even through all that pain.
I hate enslaved and violent black culture, but the literature and the books that come out of it are mine, and make me black at heart.
I hate poor, uneducated white male culture most of all, but am married to the worst of the black irishmen. So, there you go.
My post was more directed at style choice rather than personal beliefs. I simply suggested exploring the different styles rather than banishing a particular region beause of your view of their culture.
Please, drop the poetry.
I took up MMA to avoid listening to endless plays on words such as your dismissal of my honest suggestion. Say it how ever you want, from whatever religion you want, you just blew me off entirely after asking everyone for their opinion on a rather vauge subject. I wasn’t telling you to find Christ or Yaweh, I was telling you to spread your horizons when it comes to martial arts.
A thank you would have been nice, as much as I love copy/pasted philosophy that has nothing to do with what I talked about.
My syntax isn’t bad, the spacebar on this keyboard just sucks ass, and furthermore, I spend most of my time reading both ancient and contemporary poetry with very little in between.
So, it’s again, not bad, just lost on you and your ADD netspeak, and way way too old for you. Sorry, but as I told the guy who is obsessed with my orientation, if you cannot reply directly to what I have said, just don’t reply.
My words belong to the idiots in that earthly uppermanagement hell-hole known as heaven, or whatever the fuck it is, so yeah, I’m just as much or more of a dumbass as you, though I wouldn’t have thought that possible. So?
Just do not talk to me and I will return the favor, for I am growing quickly to hate you.
The kicker is, you probably love star wars. Trust me, I may as well be three feet tall and green! Just die as you havelived.
Agreed. You come in talking about your cappo class, and then dare everyone to argue about something. The quip about Asian culture prompted my response, which I’m starting to regret typing.
And now, you’re just sitting on a poetry book calling us all morons.
You didn’t even spell the name of the art correctly in the thread title. You have no stated experience in martial arts, which is what this site is about. I’m not telling you to be a meek student or follower, I suggested before you became passive-agressive that you keep an open mind. And you’re shooting us all down like skeet discs, how open minded is that?