Confrontational Politics - The New Normal for the Extremes?

Confrontation politics are nothing new

We are such poor, uncivilised folk

I suppose the question is what is your line in the sand

Prehaps social media is serving as a Tinder box, if you’ll forgive my brevity, providing a mechanusm to mobilise flash mobs of “similar thinking” “citizens”

did you even read what I posted about it?

Try reading what I’m posting about what is going on here. In the USA.

Right, not a factor at all. Try reading what I’m posting in links here and in other threads.

I did read it

It’s just peasants with pitch forks and fire brands fueled on corn syrup

I see what you’re saying but even Mormon owned Utah had to capitulate to the US Cavalry eventually.

They tried to make their own cult state but the thing about that is they either shit the bed eventually in too big of a way to walk back or they fall in line. It’s been tried a whole lot of times and it hasn’t worked out yet. Sure. They’ll get into some middling administration slots but the religious angle will turn too many people off.

Still a problem. Still something to watch unfold. I’m more worried about the present wall of corruption and self dealing in DC.

Naturally, I certainly see how this further destabilizes the system. It is troubling but I have to ask myself why the political parties and news media aren’t talking about it.

Why is the GOP welcoming the extremist militia lunatics into the fold all of a sudden and doing nothing to bring sobriety back to the conversation.

America has seen this all before.

Antifa doesn’t even have articles of incorporation meanwhile groups like the proud boys and the oathkeepers have utterly undeserved not for profit tax exempt status that allows them to take “donations” in exchange for providing their presence at what boils down to planned radical right-wing riots that were never intended to be peaceful demonstrations.

This would not be possible if Washington DC were not badly poisoned from the inside. The IRS should have put a stop to these groups years ago but phoney complaints about political partisanship to cover up often malfeasance and executive negligence both has become the norm across the political spectrum.

Back when the system worked we could get rid of these infectious radical plague carriers. Back in the days when Republicans like Buckley we’re standing on the tracks screaming “STOP!” and the party had the good sense to listen to reason.

People in CNN and MSNBC go along with that “missing white girl syndrome” nonsense as if it’s wrong to fucking care about missing and endangered women because someone thinks they got left out of the pity party. Nobody wants to be the one to say that narrative is creepy dysfunctional nonsense. It suggests that they don’t deserve protection or care. How is that attitude working out in the black community? Not very fucking well is it.

Then over on Fox and OANN all madness has fucking broken loose. Mad conspiracy theories and poisonous sophistry rule the roost.

Once upon a time the simpletons that lapped that stuff up were the embarrassing short bus conservatives. Birch Society loons, Alex Jones fans and JFK assassination theorists… You know, consistently stupid and crazy people.

What are you even talking about? There are no right wing riots ever, save J6, and I assure you, the PBs are not getting paid for attending rallies. FUCKING LOL

In fairness, if the police had tried to stop the Tiki torch nazis it would have kicked off


If they get elected to public office, at grass roots, and keep getting elected…

Again, bad analogy on your part. I mean, all analogies are inherently flawed, being analogies. But seriously…

The Mormon’s never really “owned” Utah anyway. And there are not enough forts in the foothills overlooking the equivalent of SLC, either.

Yeah, I know all about there. Been there, even…

My hope is that enough “normal” conservatives will step up and shut this ongoing shit down. That APPEARS to be happening in north Idaho, to some degree. As in my town, which happens to not have been taken over by the radical yahoos. I can’t even really call them “Republicans” or “conservatives” although they have just about coopted those labels.

I’ve had to expose myself publicly as being against this fucking nonsense. If we lose, there will be a price to pay.

You don’t understand how many people are actually THAT religious. Mix in the whole fear of not being the (white) majority anymore in a few years, and it’s potent stuff.

Your problem is you underestimate them. They are now organized, and getting more organized every day.

Read the thing on the underlying idea of Confrontational Politics, dude.

I’m not saying it’s destined to be totally successful, but it’s working now, for sure, so far.

There has been right wing violence at riots, though.

And yeah, the PBs are 501c3? WTF?


So, please, how about some evidence the PBs are a tax deductible group?

I mean, maybe Patriot Prayer?

Yeah, just ask the British about the American Revolution !

Of course. They defend themselves.

And no, PBs do NOT get paid for rallies. AT ALL. Sometimes people do donate to them though. Usually the Chinese. They make money selling merch and shit.

Well, I’m curious about the claims of some sort of tax-exempt status that @Dung.Beatles made.

He may well be intoxicated, as usual, so who knows where that info came from.

All of these people are getting used/manipulated. The question is, who is doing the manipulation/using. I mean, who is running the show, so to speak.

  1. Maybe. I dunno. But they aren’t paid for protests, counterprotests or rallies.

  2. They do what they want. There is no one pulling the strings at all.

I meant in a larger sense, not day to day.

If you look at the history of the PBs going way back, it wasn’t randomly started. There is essentially an industry that is built on that brand of activity.

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I have looked into them. You have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s a literal JOKE.

No, I’ve read up on the whole joke aspect of it, man.

It’s gone beyond the joke stage at this point.

Not that I take them particularly seriously.

The joke was part of the plan.
