Confrontational Politics - The New Normal for the Extremes?

The issue at hand is the lack of understanding of the processes in play, not really “marxist” versus “extreme right wing” nutjobs of either persuasion.

One? Dude, we were swimming in these. Like hundreds of them rampaging through the streets eating hearts. It was ridiculous.

Meth and political radicalism go hand in hand.

Unironically one of the terrorists was pissed because they were locked up for… wait for it… drumroll please… selling drugs.

Yep, all those right-wing Xtian doing meth.

I"m assuming you were being sarcastic.

Yeah… but those guys aren’t really very different.

Don’t even get me started. I’m an atheist now but it was the church that thoroughly disgusted me, not the scripture. Once I realized that I was the extremist for believing in things like the Beatitudes, humility and sacrifice of the self, it didn’t take me very long to realize that modern Christianity was mostly devoid of Christian ideology.

Most of them don’t even read the bible. It’s just some bullshit they hide behind so they don’t have to repent. They don’t repent much at all. Mostly they use it as an excuse to do the bad things they were going to do anyway. The evangelicals version of penance is, from what I can see, doubling down on hating everyone else and otherwise talking about how great they all are for making zero effort to follow the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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You might want to read the links I provided?

I understand your…disgust with Evangelicals. You grew up in that stuff. I was peripheral to it for a long time, as I was raised without going to church.

Your observations, no matter how keen, don’t really mean much though. Progress is being made and it may well become a huge problem.

Theologians are a lot more interesting to talk to than evangelists.

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Getting away from the religious aspect.

Confrontational politics at a school board meeting.

Get used to it.

Holee Molee.

Take a read at this. It’s just Wiki, but WOW.

Dominion theology

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Dominion Theology)

Antifa wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for “fa”.

The recent Antifa scam really did a great job mobilizing worthless scum, to commit acts of worthless scum villainy.
Every act of cowardice, imaginable, that movement provoked, and rewarded.
So, if there was a Hell, and Demons, some infernal peon likely got promoted off of that.
Chant “punch a nazi”, while you rape and pillage, and burn down people’s businesses.
Pure genius, from an Evil and marketing perspective.
Almost as clever as Christianity, Islam, and medically prescribed lobotomies.


You have no idea what it even is or who they’re fighting. Antifa wants only one thing, a three way war between the right, the left and the state. This has been explicitly stated. The young men, women and QTBIPOC/LGBTIQIA+s don’t even know who they’re taking orders from. It’s literally not even human. It’s a computer program that crawls the twitter API and then tells a human operator where to direct the troops to further the three way war.

The great irony about Antifa is that it’s become the exact thing it set out to stop.


From your mouth to God’s ears, this is the way of all vigilante/extremist groups.

The Nazis nearly destroyed the fatherland, the Soviets destroyed the working class Slavs, the promised egalitarian parade of the proletariat paved the way for a thermonuclear version Lucy’s goddamn football that seems to have been primarily powered by the suffering, murder and enslavement of the working class.

The KKK began as a
Vigilante group whose goal was to restore order to the Southern highways that were overrun by bandits. Within two years the bandits had taken over and it’s former spokesman and first Grand Wizard swore to exterminate them himself. It wasn’t supposed to be used for a reign of terror but that’s how it ended up.

Vigilante and political extremist groups are mostly filled with dupes. The angry mob is stupid. Their role is to break shit and hurt people and theeir leaders generally don’t give a damn about about any of them.

God help us all, but America is a falling empire. As a culture, we used to know that demagogues and personality cults were dangerous. Now the foolish children and grandchildren of the Greatest Generation fill our airwaves with Five Minutes of Hate every 5 minutes 24 hours a day from a hundred different places.

The sick displays of cowardice and stupidity that pass for civic involvement today disgust me to my core.

It’s all cyclical. The radical left socialist rabble rousers gave birth to radical right fascism. The Nazis and Fascists both appropriated the popular rhetoric of the far left and used it for a hard right.

IIRC, there could be no Kristalnacht without a Reichstag Fire to supply popular support.

It was only a matter of time.

Honestly, the ANTIFA story in the press is mostly red herring bullshit to provide a leftwing boogeyman. The funny thing about that is that gullible people on the left fall for it too and jump on board a readymade justification for all the fucked up things the fascists want to do.

The only way to win is not to capitulate to their terms. Let the police and feds handle them. Those morons want to shit the bed so badly with violence any significant gathering of them inevitably produces. If I had my way, I’d round every self described altRight and altLeft populist moron and drop them into Xenu’s volcano.

This is another example of what is going on.

She’s calling it out.

School board elections in Idaho November 1st. The right wing crazies are out in full force running for school board, and city council seats.

Right in my own town/county as a matter of fact.

Sort of. Joseph Smith, for sure. Some are more intellectual but driven by the biblical narrative. Like Rushadoony (sp).

The smart ones on both sides are running for office.

Get it yet?