Anatomy of a Catastrophe

I’d bet most posting in this thread have firearms. Real firearms.

Granted, I’d also bet you have the most colorful gi.

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Many of us posting here watched or listened to the actual trial. It was discussed in depth other than this site.

You appear to be ignorant, not knowing much of what actually went down that night, our laws and the politicization of the charges.


Speaking from the heart. That first kill was righteous. One child rapist bit the dust.

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So what?

What is with all these irrelevant subject changes?

My comment hadn’t anything to do with having to have watched the trial.

Actually this is easy to test.

Go back and tell me where in the trial they contradicted a point I have made.

That’s easy you watched it. You are the expert.

Yeah but your questions are stupid and irrelevant. They are important to you because you are not focused on the conversation and what is being said.

So you invent this weird image/status based conversation as to how much expertise I have. Hence the theist arguments. That is how they work.

So for example. Gun expert has no standard. You can be a gun expert and be good. You can be one and be shit. There is no rule that sets one apart from the other. It is a popularity contest.

Hence why when you are pressed to come up against a conversation you can’t handle. You make it a popularity contest. Rather than actually arguing the point.

A person who understands the subject could shoot me down easily by literally just making better points than I do.

But you can’t.

And you can’t because you think like a theist.

You do what your told untill you are big enough to tell other people. That’s how it works. That’s how it has always worked. And no upstart Australian is going to put a bug in that very comfortable mind set. Unless he can prove he is big enough to tell other people.

It doesn’t matter who is the expert if you cannot break that cycle. And constantly break it.

Come up with a theory. Put them out there. Test them in open water see what happens. Figure out what happens. Come up with a new theory.

You can’t do that because you have become stagnant and comfortable and unable put yourself through that anymore.

And it is a pity because you will never really grow as a person if you don’t.

Just as we are all relieved Kyle acted out his murder rampage fantasies in a scumbag rich environment rather than his old high school

You missed the recording of Kyle saying how he wanted to shoot people who he perceived to be shop lifting?

Yes yes, before you have a hot flush, I am aware that the recording was inemicible, but does speak to Kyle’s attitude to killing perceived wrong doers, and challenges the narrative that he was just a misguided kid, trying to help

By the way.

Exactly how much gun expertise do people think is needed here?

The gun basically did precisely what people think guns do. Which is kill people if you shoot them.

Yeah. Sort off.

I think people talk a big game and then tend to shit themselves when they get pushed. So it is easy to say kill shop lifters but harder to do.

And kyle did kind of paint himself in to a corner. And from my expert opinion. This is actually really easy to do.

So he knows he is walking in to some sort of shit show so he grabs a weapon because that is supposed to make you safe right? And heads his merry way to do whatever.

Anyway at some point he gets in the shit. Now he is alone. Which is dumb. He has a weapon that really only has one speed. (Also dumb) and is about to be in real trouble.

How does he escape this?

The answer is he fucked up a long time ago.

And so winds up shooting a couple of dudes.

He shouldn’t have done it. But these consequences are actually pretty hard to see unless you have experience in them.

And this is quite often the cause of an over reaction of violence. Is literally trapping yourself without an escape plan. Rather than an intentional plan to do violence.

So yeah. I don’t think he was about maliciously killing fools.

But taking guns to protests is straight up fucking ridiculous. Because precisely this sort of thing is going to happen.

If you wanted to be vaguely sensible about it you do it the way the EDL. did. And go in mob handed. Then you at least have more options.

This is where the Kenosha Citizens Defence Group fucked up

(Calm your passion @BKR , I made up the Kenosha Citizens Defence Group to act as short hand for all the militias etc who rocked up to protect against rioting and looting )

Militia commanders should have ensured everyone had back up and no one got left behind

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I have never joked about machine gunning random strangers, but also I agree he probably wasn’t a psycho

I have also watched a doc about the parents of school shooters, and all of them could not believe that their child could be capable of doing something so terrible, until it happened

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This shows how ignorant you are.
There are several types of firearm expertise and competency.
They are measured in certain ways.
Some come with certification and/or licensure or privileges granted by the government(s).

This is one of the weakest troll attempts of the year.
You are clearly saying this, because I have mentioned I am an Atheist several times, and think the comparison will bother me.
It doesn’t, it just makes me think you are not very good at trolling.

Several people on this thread, including me, did so easily.

(Greg talking nonsense)

(Greg talking nonsense, projecting)

(Greg talking nonsense, projecting)

As several others here have said, it was stupid of Kyle to go to the riot, period.

You are no more expert in this area, than any other human, your age, and most children, who learn quickly to have escape routes to avoid larger, violent kids.

This is where your lack of depth makes your comments less useful than they should be or could be.
One should generally avoid going to riots, period, armed or unarmed.
One should generally depart protest scenes that turn violent or into riots, expediently.
But your comment regarding firearms, becomes a “it depends” comment.
If one had to travel through a dangerous area,
Are we talking legal open carry, or legal concealed carry, or illegally carrying firearms?
Are we talking about a hand gun on your person, or also a long gun?
Do we have to be on foot much, or travel through that area in a vehicle?
In all cases, being in a riot zone, is dangerous, and to be avoided as much as possible.
As to whether you would want to be armed if you could not avoid being there, well, that depends.
And as a slightly particular use case, sometimes riots come to you.

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Not what you said though is it?


You, as usual, start adding caveats after you make a statment.

Don’t start altering to “they have more” and “this is a forum” bullshit.

I addressed your original statement and it still stands.

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Not really. If you are going to get that technical your statement was on incidents that changed gun laws.

So if this one didn’t then I am not sure how it applies.

Mabye precedent?

Yes and that is literally “skin in the game.”

I provided specific examples to counter your generalization and here you go adding more caveats.

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Yeah. But did Rittenhouse change a gun law?

Let’s keep it vaguely Rittenhouse. Rather than go off in to fantasy again.

So taking a machine gun in to a protest to stop looters or whatever.

Wrong tool for the job.

Ok then what is the standard needed to be a gun expert?

And who decides that?

I just googled gun expert and got everything from lawyers to ballistics boffins.