Anatomy of a Catastrophe

@gregaquaman let me try to say this a different way.
I am sincerely curious as to what areas you may have actual expertise in.
This is not a dig nor insult.
Because surely you have actual expertise in some areas.
Perhaps airsoft would be one of them.
If so, I would be interested in you posting on airsoft, if you have real expertise in that area,
because I am not an expert on airsoft in general,
(1) I do own and use airsoft replicas for beginners in firearm and firearm safety classes that I teach, before allowing them to use real firearms, and
(2) I am an air pistol and air rifle hunting enthusiast, and have a collection in that area, and airsoft is a related set of technologies.
But my knowledge of airsoft, is very narrow, and limited to a some replicas I use as firearm training aids, in classes I teach, when there are reasons to not use real firearms, or when there is not a need to use real firearms.
So, if you have expertise in the areas of airsoft equipment, airsoft maintenance, airsoft operation, and airsoft training, I would be legitimately interested in you posting in that area.
However, it is still important to note that airsoft are not firearms.
Just like working at a bar, as a bouncer, is not the same as being a self-defence expert credential.
I greatly value information rich posts, with real expertise, above all things.
I also value entertainment posts, although slightly less so.
And, posts by fake experts, couch quarterbacking, as if they knew what they were talking about, are noise, and bullshit, and should be pointed out as such, and discouraged.
Although, asking questions, and couching such posts as speculation, is legit, because electronic or not, it is a conversation.
But, a lot of your posts are bullshit, and noise, because they are made with a tone, of “should” when you clearly don’t know much about the domains being discussed.
And you often seem to Google Fu things, and quote them out of context, because you don’t really understand them.
However, having observed some of your posts off of this site, and the reactions of people who seem to know you, to them, I also understand that you seem to be regarded in the real world, as a loud, boorish, oaf, who often talks out of his ass, with little filter, and who is a little dense, to boot.

Nope. If one single person in this thread is a gun owner, protester, officer etc etc etc they have skin in the game.

Laws will change, as they always have, over incidents like this in any country. A mass shooting, you weren’t involved in, has permanently changed gun culture in Australia for decades.

Yes, you may think Australian guns laws are correct, but that wasn’t your statement.

Self defense laws will be altered, check out Ahmaud Arbery, for everyone across America.

So, in that part, you are wildly wrong.

You made a caveat based guarantee that is demonstrably false.


I agree, though the narrative that several posters are pushing is they were scumbags who got what was coming to them for beating up women and other nefarious deeds

This is an attractive idea and one that is seductive

Just as Kyle’s past behaviour frames his state of mind and motivation for taking part in a riot

He was found not guilty

Was he a hapless victim, a worm that turned? Or was he apsycho killer waiting to happen ?

Perhaps we will never know

Wait a tic.
One can hold the opinion that Rittenhouse acted in self defense, with regards to the three people he shot, that attacked him, in a credibly threatening manner, after he attempted to retreat,
And also correctly identify that the people he shot were scumbags, much like one can point out that the people that he shot were males,
without stating that the reason Rittenhouse was justified in shooting them was simply because they happened to be scumbags, or they happened to be males.
The three people he shot were scumbags, and they were males, but neither of those qualities in and of themselves justified Rittenhouse shooting them.
The fact that those three continued to pursue and attack him in a credibly threatening manner, after he attempted to retreat, is what justifies Rittenhouse having shot them in self-defense.


I agree

I’m not challenging the verdict, which seems to have followed the law in the jurisdiction

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That’s good, I agree.
On the other hand, all other things being equal,
if three people got killed being stupid,
I would prefer that it was three scumbags, and not three stupid kids, just being naive.
Given the choice, if bad things have to happen, I much prefer they happen to scumbags, than non-scumbags.
Especially when it comes to dying.
A true and utter scumbag dies, the world is instantly a better place.
A good person, or dumb kid who does not know any better, and never got to reach their full potential dies, and the world is a little sadder, and less for this.

So you did read everything the same way I did. On the internet.

And you are not personally involved in Rittenhouse or it’s outcomes.

But you feel you have a unique perspective that somehow trumps everyone else’s due to a very tenuous relationship with the situation. In that it happened in your country.

Have you considered becoming a youtube influencer?

Not what I said.

Not what I said.

Not what I said.
See Fake’s post.
He was briefer and more to the point, than I.
Maybe less words will help you understand.


Not in this game. This is bullshido and doesn’t effect the outcome of gun laws.

I could literally go out. Put a dollar in to whatever fund is attached to this case and have demonstratively more skin in the game than anyone else here in this forum.

That is how tenuous a link people are trying to create.

Except some of us, on this board, own enough firearm related property to buy a house, if we liquidated it.
Others on this board, are professionals, who carry a firearm as part of their standard and daily work duties.
Others are this board carry firearms to hunt with, or work their ranches.
And many of those same people are U.S. citizens, who are affected by court case outcomes, related to firearms, and self-defense with firearm, cases.
Still others here, are criminal or civil lawyers.
You however, are someone, who would have to donate a dollar to a fund regarding this case, to have any skin in it at all.
It is ironic, and sad, that you said something true about yourself, and then densely projected it to the other posters, it is certainly not true about, because you are in fact, that stupid, and un-self-unaware.
You could have been the person the Donk character from Crocodile Dundee was based on, except you do not have his physical assets, merely his mental limits.

It doesn’t matter. He is as important as we can use him for.

If Rittenhouse died from cancer tomorrow. Nobody would care. It is the narrative that is important.

Now I also don’t care. But at least I am honest enough to admit I don’t.

So we are back to the cult. To protect your beliefs you must protect a narrative.

So you understand this a bit better.

“Or explaining to Muslims why doing violence or calling for violence when people insult long dead religious figures is entirely inappropriate, and simply criminal, or a form of insanity.
For a professor who is not a member of those cults, it is odd, that would have to be explained to them.”

They have skin in the game.

Again, you seem to be talking about yourself.
You do understand what projection is, right?

If you like Australia’s approach to gun laws, fine.
That does not mean they are appropriate for the United States.

Also, the fact that you were a bouncer does not mean you have a credential as a self-defence expert.

The fact that you play airsoft, does not mean you have expertise with real firearms, or gun fights, although airsofts are very useful training aids.

The fact that you are a blue or purple belt in Jiu-Jitsu does not make you an expert in Jiu-Jitsu, it makes you a beginning to intermediate student of Jiu-Jitsu.

The fact that Australia has some cowboys, and has cattle ranches, does not mean that you know the first thing about being a cowboy, unless you worked on those ranches, or did some cowboying.

The fact that you read about things on the Internet, is not the same as you understanding what you read, in it’s right and specific contexts.

Again, I would love to hear, on a different thread, some informative posts from you about playing paintball, or airsoft.

Or any other area, where you may have actual expertise, and not Google Fu pseudo-expertise, and extrapolated speculations, on your part, where you pretend to know what you are talking about, when you clearly don’t.

You begin to remind me of Walter Mitty. The original Danny Kaye version. Crossed with a miniature version of Donk, from Crocodile Dundee.

Yeah, Mini-Donk, it is odd to have to explain that to people in the United States.

Not just for or in the United States, the Scandinavian countries have had to set up whole classes around why some things from other cultures, are not appropriate in their cultures, including the specific example above.

And also why it is not appropriate to sexually assault a scantily dressed woman, and/or why it is not appropriate to harass or violently assault someone for being gay, in the Scandinavian culture, and domiciles, or the United States, for that matter.

And it is odd, to have to explain to otherwise rational people why it is not “disloyal” to report a Priest or a Pastor or School Teacher or Sports Coach, or Professor or Politician who is a pedophile, or sexual predator, who is one.

Those conversations are always fucking odd. Every fucking time. But necessary.

Nobody is pushing that narrative, you fucking fool.

The only narrative anyone pushed is that Rittenhouse defended himself with an AR against a number of assailants with various weapons. This was clear from the moment the video footage dropped.

The fact that those who attacked him are scumbags didn’t factor in to anything, other than a posthumous, “glad they’re off the streets and can’t offend anymore”.

The best thing about these incidents at these riots is that the rioters themselves are filming the events so we get on the ground footage of assault and battery taking place, then when someone defends themselves or their property, they run around screaming for the crowd to disperse mob justice on them. Literally saw two more of these yesterday:

  1. Mob surrounds dude, dude ends up shooting gun in the air, mob starts chasing him with people yelling “active shooter” or some such nonsense.*
  2. Climb on car, bang on car, get pissed off and dox registration because “they could have hurt someone” by driving off.*

*Did not watch these two incidents as in depth as I did with Rittenhouse, so I could be missing something, but that is what I saw on the surface.

The issue, it seems, is that there is a large swathe of people in the USA who have a sub-standard understanding of their own laws, and therefore think they are entitled to do something about them. This includes cops and other authority as well, I watch a shitload of Constitutional Auditors on YouTube.

It is very hard to have these conversations with theists because you think attacking the character of the person rather than the argument is some sort of legitimate point.

When it isn’t.

But it is impossible to explain that basically you are building a house of cards to defend a belief system that you are so invested in you can’t see.

So you make up and invent and attack all these weird unimportant points like whether I am cool or American or whatever you deem as necessary to making an argument.

And forget that you present yourself as shallow and prone to inventing fantasy.

So you haven’t counted a single point I have made so far, I think. It has mostly just been nonsense.

The thing is because you are a theist you can always turn to your other theist for support. They have to support your narrative to defend their beliefs.

Because they have skin in the game.

"The fact that you were a bouncer does not mean you have a credential as a self-defence expert.

The fact that you play airsoft, does not mean you have expertise with real firearms, or gun fights, although airsofts are very useful training aids.

The fact that you are a blue or purple belt in Jiu-Jitsu does not make you an expert in Jiu-Jitsu, it makes you a beginning to intermediate student of Jiu-Jitsu.

The fact that Australia has some cowboys, and has cattle ranches, does not mean that you know the first thing about being a cowboy, unless you worked on those ranches, or did some cowboying.

The fact that you read about things on the Internet, is not the same as you understanding what you read, in it’s right and specific contexts."

So most of this is relying on image. Self Defense experts, gun experts, cowboys people who understand the internet. Jujitsu of course has am actual belt system so it is kind of different.

But most of them are this thing where you have to be convinced by marketing that someone is an expert or not. So playing the expert game is just kind of silly. It is a fabrication.

Play the argument.

I’m past that already, dipshit.

What’s your excuse?

Murder rampage fantasies?

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It doesn’t matter what they thought, it’s what Kyle thought.

I’m not attacking your character.
Asking what real expertise you have, about the topics you are speaking about, and then pointing out when the answer is in essence: none, is not attacking your character.
And advising the room of same, in case they are new, is a public service.

This is projection again, on your part.
That is what you have done, with yourself.

I never addressed whether you were cool or not. That’s irrelevant.
However, the fact that you are not an American, and don’t live here, means you know fuck all nothing about what it is right or better for Americans to do, and your arrogant statements about what Americans should do, are fit for enema duty up your backside, and little else.

I am an Atheist, dumbshit.

I have asked you several times to articulate in what areas you have actual, personal expertise.
Not shit you read on the Internet, not generalities followed up by, “you don’t know her, she lives in Canada” answers.
But real specifics, and how those claims of yours of expertise are bonafided.
To which you have been notoriously silent.
Which, I suspect, is because you are just a blow hard oaf, or in your own language, a “random Internet chipper” on many of the topics you opine on, as if you had any real world clue about what you are talking about.
You will notice, I do not make these retorts to you, when you speak on airsoft, or your local domicile, because you seem to have some actual knowledge about those areas.