You're all a bunch of A**holes!!!!!

I think it needed to be said at some point.

Thank you for your input.

Where will the w-w-wed-w-weddin’ supper be, c-c-cr–crambone.

I may be an asshole, but looking over your posting history, it seems you train in shit, so I’m not too offended.

Hehe, yeah :happy3:

I want to become a professional fighter

Martial Arts Experience:
boxing, taekwondo, aikido


Can anyone tell me what’s wrong with being abrasive?

Wow you sound just like my wife.

You are correct and I’m proud of it.

Fuck You very much.

On to trollshido>>>>>>>>>>>> :new_blueg

Holding a kick in mid air


How do judo practitioners get so stocky?

:bduh: :5arg:

Remember back when you heard Bjj and thought “Mcdojo art.”?


Wow, defeated by Aesopian.

but Aesopian, you are a skinny wirey guy who does BJJ… you are just proving Formless’ theories to be true! You should try some Kosen Judo, it will help you to bulk up.

I think Formless just needs a hug. Maybe he even needs to be choked out a few times… You know, a nice ctrl-alt-delete on the carotid artery. It does wonders for confused thought processes.

[B][SIZE=7]How do judo practitioners get so stocky?

Is there something about judo training that makes you grow really big?[/SIZE][/B]

Yeah… look at Yoshida. He’s like a giant in Japan. 205? No way! He’s like a mutant.

So, who likes steak?

I like Steak!!!

I’m thinking i need teh Judo though cuz i could certainly stand to bulk up… Must of been that 3 months in BJJ that made me skinny and wirey (mmm… mabye not wirey, but definitely skinny)

Aesopian, you must be an MMA fighter you have poor form.

Contrast the above thread “I want to become a professional fighter” to the following:

Not as good as I thought I was at bjj


Good! I prefer prime rib, cooked medium and marinaded with garlic butter.

Judo makes you fat. Run!

Your sudden replies have made my posts about steak and Judo seem worthless. Cacafaces.