You're all a bunch of A**holes!!!!!

How do judo people get so stocky:

It’s natural selection:
Tall people get thrown seioe nage.

People with long necks get strangled.

People with those long arms get armlocked by the guys with shorter arms ( better physics)

It’s bullshit though - I reckon the weight divisons u81 and under 90 usually represents the ‘stocky type’.
And even then it’s not always true:
And the lighter and heavier weight divisons have all kind of bodytypes.

Fantasy MA mindset

You train from Pride DVDs. You start BJJ vs Judo threads. You are a case of the new plague, the fantasy MMA mindset.

Strangely, Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira who is tall (6’3), long necked, and long armed is probably the best heavyweight submission wrestler in MMA today.

Even more strangely, he doesn’t have one loss by submission in his MMA career.

You are physically correct. Therefore, Nogueira must be Allah incarnate.

I applaud you Aesopian for your quite thorough demolition of FormLess

acces1denied - it was meant to be a joke.
There are plenty of non-stocky judo players around.
So, I didn’t really meant to offend your hero.

I am certainly a represent of the built-like-a-brick-shithouse-type myself.
( What’s wrong with a low centre of gravity anyway. Square chins were never out of fashion)
I always used to smile when I saw that my oppenents were sort of tall and long legged. I would 'nt even have to bend my knees for my seoi nage.

But more than once did they interrupt my illusions of grandeur with ashi-uchi-mata which came out of nowhere or foot sweeps which brought me back down to earth quickly. Before I could even be close to them , ’ cause they held me on their outstreched arms.

So- there are techniques for every body type, that’s whats makes judo so great.

What if you’re short and skinny, ruling out the possibilities of outreaching or overpowering your opponent?

Like Mifune?

Short and skinny guys need to be fast…
But if you look at the succesful under 60 kg players today - they are all very strong for their size/weight as well as fast.

If you are short and skinny and don’t have the desire to become strong and quick than no martial art in the world will make you a good fighter.

Not against anyone…but IMO it is better to be an asshole than to be an idiot. :new_silly

Aesopian, you’re an asshole! You keep throwing all of FormLess’s past posts back in his face…

but I like. :icon_thum

Bjj players are skinny and Judokas are stocky because bjj is an internal art and everyone knows that internal arts burn more calories. duh.

LMAO… just waiting to see what BJJ Qi is like now…

and who ever is hogging the garlic butter pass it over my steak is getting cold…

just waiting to see what BJJ Qi is like now…

bad gas. it’s surprisingly effective, too.

next time someone rips one in class, yell out “HEY! no chi blasts! it’s cheating!”

Okay, you got me and embarrased me with my goofy posts from a long time ago

We are a sensitive bunch aren’t we?

You were making goofy threads as recently as yesterday at 12:56AM.

Do MMA fighters tend to have bad form?



Okay, what’s so incredibly stupid aout that last post? I was in no way saying that MMA fighter suck at fighting. I was simply stating that since they focus on usually 3 or 4 different martial arts, they tend to have less expertise than someone who trains or specializes in only one martial art. In a mma fight or even a real street fight they would defeat the person 9 times out of 10 who only trains in one style because they don’t know how to deal with all those different phases of combat. But since they are focused on only one phase of combat, thier form might be less sloppy than someone who trains in all three. Phases of combat, in case you don’t know what i’m talking about are free-phase, clinch phase, and ground phase. And damn, nobody seems to be able to take a joke on this forum.

And when the fuck did I ever post this stupid crap? I never said anything in my history about BJJ QI.

Yes, I did at one time in my life practiced some aikido and some taekwondo. The forum does ask you to put down martial arts you have studied before. I was simply being honest. I never once said that they were great evidence of my martial prowess or that I thought of myself as a badass for training in them. I practice 2 martial arts now: muay thai and Bjj, so I guess you’re going to call me a nutrider now. Go ahead. It doesn’t matter what style I tell you that I train in because you’ll either call me a nutrider or a fantasy warrior.

At least I openly admitted defeat and that I didn’t know as much as i thought I did about jujutsu. I thought it was a very honest and humble thing to say. I still think that i have a long way to go as far as my grappling and striking skills. No one just starts of a champion, it’s kind of the way it works.